Kariya waved his hand indifferently: "Oh."

"You may not believe it, but this book was actually commissioned by the Magic Association."

Originally, he wanted to build up his momentum, trying to be disgusted by Kariya, and Shirou wanted him to keep a low profile, but Kariya actually told him that this book was commissioned by the Magic Association?

Shirou's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that this world is really wonderful.

Seeing that Sakura had already walked into the kitchen, Kariya said with confidence:

"The Holy Grail War was also written in my novel ten years ago."

"The basic facts are also very similar to the settings in my novels. Since you are a magician, no, a magician, let me tell you—masters and servants all exist, but the forms of magic are in the novels. It's just been replaced."

Shirou nodded: "No wonder the so-called magic tricks I saw inside are so strange, they don't conform to normal laws at all."

Kariya nodded: "That's it."

"Then, why did the Magic Association entrust you to write this?" Shirou asked suspiciously, "Isn't it necessary for this to happen?"

Kariya showed a mysterious smile.

"I was a little flustered when I was commissioned at the beginning. I thought I was warned for something, but I didn't expect that I was asked to write the Holy Grail War. To be honest, I was a fairly good novelist at the time, Although there is some fame, it is still impossible to reach the top level, because there is no top-notch work that can be sold."

"Perhaps because of this and my eligibility for the last Holy Grail War, people from the Magic Association approached me."

"I am also very surprised why the Magic Association publicly disclosed the Holy Grail War. But the reason may not be guessed by you - the things in the novel are considered fake by everyone, and the more popular fantasy works are, the more they are so, the more wonderful, the more If it goes beyond common sense, the more unbelievable it is. Except for the junior high school students who are suffering from the second year of middle school, they may be trying hard to find out whether the servant can sign a contract with them, and [-]% of them will think this is fake!"

Having said that, Shirou felt instead——

"Do aliens really exist?"

"Your thinking is really jumping." Kariya said dumbfounded.

"However, according to this logic, it's not that they don't exist, but the Magic Association is also tracking the matter of aliens. It is basically certain that at least there are no aliens on Earth."

After hearing Kariya's explanation, Shirou felt relieved: "I will confirm with the Magic Association. Before eating, please let me rest for a while."

After speaking, Shirou relaxed and lay down on the table.

Tiredness was written on his face, and An Anxin waited for the meal to be Shirou's only choice.

"Are you tired?" Kariya asked concerned, "You look very restless, and you won't be able to sleep peacefully like this."

Shirou nodded slightly.

"I was looking for someone who is very important to me, but I just can't find it." Shirou sighed.

As if recalling the scene where he was struggling to save Sakura, Kariya couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"I just searched hard, but I couldn't find it." Shirou tilted his head and looked out of the window, the sunset was about to set, "I knew it was in this city."

"Don't worry, don't worry. You have to believe in yourself and your own luck. If you are like Shirou, everyone you meet in the process will help you, right? A partner of justice, that's it. You kind of person. God will have mercy on you."

"Impossible, partners of justice will only be condemned by God, because God is so wicked, always intentionally or unintentionally setting up barriers for partners of justice." Shirou sighed, "Give up early, maybe the result will be worse." Not bad. My dad gave up and had a wonderful family, didn't he?"

Kariya shook his head: "Has he really given up? Give up, why is he not at home every day? What do you think he will do outside?"

Shirou looked at him in surprise, he didn't expect him to know Kiritsugu so well.

"I'm also a person who was saved by him, so I still know him. Waiting is still working hard. Of course, hard work will be more fruitful, right? Especially if you find the right direction and work hard, then there will be results." .”

"Are you heading in the wrong direction? Are you trying hard?"

Shirou thought about it and nodded.

"Then, after a while, maybe the person you're looking for will appear in front of you."

After thinking about it carefully, Shirou felt that this was a bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

But at least he had to believe in his luck, with the favor of a Holy Grail behind him, he still didn't believe how bad his luck could be.

Shirou decided to drink this bowl of chicken soup. My sister must be looking for it, and it's not a success.

With a strong aroma coming out, Shirou knew that it seemed that he could eat Sakura's handicraft today.

"I made steak today. I heard from my senior that I want to eat western food, so I specially prepared the ingredients. The taste should be good, although not as good as the one made by the senior..."

As soon as Shirou smelled the fragrance, he put it in his mouth without regard for etiquette.

"It's delicious..."

Chapter 11 Finding the Lost Miyu

The moon, which can be seen occasionally, is now obscured, and the stars are difficult to see.

Lightning and thunder are a harbinger of future storms.

Thunder struck, revealing the girl's panic.

Tightly gathered the tattered coat she was wearing, but this coat could not give her warmth in the rainy night.

I couldn't find a place to live, and I spent several days eating what seemed to be barely edible rags.

Maybe I really can't hold on anymore?

If it had been raining, she would probably only catch a cold or even have a fever after being exposed to the rain without a change of clothes.

The street lamp illuminated Miyu's bleak face, making her cheeks even paler.

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