As a participant, he actually wrote this stuff after the Holy Grail War ended. Shirou can only say that Kariya is really brave enough.

Are you not afraid of being exposed and getting caught?

"Weimiya, Emiya, by the way, what you told me before is that the disk is not broken, is it true? Could it be that you comforted me at the time? Although I don't have any objection to this point, but it would be better if there was one. Alright?" Shinji asked nervously.

"What's wrong? Is this thing expensive?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

"Ten thousand yen!" Shinji said immediately.

"It's so expensive!" Shirou blurted out.

Or, how about becoming a pirate dealer in the future?

Then quietly put up the name of Sikaro, anyway, he does not need to bear the responsibility of selling pirated copies, that is, Emiya Sikaro!

"There are CDs. No."

Putting your hands behind your back quietly, the projection is over.

"Hey, Emiya, I knew you had a solution." Shen Er suddenly became happy, and even took out a few more books from his schoolbag.

Data structure and analysis?

"This kind of introductory book, you must read it carefully when you go back. As the third member of our computer club, you must have a sufficient level!"

Turning the pages of the book, Shirou always felt that something was wrong.

"Wait! Didn't you order something more basic?" Shirou slapped the table and stood up.


"No wonder you can't recruit people." Shirou complained, "Your introductory books are too difficult, otherwise no one will get in because of your appearance."

"Just kidding, people who are obsessed with my appearance, I have increased the difficulty of the assessment!"

Shirou took a sip of water silently.

He finally knew why Shinji didn't have a girlfriend anymore.

This guy--

Note orphans.

Chapter 4 A Just Partner Out of Interest

The suit was torn here and there.

He tried his best, but he was almost unscathed.

Archer raised the gun in his left hand without mercy, and was about to shoot through the purple-haired woman in a suit in the next second.

Really careless.

Maybe it wasn't because of carelessness, Bazzett panted heavily, counting from the beginning of the battle, this Archer, who was unconscious but had an astonishingly high fighting instinct, had already set a trap for her, right?

The archer in front of him was extremely weird, one half of his body was dressed in red, and the other half was black.

He holds a gun in his left hand and a bow in his right hand.

But even with such a weird enemy, the attacks he made were also extremely weird.

When Bazett thought that the opponent was going to attack with a gun, he suddenly shot an arrow, followed by explosions and continuous explosions.

Looking at the bullet in front of him, Bazzett understood that even though he had a dress that could recover instantly, and even a backlight sword, it was also a treasure and useless to deal with this bullet that was actually a one-shot.

The properties of this Bullet Noble Phantasm only appeared after it was penetrated into her body, so before it was hit, her Backlight Sword could not be activated, and when it was hit, it would be pierced through the heart by Wan Jian.

Leaning directly on the ground and rolling, Bazzett was already thinking about how to escape.

A great man in the East once said: If you win, you will fight. If you can't win, you will run away.

This is the simplest truth, and it is also the most practical truth for a person like her who does not rely on strategy but relies entirely on recklessness.

The magic circle appeared immediately, and he didn't even care whether the man in front of him would shoot her to death in an instant.

Because of Archer's speed and strength, she couldn't compare to her in any point. If she wanted to escape, she couldn't run away from the opponent. Moreover, most importantly, as long as she wanted to escape, Archer would stop attacking.

Basett did not understand the reason for this strange pattern.

The magic circle began to evolve continuously.

This is the way for her to leave the imaginary space, that is, the space where the archer in front of her exists, and return to the real world.

The space Archer is in is not the real world, but an imaginary space, otherwise such powerful combat power and ferocious battles would have already ridden the surrounding environment with holes.

Without the Holy Church to clean up the situation, it might have been on TV a long time ago, and then many people discovered that there is a magician here.

The magic circle was completed quickly, and she also breathed a sigh of relief, and Archer, as usual, did not attack her at this time.

A smile suddenly appeared on Archer's face, and a small arrow suddenly appeared in his hand, aiming directly at Bazzett's shoulder.

Bazzett was shot by the arrow without even reacting, and lay on the ground, almost groaning in pain.

Looks like he's going to die?

With another move called Fantasy Collapse, she will probably be exploded from the shoulders, right?

It's ugly.

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