As long as lancer blocks, then it will be Shirou Emiya's victory!

But beyond Shirou's expectation, the blue spearman did not dodge or dodge, and amazing magic power erupted from his whole body.

This is definitely not the so-called release of magic power, but a pure sign before using the treasure.

There is no doubt that Mo Xie hit Lancer, making Lancer's flesh and blood fly.But the lingering lancer was still not completely defeated.

It is absolutely impossible to kill the opponent before Lancer activates the treasure. Now if Mo Xie is thrown out, Lancer will not die because of it. On the contrary, he may be killed by the opponent's treasure.

Break through the gun of death!


Shirou had seen the use of this Noble Phantasm a long time ago, when he was fighting Lancer a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the scene at that time would be repeated again now.

Seven pink petals unfolded in response, each one comparable to a city wall, and now his magic power supply is Illya, with completely unlimited magic power, which can completely make Shirou's defense stronger than the original version.

This blazing seven-layer ring can even surpass the defense of the original version, and Shirou is confident that the opponent can't break even one of them.

Lancer jumped suddenly, and used the real method of using his magic gun, that is throwing!

However, the object of the throw is not Shirou, but the one hiding far behind Shirou—Miyu!

Gouzi, you plot against me!

Shirou's face became gloomy, Bazzett probably couldn't stop such an attack, so he had to leave it to him.

Remote Edition - LawAias!

But in the face of the death-flying spear as fast as the speed of sound, Shirou's time to release the blazing seven-fold ring cannot be long, even if he is backed by Illya, who has infinite magic power.

Shirou forced to read the article quickly to barely catch up with the speed of the spear piercing through the death flight.

The ring unfolded in an instant, but just after unfolding, a part of the actual content of the shield was projected, and the spear piercing through the death flight hit the ring.

Seeing this, Bazett made a decisive decision, twisted his body, blocked Meiyu, and then moved slightly sideways, bursting out at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people.

But the power of the spear piercing the death flight is too strong - although facing the circle wear and tear, it still blew up Bazzett.

A lot of blood dripped from the arm, and the suit was also torn.

The new suit I bought with great difficulty today is broken again.

But Bazzett didn't care, but paid attention to Meiyou.

Seeing that Miyu was not injured, Bazzett was relieved.

"Miss Bazzett, your wound?" Miyu asked anxiously, pointing to Bazzett's arm.

"It's okay." Bazzett shook his head, "As long as you are not injured."

Sensing that Miyu and the others were not in danger, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, but also became more angry.

The dog in front of him turned out to be so cheap, and the gunman who only wanted to fight for fun actually took action against his sister?

Really, intolerable!

The death-piercing spear, after use, has a very large gap left for Shirou to grab.

Being forced to be in the air is a big taboo in martial arts, and the magic gun has not yet returned to Lancer's hands at this time!

People fly on two legs, not on wings, and there is no point of leverage in the air, so the trajectory can be completely predicted.

The holy sword Durandal was projected, and Shirou looked at Lancer coldly.

"The head—bring it!"

Shirou used the moves countless times, and at this time Shirou used them with ease. Even though the weapon was not the same one, the technique was the same.

A touch of black instantly appeared on Lancer's neck.

Lancer fell straight to the ground like a puppet, without a single movement.

He was already a corpse.

Lancer's spirit body is swallowed by darkness, and a card appears.

Today's task is done.

But most importantly -

"elder brother!"

Miyu rushed over and hugged Shirou tightly.

"Welcome home, Miyu."

Chapter 14 Miyu preparing for school

I don't know where I got it from, but the Fujimura group just sent the clothes that fit the size.

"Bear's pajamas, tiger's pajamas, lion's pajamas..." Shirou counted and nodded with satisfaction, so many should be enough for Miyu to wear.

Miyu hid behind Shirou, looking at the woman with golden twin tails in front of Shirou.

Seeing her, Miyu always felt that she was about to be captured and returned to her original world soon.

"Don't panic, Miyu." Shirou comforted, and then asked the Fujimura-gumi brother who brought the clothes, "By the way, I need to ask you one more thing, can you do it?"

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