"Yes, I have something for you to do."

"Understood, what's the matter?"

"Thank you for your hard work, I will tell you later. Now I have to rush back to Fuyuki."

"Okay, I see. Just a quick question—"


"No, nothing."

The phone was hung up quickly, and the conversation between the two was always so concise and clear.

If it's just about fighting, the compatibility between the two is even better than that of him and Ai Li, and it can be explained clearly in just a few words.

"Che, Mr. Kiritsugu, you, are you leaving?"

"That's right, that's it."

Kiritsugu simply packed his things, and the air ticket has already been booked, so he will return to Fuyuki as soon as possible.

Emiya, the word, can describe only two people.

The only ones alive now with this surname are Emiya Kiritsugu and Emiya Shirou.

The person in the dream is definitely not him, he is better at using a gun even if he wants to kill others.He had never used a weapon like a bow, let alone a knife.

There is only one emiya referring to, and that is Emiya Shiro.

But how could Shirou become like that?He tried his best not to influence Shirou, he was afraid that Shirou would become like him, so he was always outside and let Shirou grow by himself.So, who is the protagonist in the dream?Who is it?


When you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you.

"are you awake?"

Archer opened his eyes, and saw the woman in front of him who was completely made up of desire, exuding an aura that completely surpassed hormones and made everyone crazy about it.

No matter what kind of desire, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, no matter what kind of existence, as long as there is rationality, it will almost be affected by her.

"Weimiya—Kiritsugu, do you know him?"

At this moment, Archer recalled the first scene he remembered, which was a scene he would never forget.

In the sea of ​​flames, under the rubble, he was buried, and that man kept digging for something.

Finally, he was discovered by that man, and that happy look was forever imprinted in his mind.

Even feel a little jealous.

Tears were about to come out of my eyes, and as soon as I found someone who was still alive, I slapped the face of the man who was happy from the bottom of my heart.

One of the two people who will never forget even if everything is forgotten.

Archer nodded: "He should have died a long time ago?"

"He's still alive."

Archer's pupils constricted, startled, still alive?Still—alive?

This is 2004, right?That Kiritsugu is still alive, does it mean that in this world, the Holy Grail War has not developed according to the original track?

"Looks like you know him."

"How do you know him?" Archer asked hastily.

"Through you. He dreamed of you, so I saw him too."

Archer nodded and remained silent until the woman in front of him asked again:

"How does he compare with you?"

"I am his inferior imitation, a fake." Archer said slowly, "He is much scarier than me. According to what I learned later, in various senses, he is much scarier."


The woman in front of her became excited, and her face couldn't help turning rosy.

"It seems that he is very dangerous, so it seems that I can only think about it in the long run."

"Are you afraid?"

"Yes, I'm afraid. So I have to prepare well."

Archer retorted her: "If you can't do it, you can't beat him either."

"I've changed my mind. I'm going to deal with him first, and then destroy you completely. Emiya, surrender to me completely, surrender to happiness!"

Chapter 60 King Hassan's Assassination Method

Shirou couldn't help but want to cover his face with Alaya, who was already exhausted after playing with his back for a whole day.

What fool did I do to agree to take Alaya out for a day, and I had to carry her back.

"Shirou, who is that behind you?" Saber asked.

"Keep your voice down, put her in the room. She is Alaya, you should know that, right? She is our key protection target now." Shirou scratched his head helplessly, "But we also have a lot of people here, It shouldn't be that difficult to protect, right? By the way, where's the teacher?"

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