The little brother looked at Shirou nervously. This person, the boss of the Fujimura group, is also very concerned. According to rumors, he has extremely powerful power. This matter seems a bit special.

Otherwise, you shouldn't have raised it so solemnly, right?

"Well, ahem, I'll leave it to you guys to entrust my sister's enrollment. Now Miyu is eleven years old, and it's time for fifth grade." Shirou calculated, "Just arrange for me to be in fifth grade, Suiqun It’s from the elementary school of the original school, so it’s convenient for me to take care of it when I go home after class.”

After wiping off the inexplicable sweat, the little brother breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just such a mess.

"There is also the issue of identity, please leave it to you, just write the name, just write Emiya Miyu."


The little brother replied bluntly.

This kind of simple little thing can not only increase the favorability, but also the difficulty is small, it is really conscientious.

He was a little thankful that he was able to do such a simple and easy job.

The one who came to deal with the matter last time was dismissed when he went back because he had a dispute with the young man in front of him about the matter of Wei Gongzhai.

Although it was said at the time that if he gave the house directly to the boy in front of him, he might be punished more severely.

That's not good for both ends.

Bazzett came out after taking a shower, wrapped in a bath towel. Although his figure was not as exaggerated as Angelica's, it was not bad.

"Here, Bazzett, can you pay attention to your image?" Shirou said while holding his forehead. Although the other party is a female man, Shirou also has a little idea, but it is too much to come out wrapped in a bath towel without paying attention up!

"Image?" Bazzett looked at Shirou suspiciously, thought for a while and picked up the bear pajamas in front of Shirou.

"Is this pajamas? It looks very good." Bazzett praised, compared, and put it on, "Can't you put it on? What's the matter?"

Now Miyu was dumbfounded: "Miss Bazzett, this is my pajamas."

"Huh? It's obviously so good. It's a pity I can't pass it on."

Of course, the pajamas that Shirou chose for Miyu at the time were of course excellent.

But these clothes are not suitable for adults, right?

Shirou looked at Bazzett's completely idiotic appearance except for fighting, and felt that her intelligence must be all focused on magic combat, and she didn't have any point on the skill of common sense at all.

After all, which adult would wear such cute pajamas?

"Shirou, are you discriminating against adults?" Bazzett revealed a terrifying dark aura. Although his face was expressionless, it always looked like he was going to kill you.

Angelica thought about it carefully and made a pot of tea: "Please use it."

"Thank you." Bazzett sat down, drank a cup of tea, and was completely distracted.

"Huh..." Shirou wiped off his sweat and heaved a sigh of relief. The momentum just now was really scary—?

Shirou's eyes were straightened, and he noticed that Bazzett's bath towel was suddenly loosened.

What the hell is this strange benefit?

After thinking about it, Shirou covered Miyu's eyes, and closed them himself.

"Bazzett, put on my clothes! Miyu is not allowed to look!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Miyu struggled, and Shirou's hand that was supposed to cover her eyes covered her nose and mouth inexplicably.

Bazzett re-tied the towel calmly, and asked suspiciously, "Shirou, why are you so surprised to see my towel fall? Angelica, do you know the reason?"

Anjelica shook her head regretfully: "I don't know either. Last time, I somehow prevented my sleep, saying that I didn't wear clothes when I slept."

"I was very puzzled at the time, isn't my body holy? Can't I let my body break free from the dirty clothes when I sleep?"

Bazzett nodded in agreement.

Shirou seemed to have something stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

Shouldn't such incomparably arrogant words be golden lines?

"Brother..." Meiyu pouted angrily, and looked at him.

"I'm not I didn't!"

Shirou quickly waved his hand in retort.

"I didn't say anything, but my brother denied it. Is this self-inflicted?" Meiyu analyzed calmly.

"Well, what isn't it? Nothing? Brother, what have you done?"

Shirou lowered his head, thinking of a way to break the situation.

The highest esoteric way to deal with younger sisters - comb your hair!

"Miyu, it's been a long time since I brushed your hair, why don't you take a shower quickly, and then I'll brush your hair?" Shirou said obsequiously.

Bazett sighed and asked Angelica: "Is this the elder brother? He is so cowardly in front of his younger sister? Mingming Shirou looks quite masculine."

Angelica thought of Julian and Erica, and then of herself and Julian.

The so-called elder sister and elder brother are probably such strange creatures.

Although Miyu was a little angry, she was still a little moved when she heard what Shirou said, so she squinted her eyes and looked at Shirou.

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