This effect looks like it's going to make everyone leave Hokuhara Academy!

Illya lowered her head in embarrassment, and canceled the original magic.

Everyone act as if nothing happened!

So everyone looked around in confusion as if they woke up from a dream after the magic was lifted.

And everyone in the empty path where Illya is found, it is really one of the few opportunities to squeeze to the front!

"Don't squeeze me!"

The crowd rushed over all of a sudden, and Ilya was like duckweed in the tide, and now she was squeezed to the point of turning into seaweed.

At this time, a hand held her.

Illya took a closer look, yes, Miyu?

"Miyu? Thank you..."

"Stop talking at this time, come, follow me."

After finally squeezing into the front row, Illya was out of breath, wiped off her sweat, and asked curiously, "Miyu, why did you come here?"

But Meiyu ignored Illya at this time, but looked around, trying to find her brother.

"Well, Illya, do you know when the performance will officially start?" Miyu asked with a frown.

"This—I don't know either." Illya scratched her head, "Speaking of which, I didn't even know there was a performance in the Kyudo Department."

"Actually, so did I. I just heard about it later, and then I came." Meiyousi thought for a while, ready to start her own reasoning, guessing when the performance will start.

"Let's ask someone else!" Illya suggested, and then pulled the high school boy next to her.

"Big brother, when does the show start?"

The high school boy quickly replied: "Ah? Ah! It will look like ten minutes later, it's [-]:[-] now, the official start at [-]:[-]."

"Thank you!"

Miyu frowned.

"Just ask like this." Illya thought that Miyu was not good at talking, and said, "This way, you can get the answer."

"Thank you, Elijah."

Illya smiled and nodded, it seemed that this was very helpful to Miyu.

"But, this kind of thing, I can't do it."


Meiyou said seriously: "Brother, this title can only be used for one person!"

Illya is a little confused, but it makes sense. She casually calls big brother to others like this, where did she put Shirou? Sure enough, her practice in this area is not enough, she needs to learn from Miyu.

Seeing Illya's appearance, Miyu thought that Illya would think that she was very strange. If she looked like this, wouldn't she lose her favorability?The Galgame text guide at home seems to say so.So I still have to give an explanation, right?

"Because, brother is the best person in the world, bar none!"

Illya touched Miyu's hand, she was right!

"Miyu, what you said makes sense!"

The two brothers reached a consensus inexplicably at this time.

A certain string in Miyu's heart was suddenly touched.

Is this a friend?

If Meiyou remembers correctly, the definition in the dictionary is as follows:

People who interact with each other on an equal footing.Play together, talk to people close to you.

This is it, friend?

The silver-haired girl in front of her gave Miyu the impression that she could get close together and play together without barriers.

If my brother knows, he will be very happy, right?

"Hey, Miyu, you're finally smiling!" Illya said happily, "I don't think you're smiling much."

Miyu squinted her eyes and nodded, "Because, I'm very happy."

Suddenly, the surrounding crowd started screaming, mainly girls.

"Mr. Jian Tong, I like you so much! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Why are you guys shouting together, can you give birth?"

"Crazy, can't men have monkeys with Matou-kun? I will always like Matou-kun."

"Guna, Matou-kun doesn't like men!"

"Fart, he doesn't even have a girlfriend now, he must have had trouble with Wei Gong long ago, he must like boys! Maybe we can take advantage of their broken relationship to have a chance!"

"How is it possible! Wei Gong-kun likes girls!"

Seeing the topic of discussion getting worse and worse, Yoo Dong Il Sung stood up as the moderator.

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