After a little thought, Ilya still chose to follow, and many elementary school students followed. Why?

"You also came to see the performance of the Archery Department?"

"Isn't that natural?"

"You are a man."

"Why can't men watch it?"

Listening to the words of the people around her, Illya felt a little bit down, but Miyu had just entered school, how did she know that there was a performance in the archery department?


"Shinji, are you really not going to be able to participate in the Kyudo Club's performance?" Shirou said dissatisfied.

"If you can't make it, Wei Gong, you can go. I'm still thinking about how to write the code for galgame. Uncle said that FZ is almost finished, and the next one is going to be released. The next one will be a game for me. Both the character design and the story can be completed by my uncle, but I still have to write the code myself. Ah, this character design is really great." Shen Er rubbed a picture of the character design.This was cut out of the FZ novel.

Seeing Shen Er who was already in love with the paper man, Shirou patted him on the shoulder: "Shen Er, didn't you dream of changing from a dead house to a cashier?"

Shen Er glanced at his current friend: "Guna, Emiya, don't think that everyone is like you, handsome and rich, with a beautiful girlfriend, and a cute younger sister at home. Like me, Of course you want to be a dead house and a paper man in love! You will never understand my sadness, just like the day does not understand the darkness of night."

Who would believe this? ?

"Obviously, as long as you go out, it's a standard cash charge. You're also quite handsome. Apart from not having a girlfriend, which one of the conditions has not been met?"

Shen Er's words were suddenly blocked, and his face was flushed: "The dead house grows up to the present, how can it be called the present? The matter of the dead house, can it be called the present? I just have this similarity, you have to learn Look at the essence through phenomena, isn’t that what you often say?”

This guy is probably hopeless, right?

Shirou covered his face.

It is clear that I don’t want to have a girlfriend, and I think it’s too troublesome, so I learned some programming, and then I became a dead house, and now I say that the current charge of the dead house can be called a current charge?

What do the fat nerds think of this?

Seeing Shirou's gloomy face gradually, Shen Er quickly said: "Weimiya, I know you are the best, right? Righteous partner, living Lei Feng, Wei Gong Shirou! Please! Let me stay here Let’s think about how to write the program.”

Partner of justice?

Shirou was hit violently.

It's a bit embarrassing, but when this guy said this, Shirou softened his heart: "Okay, okay, then I'll..."

"No!" Sakura walked over with a displeased face, her tone was very firm, "It is because senior indulged my brother so much that my brother became the lazy one he is now. Brother, you are very lazy! You have to learn from senior Do you know how to be diligent?"

Shen Er was startled and immediately sat upright.

He is very clear that Sakura's appearance means that she must do something, what should I do, what should I do?

Eyes aimed at Shirou, issued a signal for help, and began to use blinking to convey information, three short and one long, three long and one short, one short and one long——

"Weimiya, think of a way, please, oh Negai!"

Sighing, Shirou also knows what kind of person Sakura is, if he begs for mercy at this time, wouldn't Sakura throw him into the pot to make soup?He can't do this kind of stupid thing, and the Kyudo Department's performance is so beautiful that many people want to do it, and many people want to find a girlfriend by taking advantage of the wave.

That being the case, Shirou had no choice but to die as a fellow Taoist rather than a poor Taoist.

"Sakura, you're right, it's my fault. Shen Er is so lazy, I have to take half of the responsibility. But as long as we work hard from now on to make Shen Er change, then there is still a chance."

Suddenly, a holy light emanated from Shirou's body, no, it was a great red light.

"Well, senior should be like this now."

Shen Er suddenly changed his style of painting, people turned gray, like stones.

"Weimiya, you..."

Shirou knew what Shen Er was going to say, but if Shen Er really said it, then Shen Er's galgame dream would really be shattered. You still have to hold back at this time, Shen Er!

"Don't be moved, Shinji, I understand what you mean, I will be in trouble if I do this, but we are friends! Think about it, as long as you perform, everyone will scream for your handsomeness, and then the beautiful girl I found you and said: Shen Erjun, I like you, how about it? Become, charge now!"

Then, Shirou whispered: "Forbearance is calm for a while, take a step back, don't let your galgame be thrown away by Sakura because of this impulsiveness!"

Shinji trembled and looked at Shirou in horror.

"Don't worry, as long as you participate this time, there will be no next time. How about it? By the way, I have almost finished reading the C++ introductory book, and I can start looking at the data structure next week. Maybe we will start reading it in a month. How about making a game together?"

Shen Er was moved to tears, what a good man!

Sighing, Shen Er said: "If those girls who want to join the club have Emiya's desire to learn programming, how can I need a person to program painfully. Emiya, you are really a good person!"

Holding Shen Er, Shirou sighed softly: "Who made me your friend?"

Looking at the two who had already aroused their fighting spirit, Sakura smiled lightly.

Mei Xiu reminded: "It's time, it's time to perform!"

Chapter 19 Illya's Secret Observation

The crowd was surging, and as a primary school student, Illya was a bit overwhelmed.

If this is the case, the distance from Meiyu will be getting farther and farther, and now he can barely see her figure, what will happen later?

But as a magician, Illya can still use a little trick.

Disperse the crowd!

The effect was very remarkable, and the crowd dispersed like Moses dividing the sea in an instant. The effect was so good that Illya suddenly realized that she was a legendary magician, and she accidentally used too much magic power.

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