Not to mention this, the atmosphere of the two people in front of them was extremely weird.

The younger sister——Illya, although she is only eleven years old, her aura has an absolute advantage at this time, as if she would tear her apart in the next second.

"What? Did your parents plan to do this from the beginning? Wei Gong-san, you are such a beast, you want to attack your eleven-year-old sister?" Moriyama saw Shirou's eyes changed, "Is Wei Gong-san so perverted? ?”

Shirou's face turned green, the worst situation is finally coming, if it spreads all over the school——

"Isn't that better? I didn't expect Wei Gong to be so..."

Shirou suddenly felt that the people around him were abnormal.

One is the younger sister (sister) who has always wanted to fuck her brother (brother), the one in front of her is Shaking M, and the other is a hidden Shaking S.

"Senior? Can we go?"

When Shirou turned around, he saw that it was Sakura.

And of course, Shinji.

"Let's go!" Shen Er said with a bright face, "Ah, Moriyama is here too, are you chatting with Emiya? But I'm sorry, Emiya wants to go with us now."

"Also, this is the sister you always talk about, Shirou, Illya, right? She is so cute, she feels like a little angel, and I feel like she is about to be healed!" Shinji said excitedly, "No wonder you treat your sister like Emiya. With such a strong attachment!"

Ilya's original aura suddenly dissipated, and she was stunned.

"It's still Shirou's friend who can talk, hello, I'm Ilyasviel." Ilya and Shinji reached a consensus in an instant.

"That is to say, is Shirou going to eat with you and Sakura?" Illya asked curiously, all she knew was that Shirou and Sakura were going to "meet the parents" today.

"That's right, kid Illya, do you want to come with me?" Shen Er asked enthusiastically.

"That's not necessary, anyway, I'm relieved to see that you, Sakura's brother, are here." Illya pushed her hair back and straightened her hat.

"Sure enough, do I still feel safe? Hahaha—" Shen Er laughed wantonly.

"Well, seeing you, I knew that Shirou won't be able to take down Sakura so easily. After all, there is no brother who gives away his sister to others. Goodbye!"

After speaking, Ilya jumped up and down, singing German ditties and headed home.

The petrified Shinji was left behind.

Patting Shinji's shoulder pitifully, Shirou sighed, "My condolences are changing."

Chapter 9 Emiya?very familiar last name

"Is this where you live now? It's so big?" Shirou stared blankly at the cherry tree in front of him and the extremely modern decoration.

"That's right. But to be honest, the old mansion was bigger, it was very dull and depressing, and it was gloomy like a haunted house. Uncle Kariya has a good vision." Shen Er smiled and explained, "And there are There are a lot of cherry blossom trees, and Sakura likes to sit here."

"Oh——" Shirou nodded. Indeed, the scenery here is quite good, and it is also a sea view room. No matter how you look at it, the rooms here feel a bit expensive.

At least it is much more expensive than his home.

Although his house is a small villa, but the location is relatively remote, so the price is not too high.

"Here, senior, don't be in a daze!" Sakura shook Shirou's eyes, saw Shirou's daze again, and sighed, "Senior, are you so tired today?"

Shirou scratched his head in embarrassment, obviously so, Ge Mu almost found out when he was sleeping in class today, obviously he hid it so well.

Kuzuki has sharp eyes like a killer, and can see through Shirou's disguise at a glance.

This prevented him from sleeping in class.

Besides, he couldn't find his sister yesterday, so he had a fight and it turned out like this, and he couldn't do anything about it.Take a good rest later.

As Sakura walked to the apartment, the door was made of wood, which looked like it was made of good wood.

"Your family is really rich." Shirou sighed, "Then, open the door?"

Sakura nodded, touched her pocket, and looked at Shinji with a subtle expression.

Shinji's expression became even weirder.

"Sakura, didn't you always carry the key with you before? That's why I haven't brought the key with me."

"Brother. You really—" Sakura's signature smile disappeared, making Shinji a little scared.

This expression meant that he had finished his meal today, so he didn't want to play the computer like a salted fish, but had to wash the dishes.

Otherwise, Sakura probably won't let her go.

"Just ring the doorbell?" Shirou poked the doorbell button, "You don't need to be like this, right? Sakura, don't be angry, isn't it because she didn't bring the key?"

Sakura said with some embarrassment: "No, it's mainly Uncle Kariya. He is a writer. He is actually immersed in his own world and can't extricate himself, and then he never opens the door. Brother has encountered this kind of thing several times. So every time I go out on weekends, I learn to bring the key. But it seems that I still don’t bring the key.”

Hearing this, Shirou probably understood the situation.

Emotional Kariya is still the conscience of the author world, addicted to code words every day and unable to extricate himself?

"Yes, Wei Gong, what you said is very correct, addicted to code words and can't extricate oneself." Shen Er sighed, "That's why readers praised it as a high-yielding sow."

"Pfft——" Shirou almost couldn't hold back, "That's all you said, your uncle?"

"Actually, he was quite happy to hear that." Shen Er had a strange expression on his face, "Maybe he thought it was really a compliment?"

"It seems that uncle is obsessed with writing again." Sakura also learned Shirou's language, and frowned, "Although it supports the family's source of income, this is not good."

Shen Er was a little flustered, as soon as such words were spoken, it meant that Sakura was going to take action to stop her uncle from being obsessed with writing.

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