But the next moment, she was teleported away, and she was not left behind or blown to pieces.

Only the trees, the quiet night, and the lonely archer remained in this imaginary space.


"Sister, where are you? Come out quickly!" Shirou walked up and down the street, but basically saw no one, and few cars.

Also—if so many cars passed the Weiyuanchuan Bridge at night in this city, wouldn't that fellow Shining have already been discovered by passers-by?

The citizens of Fuyuki have a good life and rest. No matter how fierce the battle is at night, the bridge is interrupted, or the new city is burned by a fire, even if the gas tank close to you explodes, you can sleep soundly. stable.

Really, sleep deader than a pig.

Looking at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

There is a park not far away, just sit there for a while.

Thinking of this, he was inexplicably tired.

It's been three days, and my sister came to this world not knowing how long ago, what if, he meant what if, how would she survive without the ability to live?

Burning with anxiety and distraught, Shirou scratched his hair and found a seat in the park to sit on and relax.

If you are not in a good mood, you will have no patience to do things.

However, he seems to have spotted a purple-haired beauty in men's clothing, who is still a foreigner, lying on a park bench at this moment.

The suit was tattered, and although the workmanship was very good, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a lady from a famous family, but the clothes were so tattered that it would be better to say that they were beggars.

Unkempt, as if he didn't take a shower and had a lot of fights with others, and fell to the ground countless times.

Seeing this person, Shirou felt even heavier.

Maybe this person was left behind in Japan, and he didn't know Japanese or anything else, so he just wandered around like this, so his suit was so tattered.

What will become of the sister who has no ability to live now?

The more he thought about Shirou, the angrier he became.

Scratching his head again, Shirou looked at the foreigner carefully.

It seems that he has suffered a lot of injuries and may need to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

"It's so pitiful. Although I don't know any foreign languages, my English is pretty good. I've learned it from all over the world. I shouldn't have any problem communicating with you, right? Hey, are you still a magician?" Shirou murmured and found out Something is not quite right.

This person, and the magic dress?

"Sorry, are you going to sit here? I understand, I'm leaving now." Bazzett opened his eyes, stood up, and limped forward.

Although this man is a magician, Shirou still can't just leave him alone. In the final analysis, he is still a good person. To put it mildly, he is Lei Feng. Of course, he has to be brave when he meets others in need of help.

"Wait, eh? You can speak Japanese?" Shirou suddenly realized that the problem might not be what he imagined.

Too much brain supplementation is a disease.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Bazzett turned around and asked suspiciously.

"Did you survive such a serious injury from fighting with others? Well, I see, it's still a magician. Is it a battle between magicians?"

Bazzett immediately clenched his fists and put on a fighting posture: "How do you know? Are you also a magician? I'm Bazzett."

"That's right, magician? Maybe it's more appropriate to say that. Is your name Bazzett?" Shirou couldn't help but feel a little fond of the name when he heard the name. He had no choice but to help out the person Lancer said he needed to take care of. , "My name is Emiya Shiro."

"Then what's your purpose?" Bazzett asked warily.

"Be brave. Seeing magicians fighting here, of course I have to maintain order. Otherwise, what should I do if civilians are injured?"

"Why?" Bazzett asked, not quite understanding.

"Probably because I am a justice partner out of interest."

Chapter 5 Crane Wing xjb Company!

"A righteous partner out of interest?" Bazzett took a sip of the tea made by Angelica, and couldn't help sighing, "You are really a good person."

"I don't have any objection to you sending me a good person card, but what are you going to do? How did you get beaten like that?" Shirou asked curiously.

"Well..." Bazzett was a little embarrassed. After all, this matter is also confidential, so it's not good to tell outsiders casually.

"Anjelica has worked hard for you. Fortunately, you don't need to sleep much, otherwise you will be in big trouble." Shirou said to Anjelica with a smile, and gave Bazzett some time.

It is not a good thing to push others too hard.

Taking retreat as an advance is also a means.

"Where is it, it is right to do things for Master Shirou." Anjelica replied, and took out some food from the refrigerator, "Take these as supper. Please eat."

Shirou enjoyed the food with peace of mind, after all he bought it.

There is no doubt that he bought this house, and it is exactly the same as the previous world in terms of decoration and location.

Just a little expensive.

But that didn't bother Shirou.

After showing his superb skills, he successfully conquered the evil forces in Fuyuki City, the Fujimura Group, and then bought the apartment at a lower price.

I successfully bought a house and renovated it to its previous appearance.

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