It's not just a day or two for them to quarrel like this.According to people familiar with the matter, it is likely that Rin has been arguing with Luvia since she went to the Clock Tower.

It's still arguing until now.

It is impossible to stop, it is impossible to stop and quarrel with Luvia in this life, right?

"Hey, Illya, do you think it's my brother who knocked the enemy to death?" Miyu analyzed the current situation.

"Ah? No way? That idiot Shirou! After training for so long tonight, it looks like he's going to return in vain?" Illya said unwillingly.

"Training?" Miyu was keenly aware of this distinctive vocabulary, is it a special training for Illya?

It's really not reconciled that I didn't enjoy this kind of preferential treatment!

"Hmph, Luvia, wait for me, today's card will definitely not belong to you, Luvia, but to me, Rin Tosaka!" Rin said confidently.

"Hey, don't use children as bargaining chips!" Illya protested solemnly.

"Oh ho ho, did you see that, Tohsaka Rin, look at you, what do you think of a child? What do you think of a magical girl? As a bargaining chip for a card? It's so shameful, even Illya is right You're complaining."


"I think what Illya said is right, and sister Luvia is too. Please don't associate this with the dispute between the two of you about our recycling of cards."

Rin showed a mysterious smile: "See? Miyu is also very dissatisfied with you."

Ruby sighed: "You guys are always making noise like this, it's really helpless, isn't it, Sapphire?"

Sapphire calmly affirmed Ruby's statement, but then seriously observed the surroundings.

"Sister, did you find out? The situation around here is very wrong."

"Needless to say, I also know that the enemy has disappeared. This situation is very strange." Ruby analyzed, "Generally speaking, the enemy will only come out after we come in. Those servants are actually equivalent to a program." Ordinary things will respond to our invasion, in this case..."


Meiyou quickly reminded.

At this moment, a missile of at least A-level magic directly hit Rin and Luvia who were still wrestling.

But they have already experienced many battles, and this little trick is nothing at all.

Although they are magicians, in fact, melee combat is their real attack!

Leaping back nimbly, Rin raised his head and found the enemy in the air.

That is caster, the magician of the age of gods, Medea.

Shirou on the bridge ate a big chicken chop and watched the show.

This is much more enjoyable than watching any action movie. Of course, the most important thing is that the participants are Illya, Miyu and the others. The battles that cute elementary school students participate in can certainly drive the entire rhythm and atmosphere.

"The command of the military adviser, the advice of the military adviser." Shirou pretended to add BUFF, danced and danced, and ate a big chicken chop and drank Coke, "Wonderful, hit her, hit her!"

"To be honest, I don't quite understand it." Sakura said embarrassedly, "I'm not very good at fighting, and I don't quite understand the situation. Can you explain it to me, senior? I want to learn too. The ability to protect yourself."

"Yes, yes." Ellie catered, in fact, she wanted to know how Shirou was fighting in this way.

A person's level can be best understood through a person's words.

While drinking Coke calmly, Shirou pretended to analyze it.

It's okay for him to read it, but if it's a commentary, his level is not that good enough.

Forget it, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, pretend to be a very powerful senior in front of Sakura!

"Right now, the situation is not optimistic about the caster. Although the caster is a very good magician, the magician Medea from the Age of Gods, who is she facing? Illya and Miyu, the magical girl, with love A cute elementary school student who can conquer all enemies with his cuteness." Shirou finished speaking high-spiritedly, and found the strange eyes of Eri and Sakura.

"Ahem, let's get back to the topic. But although Illya and Miyu are very capable, the enemy is a magician with A-level magic at hand, wait a minute, come here, face Gang. Look-"

The magic reflection interface, as the name suggests, is the interface that reflects magic. At this time, it is densely unfolded, and the target is directed at Illya and Miyu.

Originally, Illya and Miyu could form a double-team in the air, but Miyu can't fly.

"Illya, I'll give you some support shots on the ground. Before you can get close to the caster, you will fly forward—" Meiyou said, and found that Illya had already started aiming at the caster.

This trick was trained hard with Shirou today.

This move almost shot Shirou through.If it can't hurt the caster, the harm to Shirou before is not worth it.

"Take it, caster, this is my Feuer!"

Shirou explained: "Caster advances and retreats, caster advances and retreats in a dilemma. Illya is firing shells, shelling! Do you see? Illya's strength, this is the power that Illya can display, I will ask you Not fierce? Illya got rid of her face! How did you lose?"

Listening to Shirou's nonsense, Eri didn't realize what Shirou's strength was.

At this moment, the caster suddenly disappeared and moved to the ground, and an A-level magic was thrown at Rin and the others.

Rin and Luvia were blasted almost ten meters away.

Shirou was silent.

There's no way to explain this game.

Chapter 45 The Spear of Death Thorn Stabbed to Death!

There was a roll in the air, and Rin and Luvia fell to the ground at the same time, and adjusted their postures.Although the target of the magic just now was them, they protected themselves very well.This kind of operation is simply commonplace in the battle between them.

Taking out the jewel, Rin didn't feel any pain at all.The matter of money can be settled by Emiya Shirou at that time.To paraphrase a famous saying - a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem!

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