Fortunately, Ai Li was well protected by him, otherwise she would only be able to become a container of the Holy Grail instead of being emptied of magic power by the Black Cup.

In the end, he blew up Mount Enzang, leveled Einzbern, and brought back Illya, and it became what it is now.

"I dreamed of Shirou, who inherited my unrealistic ideals, and continued to move forward alone, moving forward, witnessing my own end and my end. If I hadn't met you, then Haven't I already turned into that look?" Kiritsugu hugged Ari tightly, "Life is a coincidence, meeting you is my greatest luck."

Ai Li's face was a little hot, and she narrowed her eyes shyly and smiled.

"Me too."

"Speaking of which, when did we go back last time?" Allie put her hands on her lips and thought for a while, but found that she had forgotten when was the last time she went back.

"It's been more than a year, probably last year when we went home during the New Year, and then we have been busy with things here until now, and we have to deal with it for about a month before we can go back, although basically the problem has been solved." Kiritsugu replied. .

"In that case, then I'll go back first, how about it? Anyway, Kiritsugu can deal with the problem here, I'll go back and see the two of them first, if they know that Kiritsugu is coming back, they should be very happy, right?"

Kiritsugu nodded, suddenly remembered something.

What appeared in the dream was not only the boundless desolation and gears, but also the conversation with Shirou in that house under the moonlight.

It's really strange, why are things that obviously don't exist engraved in my mind?

"Eri, do you remember that Japanese-style mansion back then? It was bought during the Holy Grail War."

"I still remember that after Illya was taken over, Illya was always crying, so I had to sell it and replaced it with the current house. What's wrong?"

"Listen to me, Ai Li, go and have a look there. Anyway, we are not short of money now. Ilya also said before that she wanted to change to a bigger house. She said that such a small house would be crowded with so many people. It was very crowded. That house The mansion may not be bad, and I don’t know if it has been sold, but I remember it is the property of the painter Fujimura Lei? Ellie, next, I will leave it to you.”


Chapter 37 Kiritsugu's Great Crisis

The spring is bright and green, and in Fuyuki City, a silver car speeds past.

Fuyuki City has a magical urban legend about a young and beautiful foreign woman who loves driving, or more precisely, drag racing.

The silver car can gallop at a speed of at least [-] yards on the expressway or on an ordinary road. When facing a curve, the accelerator and the brake will drift in one go. It is a hero among drivers.

Some people once regarded her as an ordinary female driver, the kind that caused traffic accidents.Because it never slows down when turning, but accelerates instead.

But an accidental drag racing in Yuanzang Mountain made everyone fully understand that this female driver's skills are no less than theirs.

That is, the silver ghost, after launching the overtaking in a strange S-shaped curve, disappeared without a trace like a ghost. If the roaring engine sound was not still roaring in the sky, they thought they had seen a ghost.

The most frightening thing was that on the road, they also saw a silver car driving in the opposite direction, which quickly reversed and returned to the finish line like lightning.

This is half faster than the record set by the previous car god, and has become a myth in the Fuyuki drag racing world.

And this myth is galloping towards the Fujimura group.

"Ohira, I heard that Irisviel is coming over, right?" Fujimura Raika took a sip of tea, "Take her to have a look, although the house has already been sold."


Ai Li looked at the mansion in front of her with nostalgia, but also with disappointment.It's such a shame that the house has already been sold.

"Ms. Ai Li, this, this is the house of that strange man." Daping said, "About a week ago, this house was bought by that strange man."

"Huh? Why do you say he is a weirdo?" Ellie asked curiously.

"That's because, at that time, this weirdo single-handedly beat up the Fujimura group basically. When I asked him why, he said that he wanted to buy a house. Oh, yes, if I remember correctly, that person seemed to come to When I was there, I wore a hood that was willing to fight chickens."

"Will you eat chicken?" Ellie also knows that fast food brand, but she hasn't eaten it for a long time. Usually, she and Kiritsugu will eat it a few times when performing tasks. After all, it is common to eat this kind of fast food for replenishment. .But recently they are in the Middle East, unless it is the capital of a country, it is difficult to find this kind of fast food restaurant.

"Then what other characteristics does he have? Has he ever shown his true face?"

"Yes, yes. I heard from another junior in the group that he has red hair, is very easy-going, very funny, and quite handsome, although I don't know why my junior wants to follow him. I say this."

Hearing this description, Eri's first reaction was Shirou.

Red hair and handsome, what else is there to consider?

But, Shirou shouldn't have the money to buy this house, right?And Shirou has no reason to do so.

Ally dismisses this notion.

But in this way, there should be no possibility of buying this house.

The owner only bought it a week ago, so he must have just moved in, and his butt hasn't even warmed up yet, so he definitely won't feel disgusted.

In particular, these decorations are actually very good. The owner must have designed it carefully, and he is not tired of this room at all. It is really too difficult to let people leave.

"Then can you let me go in and have a look?" Ellie asked.

"This, without the owner's consent, shouldn't be allowed?" Daping said embarrassingly, "and it's illegal."

"Eh? Isn't the Fujimura group a gang organization?"

"Now we are facing a transformation, and we have done a lot less of those things in the past."

Ali was very disappointed, and found a little girl passing by, looking at them both with curious eyes, and then entered the house.

"Is that the owner's sister? She's so cute." Allie admired, and found a small head poking out of the door.

"Who are you?" Miyu asked vigilantly, although she found that the silver-haired beauty looked very similar to Illya, she still did not let down her vigilance.

"I'm Daping from the Fujimura group, and I'm just accompanying Mrs. Aili to take a look." Daping quickly explained, otherwise he would be demolished by Lei Hua if he was complained by this strange person.

"I'm Irisviel, what's your name?" Allie approached Miyu while squatting halfway, showing a kind smile.

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