However, facing the caster, the power of gem magic is really too strong.

Gem magic, which is equivalent to A-level magic, relies entirely on the rarity of gems to achieve such power, but Caster's magic is different. Not only is it powerful, but it is also rubbed out casually.

A magician from the Age of Gods, after all, a magician from the Age of Gods.

However, gems can not only be used to throw out and explode, but can also - strengthen the body!

"Strengthen!" The gem in Rin's hand melted like a crystal that had reached its melting point, and melted into Rin's hand.

At this moment, like a firefly, her hand emitted a faint green fluorescent light.

Since you can't use magic to defeat the enemy, then you have to rely on other advantages to fight!

Following the appearance of a small hole on the floor, the target was aimed straight at the caster like an arrow.


Caster hurriedly tried to avoid Rin's punch, turned his head to the side, and even interrupted the magic he was about to release.

However, the fist aimed at Caster's head was only a feint, and her real target was Caster's abdomen!

Caster's abdomen was obviously sunken by Rin's punch, and the pain controlled Caster, making her unable to move at all.

Rin's punch did not knock the caster away, because this method is the least powerful.

Soccer players lose most of the force when they fall by rolling a few more laps.In the same way, if the enemy is continuously knocked into the air during the battle, the enemy will actually suffer much less damage than it appears.

Not only that, the stupidity of knocking the enemy into the air is that you can't completely control the situation in your own hands.

Facing the caster, Rin's close combat advantage is obviously great, within a radius of three meters, it is her absolute domain.In this case, she will never give up this perfect rhythm.

At this time, the right hand resting on Caster's shoulder was indeed just a feint attack, but it was able to revitalize her entire attack rhythm!

Turning his fist into a palm, his right hand attacked Caster's back and Caster's left arm.

Rin's arms immediately hugged Caster's waist tightly like iron pincers, and launched his final attack.

Bend back at the waist, Caster's whole body was lifted up.

Fall back!

But Rin didn't feel the feeling that should have been in his hand at all, and the person in his hand disappeared!

Caster has moved away!

"Did you see? That guy Tohsaka's combat skills are quite skilled, especially many of his judgments are very accurate, but it is quite a pity that the caster used teleport in time for the last attack just now, that is, transfer, otherwise he will die It's settled. Caster's move is quite quintessential." Shirou explained.

"So, senior, what are their chances of winning? I feel that if the caster is transferred away like this, the situation will suddenly become difficult." Sakura asked.

"That's right, Shirou, why don't you play in person?" Allie encouraged without any concealment.

"Reject. They obviously have more advantages than the sky." Shirou sees the tricks, and resolutely prevents Ellie from discovering his true strength. As long as they don't encounter danger, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"How should I say it?" Sakura leaned over like a curious baby, and inadvertently took a bite of the chicken chop.

"Look, although Illya's hit rate is relatively low, her attack power is high. Look, if Illya goes to bombard the caster in the sky, the caster has to come down to save her life, right? What I'm going to face is Who? It's Tohsaka and Luvia. Do you know? That guy from Tohsaka is the incarnation of the devil's muscles. If Luvia can be compared with her, it means that both of them have high combat effectiveness. You can kill the caster in a single battle."

"Eh? What about Miyu? I don't think the attack power is very high. Will it become a weak point?"

Shirou took a sip of Coca-Cola, this question is simply too simple.

"You're wrong, Sakura." Shirou shook his finger, "To defeat the enemy in battle requires not only IQ, but also strength, but to protect oneself, strength is negligible. Miyu's self-protection is enough. And of course, Miyu's strength It’s not too strong, but as long as it can take out enough protection to penetrate the opponent and destroy the enemy, it’s enough.”

Then, Shirou murmured: "Anyway, as long as the stabbing gun is used by someone with high luck, it is still a sharp weapon, right? Right, Gouzi?"

Caster's movements in the air were completely contained.

Where the sky is, where Illya's shelling is pointing.

The astonishingly powerful shelling forced Caster to use the ground as the main battlefield, and always kept a relatively long distance from Rin and Luvia.

It takes at least ten meters to be able to barely resist the offensive of the two, and use the advantage of magic to launch an attack.

But it is not a good way to delay like this, their physical strength will soon be unable to keep up.

"Miyu, do you have any good ideas?" Illya panted heavily.

Continuous shooting is also a lot of pressure for her.

"Well, I've already thought of it." Miyu nodded and took out a card.

"Illya, please, continue to bring down the caster from the sky in the same way as before, I can't fly, so I can only rely on you to force the caster to the ground, and I'm the only one here who hasn't made a move yet. It will definitely reduce my awareness of prevention."

Illya nodded and continued to suppress the caster with firepower.

She quietly approached Rin and Luvia, keeping a distance of about ten meters. This is also where the caster usually moves. As long as the caster locks the target on her, she will be able to defeat the opponent.

Even if she was a little farther away, she was sure to launch a fatal attack on Caster.

"Include (limit expansion)."

The card turned into a red magic gun, which was held tightly by Miyu. What she pursued was - one hit kills.

A figure suddenly appeared behind Meiyu, intending to sneak attack her.

This made Miyu couldn't help showing a faint smile.

To stab someone with an ordinary gun, the gunman must face the enemy and stab out.

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