Shirou swore.

"Ah?" Ellie looked at Shirou and the women's clothing in disappointment, "I obviously thought that Shirou's women's clothes would be great. If there were no women's clothes, then I would have to shake off some secrets and come out. "

"Secret?" Shirou swallowed, it seems he is still too young?

The matter of Meiyou seems to have been discovered long ago.

That's right, after all, you can tell that her surname is Emiya just by asking, and it's the house that Kiritsugu asked Ari to see. If this is the case, it must have nothing to do with Kiritsugu, and people from the Fujimura group leaked the secret, which made Ari know what The situation is gone.

But, since that's the case, he had no choice but to let Ai Li shake off these shitty things.

It's just such a little secret, it's not worth his dressing up as a woman at all!

The head can be broken and the blood can flow, women's clothing, that's impossible!

"Ah, if this is the case..." Eri threw the women's clothing aside in disappointment, took out a lot of photos, and sprinkled them on Shirou's head.

The photos slowly fell from the sky like a goddess scattering flowers.

"What are these?" Shirou picked up a photo casually, his hands trembling.

"This, this, this!"

Isn't this a picture of him taking a shower when he was little?There are photos in every style and in every pose.

If this thing is taken to school, then all the girls will definitely snatch it away, and then do some dirty things!

Shirou looked at Eri in despair, and actually took out such a terrible thing, this kind of thing is simply a foul!

"Mom, please... let me go!" Shirou's eyes were full of tears, "I'm a woman, can't I wear women's clothes?"

"Women's clothing?" Allie excitedly took out her camera, "Mom is a little excited after hearing that."

Shirou realizes that this is a trap!Send a proposition!

If he now wears women's clothes and succumbs to Ai Li's lust, it is because of these photos, then after he finishes wearing women's clothes, Ai Li will take pictures, wash them out after taking pictures, and continue to coerce him to wear women's clothes, making it even more terrifying and more The matter of breaking the bottom line, if this strange cycle continues, he will definitely be played badly!

"Stop! Stop!" Shirou said righteously, "Mom, I don't know how to wear women's clothing, so don't even think about it. Even if you coerce me, even if you give these to girls at school, so what? Huaxia A great man once said: I am not afraid of being smashed to pieces, and I want to stay innocent in the world. Even if I die and be nailed in a coffin, I will not wear women's clothes!"

"Eh? I didn't say that I would hand it over to the school girl. Mom is not like that." Ellie crossed her hips a little angrily, "Shirou, you are completely slandering me."

Hearing this, Shirou calmed down a bit.

In other words, at least you won't dress up as a woman because of this?

"I will only show it to Illya. I won't give it to other girls, and they haven't helped me. It's better to show it to Illya. Illya should like it."


Shirou found that this problem seemed to be more serious than that for girls in the school.

Shirou immediately sat up straight and took a standard posture.

"I'm begging you! Squeeze it out, oh, you should! Don't do this!"

"Okay, okay." Allie put away the photo, with a disappointed expression on her face, "I thought Shirou would like it."

After finding a chair and sitting down, Allie asked seriously:

"By the way, Shirou, I always feel that you and Illya are hiding something from me."

"Is there?" Shirou began to pretend to be stupid and became stunned.

"As soon as I got back to the house, I smelled a strong smell of magic power."

"What is magic?" Shirou continued to pretend that he didn't know anything, and then pretended to ask excitedly, "Could it be that all the magic on TV is real?"

Allie's eyes suddenly sharpened, like knives.

"Oh? Shirou, don't lie to me. Mom thought she had made a mistake at first, and thought she had a stronger relationship with Illya, but when you two got home, I found out that both of you are related to this This matter has a lot to do with it. Although Kiritsugu and I don't want you to enter that world, but since you have entered, I have to protect you."

It seems that there is no way to hide it.

Allie's words have been very clear and clear, and there must be sufficient evidence.

Shirou sighed: "Mom, you are really sharp."

"Haha, Shirou, you were tricked by me, so it really is like this!"

Shirou: "..."

Are they all tricks?

Shirou held his head and lowered his head.

I am still too young!

It turned out to be a cliché!

Ellie was still smiling presumptuously, laughing until tears flowed out.

Shirou lowered his head even more, without saying a word.

He is so stupid!In the ancient oriental country opposite, there was a man with extraordinary wisdom and a long lifespan who once said: Only those who make a fortune with a silent voice are those who fall and roar.

As long as he doesn't speak, he basically won't be tricked. It's okay to keep playing stupid, but he chose the stupidest way.

"Shirou, to be honest, I really didn't expect you to be tricked like this." Allie wiped her tears, but the smile on the corner of her mouth still couldn't hold back.

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