Relying on the fact that this is a grass field, Kiritsugu completely concealed the sound of the bullet landing, and his own position completely disappeared.

In the dark night, although the enemy could not be seen, Kiritsugu was very sure that he would not be discovered by the enemy.

But at this time, he found that he had also lost the position of the enemy.

What is the origin of the enemy?Unable to fully grasp the enemy's position!

"Hmph..." In the dark night, a voice came, and the street lights were suddenly turned on.

To Kiritsugu's surprise, an African appeared in his eyes, no, maybe he was much darker than an African, his skin was like black paint applied to a person's body, it was pure black.

As long as it is in the dark, Kiritsugu promises that absolutely no one will be able to find him.

But what does it mean to show up like this?

"Aren't you going to come out?" The man with completely black skin smiled while holding a gun that seemed to be inlaid with blades. "Or, you dare not come out?"

In the dark night, the sound completely disappeared, and even the cicadas that would sing on weekdays completely disappeared. There were no fireflies, only the occasional flashing street lamps, and the moon occasionally revealing a beam of light from the clouds.

Going out is definitely not a rational choice, and the magician killer, although it is a killer aimed at magicians, is essentially a killer.

It is not a normal strategy for a killer to confront the opponent head-on.

Although Emiya Kiritsugu said he has the confidence to fight head-on, no matter whether he is facing the King of Conquerors Iskandar or the King of Heroes Gilgamesh, Emiya Kiritsugu has never tried to fight head-on. This enemy is different.

And even if he hides in the dark, Emiya Kiritsugu is still not sure of winning with the opponent.

Faint uneasiness surrounds him, he only feels familiar, extremely familiar, the aura of the enemy is very familiar, to the point where he can't be more familiar, and he will never win.

what is that?



Emiya Kiritsugu finally understood the reason for his lack of self-confidence.

He has long been melted by the comfortable days and the warmth of his family, leaving only his soft heart.How could it be possible to win against an enemy whose body is like steel?

Emiya Kiritsugu took a deep breath, but he stood up.

Anyone can lose, but he doesn't want to lose to his past self.That is not right, that is wrong, that will not lead to good results.

Although he saved others, he would definitely be injured and completely destroyed, like a machine, even more machine than a machine.

Mechanics can break, but he won't like this.

"Did you finally stand up?" the black figure said casually, and the weapon disappeared, as if he didn't care.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Kiritsugu clenched his gun tightly and faced the person in front of him without letting go.

"Ah? By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. It's normal if you don't know me." The image of the black man suddenly remembered, and said very troublesomely, "But, I also forgot my name. , who am I? Why do I want to come? Ah? I forgot, I forgot. Just call me—”

"No name."

Chapter 73 Kiritsugu vs Black A

"Hahaha..." Wuming laughed wildly, unabashedly, presumptuously, as if he didn't consider the other party to be his enemy at all, and didn't take any precautions at all.

But Kiritsugu really didn't intend to do anything.

That laugh hurt his heart.

A smile should be the joy from the heart, the joy from the heart after you are satisfied and after you get some treasure.Even Kotomine Kirei who had no emotion and was killed by himself in the end, his smile was filled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

Emiya Kiritsugu is a very delicate man, for any laughter, for any cry, his heartstrings will be touched, and he will feel the mood of others.

Joy for the joy of others and sorrow for the sorrow of others.

But the laughter wasn't joy at all, it was a disguise.Emiya Kiritsugu didn't understand what this man who lost his name was hiding, he only knew that this man was even more miserable than himself.

The person who lost everything, lost everything, even his name, lived his life like a machine.Nothing belongs to oneself, neither does the smile and joy belong to oneself.

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't intend to expose the other party, and to expose this point might annoy him, right?This is not a wise decision.

"Why did you attack me for no reason?" Kiritsugu looked around at those weird fragments, and asked again, "What are these?"

After asking, Kiritsugu couldn't help laughing at himself, thinking that he was indeed a lot weaker, since he chose his family.If it was him in the past, he would have hidden himself and fought against the enemy round after round without hesitation, right?

The required information can be found from the corpse, and the conversation and other information at this moment are unnecessary.

But he just wanted to have a dialogue with the "former self" in front of him, dreaming that this way he could change the man who lost his name.

Wu Ming did not explain the reason for attacking Kiritsugu, but casually pointed to the "biological fragments" around him.

"Ah, this one, it's just a test product, a test product called the Demon God Pillar. Use this to test my current strength."

And the implications of this are subtle.

Solomon's seventy-two demon pillars are known to anyone in the magic world, and even ordinary people have rarely heard of them.

But this kind of existence was easily defeated by this man, without any fatigue or boredom.

Kiritsugu's evaluation of the enemy in his heart has risen a lot.

"It's just a pity, this thing hasn't been used at all, and it broke after I tried it. Or was it broken by that woman long ago?" Wuming sighed, "But you seem to be better than this." The Demon God Pillar is more durable, so it’s not bad for me to practice the spear.”

"So, are you using me to practice your gun?" Kiritsugu replaced the bullets calmly.

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