Since when?Probably after running away from that child in Meiyu's house, he realized that something was wrong, right?

Although I heard Miyu calling Mr. Kiritsugu at that time, it was very abnormal for a little girl like Miyu to know the name Kiritsugu.

Yes, not normal.

This almost made Ellie think that Kiritsugu had an illegitimate daughter outside.

However, Ally quickly realized one thing.

Kiritsugu stayed by his side before and after he was pregnant with the child, staying at the Einzbern house until the Holy Grail War started.

Shortly before the start of the Holy Grail War, Illya was born.

And Miyu looks about the same age as Illya, and Illya's words prove this point.

Therefore, if it was Kiritsugu's own, it is absolutely impossible.

Especially, those piercing eyes, and the feeling that exudes from his body, it's not like Kiritsugu at all.

This made Airi affirm after she came out that Miyu should have little to do with Kiritsugu.

Then, there is only one possibility left.

Red hair, handsome face, although I don't know where the money came from, but it must be Shirou Emiya!

Relying on a woman's intuition, Eri realized this in an instant, and if she had to talk about the derivation process, it might be Miyu's clear yellow eyes.

It was the same as the Shirou whom she and Kiritsugu saw back then.

So when she got back, she was looking for an opportunity to confirm that.

And judging from the performance of Illya and Shirou, no matter from which sentence, you can feel that the two are crazily concealing the truth-although you don't know the reason for their concealment.

This, on the contrary, made her feel a lot more relieved, Kiritsugu didn't have any affair, let alone an eleven-year-old illegitimate daughter.

"Mom, what are you thinking?" Illya soaked most of her head in the water, only exposed a pair of eyes to stare at Ai Li, then stretched out her head and said, "You don't want to play tricks on me again, do you?"

Ai Li resolutely denied this: "How is that possible? How can it be called teasing when a daughter is treated as a toy? Can mother teasing her daughter be called teasing?"

"Ah!" Ilya threw herself into Ai Li's arms dissatisfied, and hugged Ai Li tightly angrily.

Eri smiled as a mother, and gently stroked Illya's hair.

However, in retrospect, Kiritsugu also specifically told himself to go and see that Japanese-style mansion, no matter what, it was impossible to confess himself.

Even if he's looking for an affair, Kiritsugu's IQ can play him to the point where he can't find anything.

It's just that Kiritsugu didn't want to hide it.

Thinking of it this way, Ellie felt more at ease.After all, Kiritsugu's love for her and Illya was written on his face, and he wanted to tell the world that his mother and daughter were his favorite.

That is to say, Shirou is a bit pitiful, or else, let's play with Shirou as a big toy!

Shirou, who was lying on the bed with nothing to do and waiting to take a bath, couldn't help feeling a bit lonely and chilly.

Looking at the lonely stars in the sky, Shirou thought - why does he feel lonely?

Good scientific literacy told him that the light pollution of the city made the stars less visible.

The phone next to the bed suddenly lit up and vibrated twice.

Shirou recently changed his mobile phone, and it was a smartphone.

Although this is common and normal in this era, it seems strange to Shirou. This era is 2004.

The speed of technological development is completely different from other world lines.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the fate of the Emiya family has been completely changed like this?

There is also PS4, and the computer does not rely on the XP system, but has been updated to WIN10. This is really good news for Shirou.

No need to put up with the 2004 version of broken game consoles and broken phones, and broken computers.

Even if you turn on the computer, what you play is not StarCraft, but StarCraft 2.

Shirou is still very happy even if his eyesight will be damaged and he will become blind.

Opening the text message on the cell phone, Shirou found that it was a text message from Bazzett.

Still concerned about card recycling and the safety of Luvia and Rin.

After quickly typing back her 'everything is fine, he's here', Shirou threw the phone aside.

An Ninghao said another question, how can I secretly take Ilya out of the house today?

The gank from Ellie is very troublesome.

"Shirou, I'm coming in." Ellie knocked on the door.

"Please come in." Shirou said weakly, and found the women's clothing in Ari's hand.


"Shirou, I've already discovered some of your secrets, but as long as you put on women's clothes, I can pretend nothing happened." Allie laughed, "I've already figured out the name after the women's clothes for you, it's called Emilia Shiroko!"

Chapter 42 Routine and counter-routine

It is impossible for women to wear women's clothing, and it is impossible to wear women's clothing in this life!

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