"I think it's pretty good!" Chloe said as it should be, "Hmph, Illya is a big sister, and a big sister wants to protect her little sister. In that case, what are a few pens worth?"

"Damn it!" Illya screamed, lowered her head, and lay down on the table.

Miyu thought for a while, took out a few pens, and handed them to Illya.

"Illya, take it, I still have a few more, although they are my last art pens."

"Miyu!" Ilya took the colored pencil handed over by Meiyu contentedly, with tears in her eyes.

"Hey!" Xiao Hei was inexplicably jealous, and secretly took a few colored pens from Ilya.

"Hey, Xiao Hei! You took my pen again! You must take it!"

"Where is it?" Chloe pretended to be stupid, pointing out the window and said, "Someone is watching us!"

"you're lying!"

"I'm just here—as if someone really is there." Chloe blinked and found a large target.

Her good mother, the good mother who sealed her.

The next battle can only be completely handed over to her. Illya and Miyu are likely to block her, and the most important obstacle is even her favorite brother.

But she's already figured out a plan.

At this time, Shirou who was in the tree patted his head and found that he had completely forgotten that Chloe still had some special feelings for his mother.

According to Chloe, Ari sealed her personality when Illya was born in this world line, so she fell asleep until Illya used the archer card. Liya's cup of heaven to manifest the body.

So Chloe will definitely find trouble with Ally?

A united alliance front was formed immediately.

Shirou smiled, very mysteriously, facing Xiao Hei, so she should be able to see it, right?

But Xiao Hei in the classroom ran out of the classroom without looking back, and the bell rang.

Shirou's smile gradually stiffened, and the shield in his left hand almost fell off.

His breath masking EX hasn't been released yet, right?

How could Chloe find out that he was actually on the same front as her?

And as long as the state of breath shielding is lifted, the three-person peeping team below him will find him!

Or take out your phone?

Shirou patted his head and found that this is the most convenient way, just take out his mobile phone and make a call, isn't it all right?

Then Shirou was silent, because he remembered that he didn't give Kuro a mobile phone, and he didn't give Miyu Illya a mobile phone either.

Looks like it's time to give them each a mobile phone?

Chapter 65

Xiao Hei ran violently, and ran into a dark corner where no one was around.Looking around, I feel that no one should be able to see her, and my mother should not be able to find her now. Although she is alert, she should be more surprised by her appearance, right?

The school uniform suddenly disappeared, replaced by a black wallet that only covered some key parts of the body and a red holy shroud on his body.

The double knives also appeared in the hands, and Chloe had already finished her preparations and was about to surprise her mother.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, you even picked up the knife, I'm afraid you really want to chop your mother off?"

Xiao Hei hurriedly took two steps back, looking in front of him in horror, but saw nothing.

With a muffled sound, a black shield was thrown aside, and a figure gradually appeared in front of her eyes.With red hair and a high school coat, that handsome face is clearly Emiya Shirou.

"Brother?" Xiao Hei lowered his head in frustration, struggling, "Are you here to stop me?"

"You even raised the knife, if I don't stop you, who will stop you?" Shirou leaned against the wall with a delicate expression, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, with the other hand on his waist, "You will never really Are you going to kill your mother?"

"This, this..." Chloe knew that this problem was very serious, so she hurriedly talked about him, using the cheapest excuses to avoid the problem, "Today, the weather is very good, haha, haha."

"The weather is nice, but don't avoid my questions. But more importantly, don't avoid your heart." Shirou touched Xiao Hei's head, and it felt really good.

Whether it's Illya's, Miyu's, or Chloe's head, it's very comfortable to touch.What a privilege to be an older brother!

Xiao Hei lowered her head, pouted her mouth, don't hide from her heart, if she can do it, she doesn't need to be like this now.

Raising her head, Chloe said with some tears: "Then what should I do, brother? I don't know what to do either? I'm struggling with what emotion I should have for her, how should I treat her, I thought living with my brother would give me some time to think, but when I saw her, I was distraught again."

Looking at Chloe who couldn't hold back her tears and clenched her fists, Shirou hugged her.

"Good~ good~" Shirou hugged her and gently stroked the back of her head, "Then let's confirm one thing first, do you really want to kill her?"

"Hmm—" Xiao Hei was a little confused. After all, he was sealed by Ai Li, and in a sense, he killed her.If Illya does not know the Cup of Heaven, it is almost impossible for her to appear. The most likely thing is to be sealed forever and never come out, watching Illya's life from the perspective of a bystander.

So, the idea of ​​killing people is not absent in Xiao Hei's heart.

"Don't you really have such an idea?" Shirou sighed, "Xiao Hei, I have to tell you, mom chose the only happy end, except for this choice, all are bad end."

"Since you know that Illya has the third method, do you know where it came from?"

Xiao Hei nodded: "I probably know."

She read some of Illya's memory fragments and understood some things, but she didn't know much, she only knew that it was realized with the Holy Grail.

"Illya in that world was not happy at all. Mother became the Holy Grail, and Kiritsugu couldn't find her until she died. Hehe, if I didn't find a good way, and I didn't successfully implement my plan , maybe she will live another two or three years."

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