"Huh?" Rin stared at Illya, then at Ruby.

"It seems that I need education (physics), otherwise you won't know the east, west, north, south, and north with this stick of wisdom!"

Ruby sneered: "Hmph, Miss Illya will tell you who is the master of Ruby. As for you, an expired magical girl, you should stay aside obediently. Right? Illya?"

"No!" Elijah denied.

"Tut tsk tsk, but that's not what your heart says, Ilya, right? You can try this, say something, you bastard, and then swing me down towards Rin."

Ilya followed suit and said, "You bastard!"

A powerful magic cannon suddenly erupted from the staff, and this energy was so powerful that it was completely irresistible.


But, it didn't work.

The shock wave reached Rin all at once, flying dozens of meters away.

Ruby had foreseen this result a long time ago, but did not expect the effect to be so good.

"The quantity and quality of the magic circuits are terrifyingly high, truly worthy of my master."

Author's message:

Push the Chief’s book~ The one who wrote Red A——

"My Heroic Guard Palace will kill you today"

Note: The current world "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Eyes of Heaven"

Qing Ji: "Master, let's kill that bitch Saber!"

Emiya Shiro: "No, that's my father's servent."


Qing Ji: "Master! Is it not dignified for me to go to see my father like this?"

Emiya Shiro: "I repeat, that is my father, and only my father!"


My name is Emiya Shiro, and I'm a bad guy. I thought I would win this Holy Grail War—until I summoned Kiyohime.

The current world is tentative: Fatezero - Fatestaynight (Sakura Line) - "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog" - "Magic Girl Illya" - "FGO Shinjuku Phantom Event" - "JOJO Eyes of Heaven"

Chapter 27 Triple Kill Pole Vault

Rin climbed out of the window into the Einzbern mansion in a somewhat disheveled manner.

"Rin, you are really embarrassed like this." Ruby laughed.

"Wu Lu Sai, who do you think caused me to be like this?" Rin clenched his fists tightly, as if he was going to be thrown out in the next second.

Enduring it, Rin still decided to talk about the business.

You can talk about bickering things slowly, but serious things are life-threatening.

"Illya, have you decided to become a magical girl?" Rin put her arms around her chest and looked at Illya, "This is not a good job, even in TV animation, the enemies and dangers you face Quite a few. The glamor on the surface of a magical girl is equal to the responsibility behind it, understand?"

"Well, I see, Rin! So what are we going to do?"

"Recycle the card and face an enemy similar to a familiar, but they are very powerful. If you don't pay attention, you may die at any time."

Just when Rin thought that Illya would definitely ignore her words contemptuously and then wake up after being hanged by the enemy, she found that Illya was listening seriously.

"Is it like this? I will run away quickly when I can't beat it."

"Ahem..." Rin was a little choked, "Remember to take me away, after all, I can't fly, I can't run as fast as you."

After the two finished speaking, they fell silent for a while, as if they had nothing to say.

Rin also began to observe Illya's room.

All are pink decorations that little girls like.

The walls are pale pink, the sheets are a lovely pink and there is a throw pillow.

Illya, who was the same as the little devil she knew before, felt different.

This made her more sure of her previous guess that this Illya was different from the one she knew.

So what happened to Emiya Shirou in this world?

"Do you know Wei Gong's words?" Rin asked a little nervously, although she didn't know why she felt so uneasy.

"Weimiya——" Illya knew exactly who Rin was talking about, but at this time she was playing a character who didn't know Rin, so she replied, "Are you referring to... Dad?"

"Father?" Rin froze for a moment, not quite understanding who Ilya was talking about.

"Emiya Kiritsugu." Illya read one by one.

"No, I mean Emiya Shirou." Rin squinted.

She should have guessed that Emiya Shirou would not be here, but why did she suddenly mention him?

Maybe it's because I have him in my heart?

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