As the president of the student council, he has a good relationship with Shirou, so he was invited here.

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet, the performance will start soon, and I, Liu Dong Yicheng, was invited by Wei Gong to be the host."

"Wow, it's Liu Dong! The one with Emiya in the BL book!"

The girls screamed again.

After hearing this, Ilya couldn't help wiping off her sweat, who the hell is this!

Is it really good for Shirou to stay in such a crappy school?Or should I transfer to another school?


The performance ended soon. After all, the performance of the Kyudo Department was mainly the work before recruiting new students, in order to attract more freshmen to join the club.

As long as it shows that the people in the department are handsome, beautiful, and professional, there is no need for extras.

"Thank you, senior." Sakura wiped Shirou's sweat.

"Sakura, I want to wipe off my sweat too!" Shen Er wailed, "Look at me working so hard, just wipe it off for me!"

"If there is no senior, my brother won't work!" Sakura said angrily, but the cloth in her hand stretched out to Shen Er's forehead, "But my brother has done something today anyway, so let's give some rewards!"

"Ah——I feel that my body and mind have been healed!" Shen Er lay on the ground and twisted.

"Wei Gong still performed so well today." Meizui sighed, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first, you guys talk slowly."

Suddenly, the door of the archery department was opened, and a petite figure suddenly appeared.

"elder brother!"

"Miyu? Didn't I just tell you to go home? Why are you still waiting for me here?" Shirou patted Miyu's head.

"Hmph, brother didn't tell me about his performance." Miyu hugged Shirou's neck, pouted.

"Huh? Well, I feel a little ashamed to tell you, haha."

"Weimiya, you have another younger sister, how lucky you are." After finishing speaking, Shen Er found Illya at the door.

"Hey, Illya, good afternoon, are you coming to Emiya's performance?"

But Illya ignored Shinji and jumped on Shirou directly.

"Shirou, if you find your sister and don't tell me, it's too much!"

Chapter 20 Turns the Strange Switch

"Don't bite anymore, don't bite anymore! Illya, stop, stop!" Shirou shook Illya who was biting his head, but Illya clung to it, and if she continued to bite like this, He is about to expand along the dotted line.

"Shirou! You didn't come back so late, so I didn't get up this morning, and I was almost late! If it wasn't for Miyu, I wouldn't even have breakfast!" Illya slowly climbed off Shirou's body, pouting.

"Illya? Well, what's the relationship between you and your brother?" Meiyu was very vigilant and keenly aware of the problem.

Hugging Shirou vigilantly, Miyu's eyes collided with Illya's for a moment.

For a moment, the turbulent waves hit the shore, startling thousands of piles of snow.

Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, the wind blows and the tide rises, as if it is an amazing battle between Dugu Qiubai and Dongfang Bubai.

Illya smiled slightly, the victory of this situation was already in her hands: "Shirou and I are brother and sister!"

"How is it possible to lie? Brother, it's my brother!"

Then Miyu saw an acquaintance.

"Miss Sakura, do you think so?"

Ying hesitated, didn't know what to say, looked at the two in embarrassment and said, "Both of you are senior's younger sisters, you should get along well, otherwise senior will be embarrassed."

"Huh?" Illya and Miyu looked at Sakura dissatisfied at the same time.

But what followed was another round of staring at each other.

Both of them looked at each other without blinking their eyes, as if whoever blinked first would lose the elder brother's ownership contest.

"Shirou and I have lived together for a long time. We have been living together since childhood!" Illya declared the right of ownership, "So, Shirou is mine!"

This is really bad for Miyu, she didn't live with Shirou until she was six years old, but so what?

The wind blew in through the door, blowing her hair a little loose.

The time for the decisive battle has come.

"You may not know one thing, Illya. My brother and I are brothers and sisters!"

Brothers and sisters!

Brothers and sisters!

This word kept echoing in Illya's ears, and it also kept echoing in the minds of Shinji, Sakura, and Shirou.

Shirou finds himself forgetting the fact that Miyu is indeed his own sister.

And no matter how you use DNA to check, it must be biological, because when Miyu made a wish to the stars at that time, as the Holy Grail, she did realize this simple wish.


This is a knowing blow!

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