But inexplicably, there was a palpitation.

Is it an illusion?

Just when Shirou was doubting, Illya urged him.

"What's wrong with Shirou? Open the door quickly, I need to take a shower to catch up on my sleep." Illya rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Okay, okay." When Shirou was about to open the door and give the maids a little magic to disturb their thinking, a figure in front of him let him know that the plan was in vain.

"Mom?" Shirou opened his mouth wide. At this time, how could Ari come back!Aren't you still on honeymoon with Kiritsugu?

Yes, the honeymoon.

From Shirou's point of view, Eri and Kiritsugu running around every day must be honeymoon every day.

Otherwise, why even throw Ilya in Fuyuki City, let her and my brother depend on each other?

If it weren't for the fact that there are two maids at home, this would have become a standard template for a male protagonist in a harem in light novels—with a car and a house, and busy parents.

"Well, Shirou, you're back. Just now Sera complained to me why you haven't come back." Allie squinted her eyes and smiled, but found that Illya had already thrown herself on top of her.

"Mom, are you back?" Illya asked in a low voice, hugging Ai Li tightly.

"Hey, Illya, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Ari hugged Illya, stroking her hair.

Shirou, who stayed by the side, was inexplicably relieved.

I have done so much work and hard work, made a wish, and got a good result. That should be the best thing, right?

Illya is no longer the orphan crying alone in bed in winter nights, but a girl who is loved by her parents and can act like a baby at will, which is really great.

When Shirou felt the warmth and love in the world, Airi squinted her eyes, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Shirou, what did you do to your sister?"

? ? ? ?

There are countless question marks on Shirou's head, why is it all inexplicably on his own head?

"Illya cried as soon as she came back, and she came back with you, and her clothes were in tatters. Your brother must have done something, right?" Allie began her own reasoning, "That is to say, what did you say to Yili? Ya did something unforgivable, otherwise why would Ilya cry so sadly?"

"Eh?" Shirou found that there seemed to be no problem with this logic.

It's over, you won't really be broken by Allie, right?

Squeeze out!

"Tell me! Are you looking for a woman outside and betraying Illya?"


How did this logic come to this conclusion?

Shirou's eyes widened: "Mom, how can you insult people's innocence out of thin air?"

"What innocence? I clearly saw that Shirou was always surrounded by countless girls, and I heard that he was slapped on the face with a weighing scale for stepping on three boats."

Airi propped her face up, and lamented: "Shirou, although Kiritsugu is as popular as you, but in the end they were dealt with in time. And if you continue like this, mom will have to help you for Illya's sake."

"Help me what?" Shirou looked at Ari in a daze.

"Of course it's castrated."

Feeling the chill between his legs, Shirou clamped his legs, his face turned green.

The happiness of his life for the rest of his life cannot be ruined because of such a simple misunderstanding!

He is still innocent!I haven't done any German orthopedics or stepping on N boats!

If he did, Shirou would admit it.

A man who dares to act bravely, has done what Brother Cheng has done, and it doesn't matter if his head is beheaded next.

Even if he, Emiya Shiro, had his head broken, there would be successors.

However, he really didn't do it!

He's still a virgin, the kind who hasn't even broken his virginity.

"Just kidding." Ari made a scissors gesture, scaring Shirou, and hugged Illya tightly, "It's impossible for Shirou to make Illya cry, it seems that Illya misses her mother. "

"Yeah." Ilya nodded, "I'm so happy to see my mother come back."

Shirou on the side wiped away the sweat that was frightened by the cruel words just now.

It's really great that the wise and mighty mother didn't take action after all.

"By the way, isn't daddy coming back?" Shirou scratched his head and asked, "Illya should miss daddy too, right?"

"Hmph, I don't want to!" Ilya quickly turned her head away, "I don't want to at all."

"Oh? Really?" Ai Li was a little disappointed, "Kiritsugu originally wanted to come back after finishing the matter in a month, so I'd better call him and tell him not to come back, my daughter doesn't want to see him."

"Don't, don't, don't!" Ilya quickly interrupted Aili, and found that both of them were looking at her.

Her face turned red all of a sudden.

"I don't want to see Che, Dad, I just want him to come back and rest."

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