Oops!Really found out!

"What is Morse code?" Illya asked innocently, but she already had MMP in her heart.

How could she not know such a simple thing?

When she was raised as the Holy Grail, she was stuffed with countless knowledge.

The hard disks manufactured by people in modern times generally have a storage capacity of 1TB, but Illya's storage capacity only reaches the PB level, which is almost 1024TB storage capacity.

She is familiar with all kinds of encryption codes and encryption methods.

However, in order to conceal the truth, she had no choice but to pretend to be a fool.

After all, as Shirou said, cuteness is justice, so I have to be cute enough to pass the test with cuteness!

"Speaking of it, Illya really shouldn't understand it. It's an encryption method. What are three shorts, one long, two shorts, two longs, etc. When I was in battle, Kiritsugu and I went to perform missions. Occasionally, the eyelids are used to transmit information, in the form of Morse code."

"What are you fighting for?" Ilya caught Aili's slip of the tongue and asked.

Nice job!

Shirou evaluated in his heart.

This completely reversed the situation where the two of them were being questioned by Ai Li, and in turn forced Ai Li to conceal the fact that she and Kiritsugu were performing missions on the battlefield.

If this trick is used well, it can almost secure the victory.

"It's nothing." Ai Li immediately denied the fact that she was about to tell the battlefield, and clasped her hands together, "Ilya, it's been a long time since mom took a bath with you, how about it? Let's wash together!"

"Hmm, um!" Ilya agreed quickly after hearing this.

Shirou almost slapped himself.

Although Eri was very smart to stop asking, and instead asked Illya to take a bath with her, but this was not what Shirou wanted.

What Shirou hopes is once and for all, so that Eri will stop asking about Miyu's affairs completely, until the time is right, and then tell about Miyu's affairs.

But in this way, Ellie can bring up this topic at any time.

A sip of milk at a critical moment made Ilya lose her mind and ruined a good situation.

This is probably the mysterious power from the East, right?

"Shirou looks a bit disappointed." Airi looked at Shirou, "Or, does Shirou want to take a bath with his mother and Illya?"

Shirou: "..."

Are you kidding me!

How can there be a child who takes a bath with his sister and mother, and he is still sixteen years old!

Isn't this forced orthopedics?

However, he was a little bit——

Suddenly excited?

Chapter 41 Emilia Shiroko

The mist in the bathtub obscured the beautiful scene, and Ari poked Illya's little cheek.

The yellow duckling floating on the water touched Illya's arm.

Ilya blushed a little and squinted her eyes: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Aren't I taking a bath with you? And Illya looks so funny." Allie poked Illya's cheek excitedly.

"Fun?" Ilya stood up immediately, "What is Mom thinking of me?"

"What should I do?" Allie began to think seriously about this question, "Well, of course—"

"Mom's big toy!"

"Big toy?" Ilya felt the danger, and suddenly felt that taking a bath with her mother was an absolutely wrong decision.

My own mother is really scary.

Next time, even if I take a bath with Shirou, I won't be able to take a bath with my mother.

"Ah, it seems that Illya is very disappointed that Shirou didn't come to take a bath with her, then—Shirou!" Allie yelled loudly.

"Mom, what are you doing! Stop! Stop! I don't want to take a bath with my brother!" Ilya turned her head with a blushing face.

"Don't want to?" Ally teased Ilya, "Really don't want to?"

"Really!" Ilya's eyes were narrowed into bigger than smaller, and she protested to her mother in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I was joking too, I didn't expect Illya's reaction to be so big." Allie couldn't help laughing, "It's so fun."

Elijah: "..."

How can there be such an excessive mother!Treat your child as a toy?Such a life is really dark and dull.

Ai Li watched the expression on Ilya's face constantly changing, and basically grasped the dynamics of her daughter's heart.

Although there are some concealments, the methods are still a little immature.

She has fully discovered that Miyu actually has a lot to do with Shirou and Illya.

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