Shirou pondered, it seems that this broken stick is really trustworthy?

"Are you saying that Rin is the former master?" Illya became inexplicably excited and smirked.

"Yes, yes."

Seeing something interesting, Ruby immediately offered her hospitality: "But that magical aunt is already sixteen years old, and she is so shameless that she wants to become a magical girl. Only a magical girl can be a lolita!"

"I always think your words are perverted." Ilya looked at the old whore.

Ignoring Ruby's strange speech, Illya asked curiously, "Then the question is, how can I become a magical girl?"

"As long as you sign the contract, you can become my master and become a magical girl!"

Like a salesperson, Ruby approached Ilya: "How is it? How is it? Are you moved?"

Ilya shook her head, of course she didn't agree with such a cheap one, she was moved.

But Ilya, who burst out with her little devil nature, was full of playfulness.

"Rin's words, did you abandon him?"

"of course."

"Then don't tell her I actually know her."

Shirou also nodded in agreement: "Illya is right."

The two reached a consensus inexplicably.

Ruby couldn't quite understand what the hell the two of them were planning, but as long as the other party agreed to become a magical girl, that was enough!

"Then tell me your name, master."

"Ilya, Ilyasphiel von Einzbern." Ilya held the ruby ​​tightly, and then began to transform!

A pink-based skirt suddenly appeared, gloves appeared on her hands, and her hair was tied up.

Cute to explosion!

Shirou stared blankly at Illya who had transformed into a magical girl.

so cute! Prprprprpr!

Covering his nose, Shirou felt that he was going to turn on a strange switch soon.

My younger sister is a magical girl, and she is very cute when she transforms. I can't control how many times I remember. What should I do?

Waiting online, really urgent!

After the transformation, Ilya frowned slightly looking at her clothes.

"Here, Ruby, why is this dress pink? Can it become purple?"

Ruby vetoed this opinion: "Magical girls must be cute, and pink is cute! Purple mystery is not suitable for you, Illya."

Shirou heard Illya's words, and immediately imagined Illya wearing purple clothes that looked like winter clothes.

Covering his mouth quietly, Shirou felt that he really couldn't help it.

"I'll go out first."

Ruby tutted and said, "It seems that Shirou is very interested in this. It's a pity that he ran away, otherwise maybe we can try purple?"

Illya looked at her outfit, and felt that if someone else found out, she might think she was a cosplay or watched too many magical girls, right?Feeling a little awkward.

But everything has changed, so you have to enjoy some special treatment, such as——


Flying out of the window in an instant, Illya skillfully made a flight trajectory that would piss Newton to death.

"Why are you so proficient, Illya? How many times have you flown!"

"It's just the first time."

"Sure enough, Illya is very talented as a magical girl."

After Ruby praised her, she found that a girl in red and black hair had already chased her down.

"So, Ruby, that's why you threw me out of the sky?"

Rin's eyes were full of anger, after chasing for almost an hour, she finally found this wisdom stick, and now she is going to show the majesty of the master!

But her anger subsided in a moment.

"Illya?" Rin asked in surprise.

Illya looked at Rin blankly, but her heart was full of calculations.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

Rin was stunned, and guessed: When crossing the world line, does everyone cross the line differently?

It's a little embarrassing now.

"Ahem, I'm a magician. Of course I can do this kind of tricks. Of course, maybe you can understand what the magician said better." Rin looked at Illya, got used to the rhythm immediately, stretched out his hand and said , "So, please give me back that stick, thank you."

"That's impossible, Rin, Illya is my new master now!" Ruby refused, and her wings, like wings, began to shake like hands, "And your magic aunt has expired."

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