Chapter 16 Miyu's first day at school

Emiya Miyu, this name is very unusual!

Quite quite abnormal!

Ilya was very keenly aware of this at this time.

The surname Wei Gong can be said to be very rare. It can even be said that one can basically confirm whose child it is after seeing this surname.

Illya has long heard that Kiritsugu once had a beautiful female subordinate who went to America about ten years ago. Could it be, could it be that Kiritsugu secretly gave birth to a child outside?

No, no!

Even if Kiritsugu did such a thing, he wouldn't be so stupid to send the child back to Japan, besides, he would arrange it in their class, right?

The surrounding students also became curious and talked a lot.

After all, Miyu bears the same surname as Shirou.

Shirou Emiya is a handsome guy who is known to everyone from elementary school to high school in Hokunhara Gakuen, and is admired by countless beautiful girls.

Even in this fifth grade class, someone secretly followed him after class.

Some of these girls are smarter, and they go directly to the high school archery club to visit, or join the club, and some even hold a telescope and watch from afar like idiots.

But this is the evil way after all, not the kingly way.

It is said that Wang Dao's school girl who entered the society has won a phased victory.

And here, is the girl named Emiya Miyu the younger sister of Emiya Shirou?

What is the relationship between her and Eliasviel?

Could it be that there is no blood relationship just the same last name?

But why didn't Eliasfier tell the fact that she actually has a younger sister or is an older sister?

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Where will the two of them go?

Please look forward to today's campus drama.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, there was no fluctuation on Illya's face.

Miyu looked at the location, walked past Illya, found the chair behind Illya and sat down.

Illya reacted very normally. Although the name Emiya Miyu gave her a great shock and gave her a very strong sense of crisis, even if there is a problem, it should not be publicized.

"Is it called Meiyou?" Ilya pretended to be mature and calm, and asked in a high-end and elegant way, "Speaking of which, thank you for the breakfast money just now, otherwise I would have come hungry."

Miyu didn't know what expression to use, so she could only continue to reply blankly: "Yeah."

But Meiyu felt a little impolite, and said, "You're welcome."

Illya wanted to say something more, but Dahe interrupted them.

"Although I know you are very interested in the new students, but now we have the class first, understand? Okay, now we are going to the math class, how is everyone's preview?"

After speaking, Dahe picked up the textbook, drew a cone on the blackboard, and marked the radius and height.

It can be said that Ilya is not very good at math problems. She is better at liberal arts, such as English and the like. She is not worried at all about language problems.

However, she is still a little bit sure about elementary school mathematics. As long as it does not involve advanced mathematics and starts to solve calculus, she will not have any pressure to find the limit.

Why don't you raise your hand now and let this Miyu whose surname is Wei Gong understand who is in charge of the Wei Gong family?

Just as Illya was worrying, Dahe had already chosen the candidate.

"Then Meiyou will do this question. Meiyou is a freshman, so I can use this to find out how your situation is."

Miyu stood up and nodded.

Going to the blackboard, the difficulty of this question is not very great. According to the quadratic integral, the volume of this thing can be easily and freehand. There is no need to use some special methods such as Gauss' theorem or other methods to solve it .

After all, she was asked to practice her hands. The design was too difficult and not very good at the beginning.

But when she was writing, Meiyou stopped, she always felt that there was something tricky about this question?

"Miyu-san, is this question too difficult for you?" Fujimura Taiga was considering whether to give her extra lessons. After all, she was Shirou's younger sister. Should she give Miyu some special treatment?

Miyu shook her head resolutely, picked up the chalk and wrote down.

Although I feel that there may be problems, but if such a simple problem is not sure, it will be too bad.

Fujimura looked at the stubborn Miyu and thought she was trying to be brave, but she was surprised by the strange things Miyu wrote later.


Generally, students only came into contact with this kind of thing in the third year of high school, and they only learned it in depth in college, but the girl in her teens just wrote down the secondary points so simply.

Although it is a very simple problem of finding the volume of a cone, it is really very difficult to use calculus to find it.

This kid, Meiyu, might be able to become the greatest mathematician of the [-]st century!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Ilya found that her knowledge reserve was really insufficient!

It was the first time that she, who was supposed to be the most exploited in elementary school, felt such a strong sense of crisis.

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