Although a consensus has been reached, the knife that should be struck still has to be struck, and it will be struck even harder.

The projected sword appeared instantly, and even pierced Kotomine Kirei's heart from behind.

"It's hard, old heart!" Shirou sighed.

The dilapidated body made Kotomine Kirei fall down instantly, but he had no heart in the first place, and his body was already filled with black mud, but he could still hold on for a while.

"It's disgusting, Emiya Shirou, you found your place in such a short period of time, I'm a little envious of you." Kotomine Kirei gasped at this moment, "Why did I stay here for more than thirty years?" Here, what you are looking for is only pleasure?"

"For the sake of your dying, let me tell you, probably some hero king led you astray." Shirou smacked his lips. Anyway, in another world, this person quite likes making mapo tofu. In this world, he really only has joy left.

But in fact, the person named Emiya Shiro was only forcibly inserted (harmoniously) into the target named partner of justice on the empty road, and even confused him for more than ten years.

Really, things are unpredictable.

If it wasn't for the fusion of the two souls, right now they are also struggling because of the partner of justice?

"Otherwise, maybe you will find your own value." Shirou raised the sword, ready to send Kirei on the road.

"Oh? Is it worth it? Like what?" Kotomine Kirei asked curiously.

He had this kind of curiosity occasionally, but it never made his heart itch like being scratched by a cat like now.

"Make mapo tofu." Shirou said seriously.

"Mapo tofu? It might be a good idea. Emiya Shiro, if I really become a chef and cook mapo tofu, can you teach me?"

"of course."

Shirou nodded without hesitation.

When he runs back, he will definitely teach Kirei of that world well——

Mapo tofu is not just spicy!

Swinging the sword down, Shirou turned and ran to Sakura.

"Look, Sakura, I'll be back soon."

Sakura regained her strength and smiled.

"Welcome back, senior."

Chapter 79 Another day of nuclear peace in Fuyuki City

The root is what all magicians dream of. For this reason, magicians can even trample on any moral ethics and any worldly laws.

What proves the existence of the root is magic, and there are five kinds in total.

Magic is a miracle, a miracle that neither technology nor magic can achieve, but it is just a by-product on the road to the root, at most it is the second prize.

Even a consolation prize for those looking for their roots.

But no matter what, magic is alluring.

A person who holds magic, which cannot be realized by magic or technology, is a magician.

And the most well-known among them is Gem Weng——


Travel across the world, the wonder of traveling in different parallel worlds.

However, there are four more types of such powerful spells.

At this moment, Rin is witnessing the birth of this miracle.

The white light shone from Illya's body, making Rin's eyes hard to open.

Heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, Rin understood that Illya had already completed the Heaven's Cup, and could draw an end to this absurd Holy Grail War.

"It's done, Shirou, did you hear that? Get us out of here!" Rin yelled.

A door is opened.

To be precise, it is replacement magic.

"We heard it." Shirou also breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over, and the rest was to deal with the holes in the sky and fulfill wishes.

The cracks on Archer's body became deeper, perhaps because he was exhausted from the battle, so after the battle, he began to collapse.

"Archer, your situation..." Shirou said with an ugly face.

With this appearance, he is not far from death, and with this appearance, even the main body in the Seat of Heroes will be affected a lot.

"Leave me alone, this is what I owe Sakura, it's just paying off the debt." Archer swaggered through the door that Anjelica opened.

"Shirou, Shirou! I succeeded! Should I be rewarded?" Illya walked up to Shirou excitedly, but after thinking about it, she still didn't jump over.

After all, she's still wearing the Heaven's Cloak, so Shirou will turn into human-shaped gold if she rushes over like this.

Kissing Illya's forehead lightly, Shirou stroked Illya's hair.

"Of course, after all, the elder brother wants to reward the younger sister." After Shirou finished speaking, Rin's expression was not quite right.

"What's the matter, Tohsaka? You look like you want to say something?"

"No, it's okay." Rin quickly denied this, but it seemed that he would soon be unable to hold back his smile.

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