I didn't eat, I didn't have the energy to run, and then my stomach started to growl, and I was very hungry.

How about going to the nearby convenience store to buy something to eat?

"Give me a sandwich, thank you." Ilya picked up a sandwich tremblingly, her eyes were also in the shape of a sandwich.

"Three hundred yen, thank you."

the salesman replied.

Elijah's hand stopped.

She suddenly discovered a more serious problem - she didn't bring a wallet at all, and she couldn't project various currencies like Shirou, such as Franklin, Fukuzawa Yukichi, and Mao Zedong.

So angry!

Ilya lowered her head and straightened her hat. She has no money, so she should stop eating.

"Are you short of money?"

Hearing the voice, Ilya couldn't help raising her head, and saw the black-haired girl in the same school uniform as her, who looked quite cute.

The hair is stuck with hairpins, like the image of some small animal.

Meiyu thought for a while, then put three coins on the counter: "Here."

"Thank you for your patronage."

In an instant, Yi Liya felt that there is true love in the world, and there are not many such good people anymore.

Even if they are partners of justice, the living Lei Feng, Emiya Shirou will not do such a good thing of paying for others.

"Thank you, thank you!" Illya said happily.

Miyu nodded, walked out of the convenience store, looked at the street signs, and walked straight towards the school.

I was supposed to come by car today, but it would be bad if I didn't know the right direction.

It's an exaggeration to take a car to and from elementary school every day. She still prefers a more thrifty life. Walking so freely every day is the happiest thing.

Grabbing the sandwich, Illya thought about it, but still didn't catch up, after all, she was not that familiar with her.

Moreover, it is obvious that she came to buy a sandwich, which means that she can't run at all now, and she fell to the ground after running for three or two steps, exhausted.

After tearing open the package, Ilya ate the sandwich in big mouthfuls, and finished it in a few mouthfuls. Although she felt a little choked, her stomach finally felt better.

It's nice to have something to eat!

After eating, it's time to go to school!Illya's small sports car starts!

After running for three or two steps, Ilya covered her stomach.

Stomach hurts so much.

According to the TV, running after eating is easy to get appendicitis. Is this appendicitis?

Ilya's face turned green, she limped, and walked slowly, her stomach finally got better.

It looks like it's basically going to be late.

Gritting her teeth and quickening her pace, Ilya finally arrived at the school before the bell rang, her legs trembling.

Sitting on the chair and lying on the table, Ilya lost her dream like a salted fish.

I really want to sleep.

"Illya, what's wrong with you?" Meimei asked with concern.

"I got up late, and I borrowed money to buy breakfast." Illya recalled this unfortunate day, "It was too late to watch Magical Girl Madoka yesterday."

She felt that God was targeting her Ilya!

"This, that's it." Meimei asked curiously after hearing Illya's wonderful story, "Magic Girl Madoka, what is that?"

"It's a magical girl!" Illya suddenly became excited again, sweeping away her previous depression.

Looking at Ilya who was in good spirits, Meimei became curious, and when she was about to continue asking, Fujimura Taiga walked into the classroom.

"Good morning everyone!" Fujimura said vigorously, his eyes scanning the empty seats like a cat, "There are still empty seats behind Illya, which is great. A transfer student is coming today. Please come in!" "

A young girl walked into the classroom with an expressionless and cold face.

Transfer Students?

This familiar plot, and this black, straight, and cold appearance!It's you, Akami Homura!

Ilya thought so, and found out that the transfer student was the one who lent her money today.

This is really good!

"Let me introduce you." After Fujimura finished speaking, Miyu picked up the chalk and began to write on the blackboard.

The neat and beautiful characters made Fujimura feel ashamed.

"My name is Emiya Miyu."

But this time Ilya blew up.


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