Chapter 67 The Mysterious Nun

Under the fiery sunset, a man and a woman were walking on the road.

Unlike the infinitely good sunset that is about to set, they have just begun their own story.

"Mom was using magic. It looked like a clock thing was thrown at me on the head. Luckily I ran fast, or I would have been hit. I was chased by her for ten blocks. Really, mother Is it reasonable to come to peep? Why did the domestic violence suddenly happen?"

"So, senior has been taught by his aunt for a long time, right? It's still one-sided." Sakura concluded, revealing the hidden meaning of Shirou's words just now.

Sakura covered her mouth and chuckled, carrying her schoolbag and walking slowly.

Walking like this with her senior, living an ordinary life with a little bit of unusualness, it was her happiest time.

"Don't expose me. Save some face for me, senior, right?" Shirou was a little embarrassed, "Illya and the others also said that they didn't save me at all. I was counting on Sakura to comfort me. "

"Huh? Senior doesn't need to be comforted, right? Because senior is always the strongest one. It has always been, and the heart is unwavering."

"This is a matter of a special period, it has nothing to do with now! Now, it should be Wang who cried out, and then Sakura hugged me and comforted me, right?" Shirou was still making movements, like the one on TV. Acts like a comedian.

"Hmph, that's not true! Senior should be the one who comforts me at all times! The weak words like senior's are of course what my brother does every day!"

"Ah? Does Shinji live like this every day?" Shirou twitched the corners of his mouth, "The one who cries all day? Then something like that? It's really Heisei."

But it's true, that guy Shen Er is like this, his mood is up and down, and just a little thing can make his mood fluctuate, which is as interesting as a trigonometric function.

Living like this is also very interesting, at least it can be regarded as being completely immersed in one's own world and enjoying one's own happiness.

"By the way, senior. Thank you for the elder brother's matter. He seems to have returned to normal. But it seems that he told me to draw something, right?" Sakura frowned in embarrassment, and was a little shy. "Want me, draw some, weird..."

Shirou's face sank, and he suddenly realized a serious problem.

What kind of age-oriented galgame is Shinji going to do?Wouldn't it be the Eighteenth Ban?

"I have to say in advance that H is not allowed."

"Ah? Ah? Ex-senior, do you know?" Sakura's face turned redder, her words trembling, "Woo, this, uh..."

"Anyway, it's fine if Sakura doesn't draw this kind of painting. What's wrong with showing the whole age!" Shirou paused and said in a low voice, "Anyway, I don't know how to write, and I don't have any experience. Could it be that I wrote something like a vise? Is it?"

"Tai, what?" Sakura was disturbed by Shirou, but became interested in Shirou's whispered words behind him.

If you want to cover up something, you can't just block other people's mouths.

Instead, we need to change the topic. The so-called blocking is worse than sparse, which is the truth.

Shirou deeply understands, therefore, he will never fool Sakura.Besides, Shirou knows a lot about the story of emotional breakdown due to deception.

But the topic of transfer must be essence.Even if it is blunt, it must make the other party very interested, so that it doesn't feel blunt at all.

"Hey, Sakura, let's measure your weight and see how the weight loss method I introduced to you last time is going."

When Shirou said this, Sakura began to get nervous: "So, is this really good? It's only two days, can't it be reduced? If it doesn't work..."

Shirou patted Sakura on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's my business to worry about the effect. You just need to exercise and measure your weight. If the effect is not good, I will improve it. However, I have to say, no matter what, Sakura Not fat, seniors like it."

Ying blushed, nodded, and neatly popped out of her head, and her head was almost buried in her chest.

Shirou smiled slightly, and the plan succeeded.

The next step is the projection, jumping the initial pointer of the scale to minus two catties, so that Sakura can feel the obvious weight loss effect again.

Ninety-five catties.

This is, what a terrible word.

This is, what a bad word.

This is, what a fat vocabulary!

Sakura's face was pale, recalling how she was only forty-six kilograms a week ago, a total of ninety-two catties, she burst into tears.

"Wait, wait, I haven't adjusted it yet." Shirou hurriedly adjusted it, and it became ninety-one catties, "This is right."

Sakura was a little surprised, not knowing what happened, she left the scale and glanced casually.

Negative two catties?

Shirou knelt down, ready to take it back, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Sakura, don't you think you've lost weight?"

"Wait." Sakura also squatted down, pressing down on the weighing scale.

This made Shirou sweat a lot on his forehead.

"It's two catties, senior."

"Huh? Huh?"

"It's two catties."

"Yes, isn't it?" Shirou smiled awkwardly for a while——

Sakura took the scale and chased after Shirou.

"Domestic violence is on the scene! Domestic violence is on the scene!" Shirou lamented.

"Senior, shut up! We're not married yet!" Sakura blushed and chased Shirou, waving the scale from time to time.

"Isn't it a matter of time?"

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