"You mean the man on the mountain?" Saber pointed outside, "He has already left and said he has something to do, but he wants you to find him."

"You want me to find him?" Shirou scratched his cheek, if Wang Hassan wanted to hide, how could Shirou find him?

But in an instant, Shirou understood what he meant.

Since it's obvious that he can't find Wang Hassan, and he has to find it himself, does it mean that as long as he looks for it, Wang Hassan will appear in front of him?

Is there anything to say to him?

The importance of the matter suddenly increased a lot in Shirou's mind.

After saying hello, Shirou hurried out.

"What's the rush? I'm in a panic."

A deep voice came, making Shirou suddenly turn around.

Sure enough, he was standing there, an interstellar player who was almost invisible to such a big person?Sure enough, he is a standard Han Zong player.

No, maybe the existence in front of me has the ability to be ignored.When he doesn't want to hide, few people can find him.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I can see that you have a lot of doubts. Just ask, and I will answer you. Your peaceful leisure time is completely gone, and the answers I can give you can be regarded as compensation." Wang Hassan said A faint blue light glowed from the skull.

"Ah? Compensation?" Shirou was stunned for a moment, "You mean to answer my questions? Can all questions be accepted?"

"Yes, all. But I will only answer you a few, and I will pick and choose.

——My disciple, there are some things you must know. "

Shirou stared at Wang Hassan's skull mask. After a while, he gritted his teeth and asked a question that he thought he would never ask in this life.

"Teacher—why did you help me when I was in that world."

The dim light in the skull suddenly faded away, making Shirou think he asked a stupid question.

"It doesn't matter, you should know. The matter is of great importance and must be investigated. It is my entrustment from someone who exists on the same level as my lord. But accepting him as a disciple is my decision."

"You mean someone wants to help me?" Shirou asked suspiciously, and Wang Hassan patted his shoulder.

A blue light radiated from Shirou's body, and quickly enveloped Shirou's body.

"This is?"

"Blessing. It is equivalent to the blessing given to me by our Lord, and it is also the evidence of that existence."

Speaking of this, Shirou suddenly remembered that when he was surrounded by black shadows, those black magic powers quickly turned into pure magic power that he could use.

Is this what blessing refers to?

"Are there any doubts?"

"Hmm—" Shirou was thinking hard about what questions he wanted to ask. There were many questions he wanted to ask, but there were very few questions that Wang Hassan could answer.

And even if you ask, it's not worth it if you don't get the answer you want.

"So, what is killing the root?"

Shirou picked a question that had been puzzling him while talking with Alaya.In his opinion, the root cause should not have the concept of death, let alone killing.Does that mean the sentence itself is wrong?

But regardless of whether this sentence is wrong or not, if it is to erase the root cause, how is it done?

"I asked another question that has nothing to do with the current situation. Hmph—"

Although judging from the words, it seemed to be blaming, but Shirou felt that it was not that simple. Was Wang Hassan humming, laughing?

"My disciple, what do you think is the master?"

After hearing this, Shirou felt that this was obviously a proposition of Taoism.

It is obviously a considerable crime in the other party's belief to assign things to the Lord. I am afraid that he will be beheaded by the teacher before he finishes his sentence?

"Don't be nervous, the Lord will not punish you if you answer wrong." Wang Hassan saw Shirou's nervousness and comforted him.

But, teacher, you will!

Shirou also broke the jar, and answered bravely: "The omniscient and omnipotent, like the truth, exists?"

"That's right, the understanding is almost there. You should have heard of the razor principle, right?"

Shirou was stunned, why did he talk about science so abruptly?But he still gave the answer quickly:

"Don't multiply entities unless necessary."

"That's right. To give a simple example, the world is divided into the outer side and the inner side. The outer side can completely know everything on the inner side. What we can understand and what we can't understand can be known."

Shirou nodded, this is the root cause.Everything flows from it, be it magic, magic or science.

"But being on the inside, how do you know whether there is an outside presence?"

"Magic, magic all flow from the outside." Shirou blurted out, "This is the proof of the existence of the root."

Wang Hassan nodded.

"What if the magic magic never came out of it?"

Shirou frowned: "How can it be proved?"

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