"Irisviel?" Miyu didn't feel much about the word "Aili" in front of it, but isn't Svier a part of Illya's full name?So what's the relationship between the two?

"What's your last name?"


Miyu nodded, tried her best to make herself laugh, but her expression was still a little stiff.

"Hi, my name is Miyu."

"Little Miyu? What a cute name." Ari touched Miyu's head and found that the door was already open.

"Thank you." Miyu blushed.Since the other party is Illya's mother, it must be treated well.

Following Miyu into the house, Ellie looked left and right, but she didn't find the owner that Ohira described, did she go out?And it's too lonely for two people to live in such a big room.

"Miyu, are you alone in your family?"

Miyu shook her head: "There are three people in our family, Anjelica, me, and my brother. Angelica should be preparing food in the kitchen, but sometimes my brother's words come back and sometimes not."

"Well, it sounds very irresponsible, and you are away from home for three days. So who is Angelica to you?"

Now Miyu didn't know how to answer.

Does it have to be said that he was an enemy before and is now a servant?

But Angelica is not a servant, she just lives here, and her brother doesn't treat her as a servant.

"It's a bit complicated." Although Meiyou had a high IQ, she was still stumped by this kind of problem.

"Okay," Allie looked at the decoration and exclaimed, "The decoration of this room is really good, very tasteful. If it's Kiritsugu, it's probably decorated like this, right?"

"Tch, Mr. Kiritsugu?" Miyu stood up in surprise, and then realized that her movements were a little too big, so she quickly sat back.

"Kiritsugu, sir? Do you know Miyu?" Ari narrowed her eyes, and realized that this was really tricky.

"No, no, I don't know what you said, maybe it's the same name?" Meiyu laughed, but she was not good at socializing, and she was even less good at concealing her true thoughts.

Eri has thoroughly confirmed that the Kiritsugu the two of them mentioned is definitely the same person.

Unexpectedly, Kiritsugu still has some tricks outside?

Chapter 38 Illya's Nuclear Bomb Reserves Are Sufficient!

"I want to give you special training!"

"Huh?" Illya looked at Shirou in surprise.

Why is there a special training all of a sudden?

She also wanted to recharge her batteries before today's recycling task—in fact, she just lay down on the bed and slept late.

"Look at your performance yesterday." Shirou took out several photos, each of which showed the appearance of the rider fleeing in embarrassment, but in Shirou's view, it was too bad a performance.

Yes, bad.

Ilya is now equivalent to a child who has a nuclear weapon, but doesn't even know how to use the targeting device and the launching device.If the huge potential is not tapped and used, then the power is too wasted.

"Isn't this good? Rider was also beaten by me and ran around."

Shirou covered his face, and couldn't help asking: "Ah, let me make a hypothesis, if you have a servant, such as a berserker, he is strong and strong, extremely brave, and he kills a child, but he just can't hit you What do you think?"

"That's great."

"This is your situation, Illya." Shirou flipped through the photos and pointed out Illya's problem.

"Hey—" Ilya was a little unconvinced, but found that there was no place to refute.

Then we had to change the subject.

"Shirou, where did you get the photo?" Illya asked curiously.

"Because I followed you and protected you secretly, otherwise the rider's treasure would have been pointed directly at your face." Shirou touched Illya's head, "And don't change the subject for me .It is precisely because your judgment has also suffered a huge deviation that I want to train you."

"Cut..." Ilya stuck out her tongue in disappointment when she realized that she had completely failed to change the subject.

"Don't cut it, as long as the special training is completed, you can definitely become a superman of the new era."

Good, one shot, any enemy.

His future successor, the title of the nuclear bomb sword fairy, is Illya!

The humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb is about to rise from the horizon at this moment!

"Then the question is, what to do?"

Opening the training guide, Shirou read out the training method used by the superman who can eliminate all enemies in the world with one punch: "One hundred push-ups and sit-ups every day, and then ten kilometers."

"Ten kilometers?" Ilya's eyes darkened.

Although she can run very well and has a good body, it is too exaggerated for an elementary school student to run ten kilometers!In today's society, people don't run very much anymore. Many people are out of breath and exhausted after running one kilometer. How dare you ask her to run ten kilometers?

"Yes, in this way, it only takes three years to be able to - 'I became bald, but also stronger?'" Shirou read the lines in the manga, and immediately threw it into the trash can.

Just kidding, even if she doesn't become stronger, she can't make Illya bald.

What's the use of a bald Illya being stronger?Not cute at all!

Spicy chicken reference book, rolling balls.

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