"Illya, you must win. The glory of Class 1, Grade [-] depends entirely on you!" Long Zi cheered.

"What, what!" Ilya quickly blocked Long Zi's mouth, "It's all up to me."

Looking at Meiyou, there was no fluctuation on Meiyou's face, it seems that she didn't hear it?

"Illya, do you want to compete? Who can run faster." Miyu asked.

"Eh?" Illya was a little surprised, would Miyu do such a thing?

"Um, ok, ok. But are we in a group?"

"It seems that you also have the same meaning. We are in the same team, I have seen it." Miyu said suddenly, her eyes were burning with fighting spirit, at least Illya let her compare with her radio waves, no Saying inexplicable nonsense.

Maybe a worthwhile friend?

"The third group is ready! The third group is ready!"

The third group?Illya stood up and walked onto the runway, and Miyu did the same.

After making a standard starting posture, with the firing of the command gun, the two of them jumped off like a spring in an instant.

But, Meiyou actually opened up a position?

Illya is good at running, but she is going to lose to the newcomer Miyu?

Long Zi and his younger sister looked at each other in dismay, even the other boys couldn't accept it.

Although Yi Liya is a girl, she is indeed the fastest in the class. She was almost drawn into the track and field team, but she was going to lose?

Ilya also noticed this, and was still a little nervous.

Are you going to lose?

No, there is still a way to cheat, magicā€”strengthening!

Illya walked like flying, her legs were constantly turning like wheels.

Elijah overtook it!

Stepped on the finish line!


Suddenly, Illya breathed a sigh of relief, but this victory was won by cheating with magic, and she really felt ashamed for herself.

"Illya is amazing." Miyu exclaimed, she wanted to make friends with Illya in her heart, but she was still a little embarrassed.

She learned before that if you want to make friends with girls, you need a strategy, which seems to be what the game says.

Now the favorability should not be enough for Raiders, so let's keep the current state first.

Estimated like this, Meiyu thought about whether she should add something at this time.

For example--

"The way Illya is trying to run is so cute."

Illya blushed, turned her head away, scratched her cheek, and looked at Miyu embarrassedly: "Miyu, too, so cute."

Mei You also blushed a little, and couldn't help asking: "Why don't we be friends?"

"Ah? Okay, okay." Illya replied hastily, completely forgetting her original purpose.

Meiyu was very happy, lowered her head, and said softly: "If brother finds out, he will be very happy, right?"

elder brother?

elder brother! ?

Chapter 18 Illya's Secret Observation

"Illya, do you want to go home together?" Meimei suggested.

When the school bell rang, everyone happily picked up their schoolbags and prepared to go home.

Illya shook her head, she was very concerned about Miyu, especially her brother.

The surname is Wei Gong, and there is an older brother, so is it the younger sister that Shirou said?

But Ilya still decided not to mention this matter for now, in case the other party just has the same surname as Shirou, which is really rare, it would be embarrassing.

Ilya is not good at socializing, and Ilya still wants to avoid things like embarrassment as much as possible.

However, confirmation still has to be confirmed, such as observing secretly and following behind.

"What a pity. Is there something urgent?" Meimei asked curiously, "Meiyou also left after class without looking back."

"Something is wrong." Ilya picked up her schoolbag and rushed out the door.

"Both of them seem to have a lot of things to do." Meimei said regretfully to her friends.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on. Oh, that's right! Over there in the high school, the archery club's performance is about to start, do you want to go and see it?"

Following closely behind Miyu, Illya began to play her little jiujiu.

If Miyu went to Shirou to buy the big house, it can basically be confirmed that this is Shirou's younger sister, but if not, it would be a bit mysterious.

However, Miyu was headed in the direction of high school?

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