Shirou looked at Chloe, the shocked expression let Shirou understand that his rhetoric had some effect.

"But now she can live a happy life, and you are living happily now, isn't it good for everyone?"

Chloe lowered her head, as if resigned to her fate.

What my brother said was absolutely right. This is indeed a good result, but I just need to suffer some grievances.

Xiao Hei's performance made Shirou understand that his statement had achieved the effect, and it was enough to appease his emotions.But what did he find that seemed to be missing?

what is it then?

correct!Didn't he come here to form a united front with Xiao Hei?Why did you become Aili's lobbyist instead! ?

If this is the case, let mother suffer a little bit so that Xiao Hei can gain emotional stability.

Ally!Accept the punishment of Kuro and Shirou!

"Xiao Hei, I know, you must still feel unhappy, right? This is inevitable. For the so-called happyend, everyone is happy, but you were sacrificed. No one will be happy about this." Shirou Patted her on the shoulder.

"Then, do you want to come with me and give mother a little trouble?"

"Trouble?" Xiao Hei looked at Shirou puzzled, and then a slingshot was stuffed in his hand.

"It's Jiangzi Jiangzi..." Shirou began to explain.

After hearing this, Xiao Hei smiled, and wiped away the previous tears: "Brother, you are still on my side."

"Of course, brother must stand on my sister's side." Shirou chuckled, "especially when facing an unscrupulous mother."


Ai Li held her cheeks and looked at the desk in the classroom that was still empty even if the bell rang for class, but she still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Why is this happening?How could there be two Illya?

If she wasn't so familiar with Ilya, she would definitely see the two as one, or twins.

But she understood that she did not give birth to two children at that time, and the girl who looked exactly like Illya had a slightly darker complexion.

Of course you can't see it unless you look carefully.

"Ms. Irisviel, did you really not give birth to twins?" Luvia asked suspiciously.She didn't know about Xiao Hei, let alone that Heroic Spirit was also summoned.

"Of course, I must have only given birth to Illya." Ari confirmed, "Well, Rin Tohsaka, do you know what's going on?"

"Well..." Rin was about to say something when something bounced off his face.

It's a threat - isn't it?

"I don't know, Illya didn't tell me. After all, I'm just a person who assists Illya in using rubies." Rin said something against her will, and while the two of them were not paying attention, she looked at what had just been played. note.

'Big Brother is watching you. '

Covering his face, Rin thought to himself: Sure enough, is that so?

Shirou and Kuro, who were hiding behind the shield, were sitting leisurely, picking up their slingshots and preparing to deal with Eri.

A small stone was projected, pointing at Ai Li's shoulder, which was obviously not fatal.


Chapter 66 My dad can't break my dog ​​legs!

The truck suddenly accelerated and hit the wall.

The sudden discharge of the substation caused insufficient power supply in the community.

Is this a distortion of human nature, or a moral decline?

Rin doesn't know, what she knows is that this must be a good thing done by someone surnamed Wei Gong!

The problem is she still dare not speak.

So angry!So angry!

As long as you open your mouth, you will definitely be warned by someone Muay Thai, ah no, a slingshot.Every time she aimed accurately, every time she hit her on the nose, no matter where she was, in what posture, no matter how fast she ran, as long as she wanted to expose information, it would always hit her on the nose.

Rin finally understands why Emiya has the adaptability of the archer class. With this characteristic of hitting every shot, he is also an archer!

But Rin is still very puzzled. Although Wei Gong is the chief general of the archery department, why can the slingshot be aimed so accurately?

"Rin Tohsaka, I'm tired of lifting, I'll replace you!" Luvia ran, panting heavily, and threw Irisviel on Rin's head.

"Okay, okay, I'll just lift for five minutes, and I'll change to you next!"

"Ah, ah, Rin and Luvia are really good people." Ellie put her hands on her cheeks, and smiled without any tension, "I decided to give you more rewards."

"Ah, Shero's mother! There is absolutely no need for this. We are just helping out as a voluntary help, and fatigue is only inevitable." Luvia replied quickly, dragging Rin into the water, and had to agree she.

"Yes, yes, Ms. Irisviel. We are just lending a helping hand to those in need." Rin said with a feeling of distress. Her gems were almost used up, and she used them just now. I bought three or four gems to strengthen my body, allowing myself to run faster than, faster than a creature called a reporter.

The hashtag appeared on the forehead, and Rin felt that it was bearable or unbearable!

Even Wei Gong can't treat her like this!She wants to let Emiya Shirou see her own strength.

Immediately stopped, braked the car, Rin stood tall, heroic.

This made Luvia feel emotional: "I didn't expect Rin Tohsaka, you have such awareness."

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