Looking at Shirou's actions, Illya felt inexplicable, but at least she didn't need to run so much?

"Ahem." Shirou cleared his throat, ready to use some more ingenious methods to train Illya.

Illya's biggest problem is not firepower, which is the least of her worries.

What you need to worry about is the hit and your own dodge.

If you dodge - can magical girls fly?

"Illya, can you fly?" Shirou asked seriously.

"I don't know." Illya scratched her cheek, and a pink stick flew out of her bag.

"Of course I will! Magical girls can't fly, so what kind of magical girls are you? Magical girls carry the best fantasies of human beings, including flying into the blue sky of course!"

Illya suddenly asked excitedly: "Ruby, can magical girls fly?"

"of course!"

After a while, Ilya really flew up in the air, turning around like a bee dancing a figure-of-eight dance.

Seeing Illya flying freely in the blue sky, Shirou began to think about the next question.

"Illya, it seems that the problem of survival is basically solved, so let's train the next one!"

Shoot the target!

The most common training in the Kyudo Department is also the most basic training.

This is the training of the basic skills of archery.

After running fifty meters away, Shirou set up a lot of targets and shouted: "Illya, you will aim and shoot at these targets later, do you hear me?"

"I heard it! Feuer!"

A light beam nearly fifty centimeters thick hit Shirou's face, but Shirou was caught off guard and had no choice but to catch it with his face.

Shirou shook his head against the black smoke, and roared angrily: "I told you to shoot, shoot at the target, but didn't tell you to aim and shoot! Illya!"

Now, where is the shooting and aiming training?Simply blow up the target together!

"Then what should I do?" Ilya said in frustration, "I won't know."

Seeing Illya's positive attitude towards admitting her mistake, Shirou softened his words: "When facing the target, don't release too much magic power, try your best to aim, and simulate your magic power like an arrow, accurate It doesn’t matter if you hit the bull’s-eye and you can’t aim correctly, just practice a little more.”

Illya nodded vigorously, and began to imagine her own imagination according to Shirou's description.

First, press and hold the magic power so as not to emit it, and then aim at the target accurately.

But this process was a bit difficult. This was the first time for her, the first time she pressed the magic power like this, instead of using the magic power in an instant.

Magic is like an unsteady child, struggling hard, preventing Illya from aiming at the target with peace of mind.

But just be patient, three points and one line, three points and one line.

Ruby said in front of Illya: "Illya, I think this shooting must be very nice. Shilang-san shouldn't have any objections, right?"

"That's right." Illya finally finished aiming, "shoot!"

Shirou, who was staying next to the target, strengthened his eyesight with magic, and found that Illya was indeed training seriously, and suddenly felt relieved.

It won't explode like before, will it?

I feel that this shooting should be a good one. Is it the third ring or the fifth ring?It can't be the eighth ring, right?

Ten rings is also possible!

After all, Illya has the blood of the Emiya family, and Kiritsugu's shooting skills are absolutely incomparably precise.

"Come on, let me see, Ilya, your grades—"

There was only a bang, and an unprecedented huge flame exploded from the target.

The light suddenly exploded, and the sky was like dawn.

This reminded Shirou of an Indian poem that says: Even a thousand suns cannot compete with it.

No matter what, Shirou knew that his training plan today was just like this target——


Chapter 39 Surrounding (Beauty) Traveling and Rescuing (Ai) Li

It was about nine o'clock when Shirou returned home.

After Illya created a big crisis, it took Shirou a long time to calm down the fire caused by such a simple bunch of shots.

But fortunately, the training was conducted in the suburbs of Fuyuki City, so not many people noticed this strange phenomenon.

If someone finds out, Shirou will kindly talk to them physically.

Conducting Illya's training on the outskirts of the city is one of the few correct things Shirou has done today.

He was really out of his mind, wanting to let Illya take such an aiming and shooting, which almost took his old life away.

If it weren't for his face being thicker than the city wall, he would have been a corpse already.

"His aunt..." Shirou tremblingly took out the key and was about to open the door.

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