In case my sister remembered the location of her home, she might be able to find her in this way if she came over.

But such a perfect plan failed.

The younger sister did not find a home.

Bazzett fell into deep thought. Secrets cannot be disclosed to people outside the Magic Association. Of course, the main reason is that you can't beat them yourself.

That being the case, if the opponent is very powerful and belongs to the Magic Association, wouldn't that be all right?

"How is your strength?" Bazzett asked hesitantly.

It is very difficult to meet a magician by chance, and to meet a magician who is much stronger than yourself.

Bazzett, the designator of the seal, every magician who can get this title is undoubtedly not the pinnacle of combat power among magicians.

Otherwise, how would they go all over the world to catch those powerful magicians designated by the seal?

To be able to meet a friendly magician by chance is already the result of true feelings in the world, and to ask someone to be strong, is it really too much to ask for?

"Very strong, don't worry, it's okay to hit you with one or ten." Anjelica replied firmly, asking such a question was simply insulting her.

How could the man who could kill her back when his body was broken until the knife started to float away, how could he not be the strongest?

"Really?" Bazett asked uncertainly, and suddenly stretched out his fist to attack Emiya Shirou.

Shirou stopped the attack with a single block, very easily.

After all, Shirou believed in sickle and hammer doctrine. Even without the protection of faith, he had at least learned the Heavenly Demon Art. The opponent's strength is really not enough. Even without projection, he could easily resolve Bazzett's attack. fist.

Moreover, it is indeed weak.

"It seems that I underestimated you." Bazzett smiled, "That's really great."

"That means, are you willing to tell me the truth?" Shirou asked curiously, "What happened?"

"Spiritual body." Bazzett said, "I'm dealing with some problems, and I'm fighting with a spiritual body. This kind of spiritual body is very powerful and can absorb the magic power of the leylines. Therefore, it has been observed by the Magic Association. I will be dispatched to deal with the problem. If you are willing to deal with it together, I can temporarily arrange a Magic Association status for you."

"It's very interesting. It's good as a flavoring agent. At least I can relax." Shirou stood up and stretched himself.

I haven't fought for a long time, and my bones are about to fall apart.

"Would you like to help me?" Bazzett asked excitedly.

"No problem at all."


A little after two o'clock in the morning, Shirou came back to the park.

"Shirou, be careful of the enemy, he is very powerful." Bazett spread out the magic circle and enveloped them.

"Oh." Shirou rubbed his chin, "I will defeat him, don't worry."

"Please don't be careless." Bazzett reminded, "It's really strong."

Shirou remained silent, anyway, it will be enough to prove it with practical actions when the time comes.

He has figured it out.

Probably a kind of spiritual body suddenly appeared, relying on the magic power of the earth veins to appear and distort the space.

This kind of behavior of extracting the magic power of the earth's veins will last for almost sixty years before the heroic spirit who maintains the strength of the servant can be summoned.

And these heroic spirits have only extracted the magic power of the earth veins for only a few months, and the magic power is not much at all. He still doesn't believe that the other party can beat him to death.

Even if the opponent is Gilgamesh, with only such a little magical power, Shirou promises to crush him to death without taking a step.

Projecting the Zhanshan Sword and another set of fantasy collapses, Fuyuki City will be blown up, okay?

The space suddenly changed suddenly, and came to the imaginary space, which is where the archer is.

Archer, who was wearing a red dress, was blindfolded and held a knife in both hands, quietly waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

"It seems a little different." Bazzett frowned.

Obviously the other party is half black and half red, but now he is wearing red clothes?

"Ah? What do you mean? Forget it, let's talk about that kind of question." Shirou bowed slightly, and a sword appeared in his hand, "Traceon!"

Holy Sword Durandal.

To be honest, this thing saves magic and effort, it won't break, and it's very easy to use.

Although he now has Illya as his backing, and his magic power is unlimited, he can't expose the fact that he and the other party actually have the same ability, so let the infinite fantasy collapse, right?

"This sword?" Bazzett said in surprise, and found that Archer had already attacked at a speed faster than before.

Shirou took a step to the left, the holy sword stretched across his body, blocking Bazzett behind him.

With a sudden slash, the stem in Archer's hand shattered Mo Xie and turned it into magic power.

Durandal is unbroken.

Archer stepped back and projected two more knives in his hand, one black and one white, and he threw it out suddenly, aiming directly at Shirou.

Three consecutive crane wings.

Shirou naturally recognizes this kind of small moves that he often uses.

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