For the Matou family, Sakura has the final say.

He didn't listen to Sakura, last time he was allowed to run thirty-nine meters first, and then he was chopped to the ground by a forty-meter machete.

The door opened suddenly, revealing a somewhat vicissitudes of face.

The years have left endless marks on his face, making people feel that there are many stories, and the white hair makes this man even older.

But with such a face, seeing Shen Er and Sakura suddenly smiled, like the sun in winter.

Not hot, but warm.

"Welcome home. Is this Sakura's classmate?" the white-haired man asked.

"Hi, my name is Emiya Shirou, Sakura's senior and Shinji's classmate." Shirou replied.

"Emiya?" Kariya was a little surprised when he heard that, then looked at Shirou softly and smiled, "Come in, please."

Entering the house, Shirou found that the place was indeed very clean and tidy, presumably it was thanks to Sakura.

"Uncle, isn't he obsessed with writing today?" Sakura asked curiously.

After all, it was unprecedented that Kariya would come to open the door.

Kariya said with some frustration: "I can't help it, I have no inspiration today, no matter how I write, I can't write what I want to write, it feels like seeing Tokiomi, which makes people irritated."

Sakura didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, so she had to put aside the topic: "Uncle Kariya, let's take senior to sit in first."

"Oh, that's right, that's right, I forgot about it." Kariya walked to the table awkwardly, and pulled out the chair, but his movements were a little messy, obviously he was not good at this kind of thing.

"Uncle, leave this kind of thing to me. Really, Uncle Kariya's right hand is obviously a prosthetic limb, so don't be so brave, just stand up obediently and wait for me." Sakura said dissatisfiedly to Kariya.

Kariya was already very used to being reprimanded by Sakura, so he had to stand, a little at a loss, until Sakura pulled the chair away, then sat down, looked at Shirou and smiled.

"Then I'll go into the room to mess around with my computer, let's talk." Shen Erfei rushed into the room, leaving the seat for Shirou and Kariya.

This made Shirou a little nervous.

Shinji, you guys sell teammates!

Swallowing and taking a deep breath, Shirou remained calm.

"Hello." This is Shirou's first time seeing his parents, and he has no experience at all—

Although it is normal for the first time, it is not normal for more times.

"Hello. His name is Shirou, right? The surname Wei Gong is very rare." Kariya thought for a while, and said after a while, "I won't say more, but I feel relieved when I hear your surname. More than half."

"Huh?" Shirou blinked.

This surname has always deducted points for him. For example, for Saber, it was—Emiya?It's a very familiar surname, but fortunately, my personality makes Saber very satisfied and worthy of being a master, otherwise I might kill myself in the next second.

There is also a certain hero king who calls him by his first name.

Although calling him by his name like this is a bit intimate, Shirou assures that it is not the reason.

Shirou thinks it is more likely that his father forcibly killed Kotomine Kirei in front of Gilgamesh.

Can this broken surname add points?Unscientific!

"Your father, I also understand that he is a very responsible person. I believe you will be responsible for what you have done."


Chapter 10 Kariya's Poisonous Chicken Soup


Cold sweat ran down Shirou's face.

For some reason, Shirou was still a little panicked at this moment.

Could it be that the other party felt that he had already done something with Sakura?

Could it be that Sakura was pregnant with his child?

To be honest, Shirou really hasn't done it yet!Although it is said that there is a high possibility of marrying Sakura and having children, but now I really haven't even touched it!

For a while, Shirou was silent. Shouldn't it be a better time to do something?Otherwise, it would be a shame to be so misunderstood and not have done anything.

But the point is not this point, the more you explain, the more accidents will happen, only changing the topic can solve the problem.

Shirou has seen many battles.

Suddenly, Shirou remembered something.

Kariya said he knew Kiritsugu?

"Are you sure you know my father?" Shirou asked with a strange expression.

"Of course I do." Kariya heard this, and picked up the manuscript he had written, "I forgot to mention, I am a novelist, and there is a character in it that is based on your father."

Facing Kariya who was so innocent and unpretentious, Shirou had nothing to say for a while, and if he had nothing to say, he would return to the original topic—in that case, he had to find a way to break through.

After exposing the Holy Grail War like this, aren't you afraid of being approached by the Magic Association?Moreover, it is still a big problem to reveal such a mysterious phenomenon.

Thinking of this, Shirou decided to warn the other party well, otherwise Sakura and Shinji's originally beautiful daily life might be destroyed.

"As you can see, I'm a magician." Shirou deliberately lowered his voice, "It's wrong for you to expose mysterious behavior."

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