Holding gemstones in both hands, Luvia is not going to run away anymore.It is useless to run away.It is better to stop and die than to run and live.

Then Tohsaka Rin knelt down with both legs, raised his head and chest, put his hands together on his lap, and was in a sitting posture.

Then lean forward on the ground with your hands in the figure of eight.

Standard soil seat.

"We were wrong, we were wrong, we were wrong! We shouldn't be peeping. Isn't it okay not to be peeping?"

"Huh?" Luvia almost lost her footing and cursed, "Rin Tohsaka, I thought you were a man, but you are so useless."

"Although I've been nicknamed Devil Muscle Rin, I'm still a woman!" Rin retorted, and then quickly muttered, "We shouldn't be peeping, we're wrong!"

Luvia cursed angrily, and almost didn't make a move.

"Go away, you are not worthy to fight side by side with me! I thought you were a courageous person. Although sometimes you were forced to let go of your dignity because of poverty, but this time you completely surrendered to power. Tohsaka Rin, you You are not worthy to be a master's disciple!"

Rin twitched her lips.

If she didn't know how powerful the enemy is, she wouldn't be so humble.

And even though this seemed humble, it also made the other party helpless, especially since she had revealed something in her words——

The one who attacked them was the person they were spying on!

"Where is it so sacred? Why are you sneaking around? Is it a weak person who doesn't even have the glory of a magician? Only dare to use such a lowly method?"

It's really stupid for Rin to think that he overestimated Luvia's IQ.

Her words are already so obvious, isn't it enough?

"Who the hell is it? Illya, or Miyu?" Luvia nervously looked around, deeply understanding that if it was Illya, she would be able to hit GG just by firing at them casually. .

"Or E—"

A slingshot hit Luvia's mouth accurately, causing Luvia's brain to tremble suddenly, and even emitted blue smoke, she fell back and collapsed to the ground.

"Lu, Luvia, what's wrong with you?" Rin supported the fallen Luvia, sniffed it, and it turned out to be mustard?

How cruel, Emiya!

Unexpectedly, actually poisoned in the shit!

Rin was heartbroken, and understood that Luvia's heart was like a mirror, and she knew who the enemy was. She wrongly blamed Luvia!

Now, her bad friend has died a heroic sacrifice. Rin stood up in grief, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Nippon Fuyuki, Japan Fuyuki, the Muramasa Forge has closed down! Boss Wei Gong eats, drinks, whores and gambles, and owes three hundred and fifty One billion, ran away with Illya!

We have no way, no way!Holding a knife to pay wages, the original price of [-] million, [-] million, [-] million blades, all half price, all half price!Shirou Emiya, you are not human!I have worked so hard to wait for you for a week, without paying wages, I will pay back my hard-earned money! "

What surprised Rin was that Wei Gong didn't interrupt her with a slingshot immediately.

Did you take the wrong medicine, or did your conscience discover it?

"Tohsaka Rin, explain to me clearly! Where did my forge close down? It's only been a week, why have I waited so hard! Explain to me clearly! It depends on you to sell my knife, Tell me clearly!"

Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Rin understood that his aggressive method seemed to have worked.


"Hey, you not only ran away eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but also chased us down! You are even more insane!"

"I don't eat, drink, prostitute or gamble!" Shirou quickly denied.

"Oh? Then you are going to run away with Illya?"

Shirou was stunned, as if there was nothing wrong?

"Ah, ah, Illya is really going to run away with Shirou." Airi pressed her lips and looked at Kuro suspiciously, "Ah, Kiritsugu will be very sad to hear that."

"No, no!" Shirou shook his head quickly, he didn't want to have his leg broken!

"My good mother, it seems that you have finally found me?" Chloe took out a pair of knives at this time, looked at Ai Li, but always felt that her eyes were a little sore.

"Huh? Ilya? Mom has been here all along. I've found you a long time ago, but it's not that Ilya. It's another one? No matter what, it's okay, let's give mom a hug first?"

Ai Li opened her hands, facing Xiao Hei.

Seeing Ai Li so calmly, Xiao Hei hesitated for a while, then rushed over.Tears fell like rain.

Scratching his head, Shirou realized that he seemed to have accomplished his mission.Xiao Hei vented his anger anyway, probably satisfied?And more importantly, Chloe will be able to live the life she wants anyway, so that she can calm down after the anger.

"Be good, be good." Allie hugged Xiao Hei.


What a warm and harmonious scene.Shirou nodded in relief and prepared to leave...

"Stop, Shirou, you planned this incident, right?"

"Ah? No, it's me, it's me!" Xiao Hei hurriedly helped Shirou.

"Ah, I know, Shirou actually asked his sister to help him block the gun." Airi smiled and looked at Shirou.

"Yes, so what?" Shirou wiped his cold sweat.

"I will call Kiritsugu back, the reason, um, the reason is, Shirou is going to elope with Illya, how about it?"

After hearing this reason, Kiritsugu is afraid that he wants to break his dog's leg?

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