There are several types of Kiritsugu's bullets. Although ordinary enchanted bullets have some power, they are mainly used to kill ordinary magicians.The second type is bullets similar to armor-piercing bullets, which are designed to fight against enemies with strong protection.The third type is the bullet of time, attaching time magic to it, but at the cost of consuming one's own time and lifespan.

For the sake of his family, he already cherishes his life very much, but time is still passing by, making his body a little bit dying.Today, he appears to be using the bullet again.

The last one is the origin bomb, to be honest, Kiritsugu really doesn't want to use this stuff.

If ordinary people use it, it is often used to deal with magicians. It can cut off the magic circuit that the magician is using, and then connect it back indiscriminately, making it a dead end.This is a terrible enemy for countless magicians.

But this usage is not correct.

There are other uses for the Origin Bullet, but it consumes much more time than the Time Bullet.

"Practice with a gun? It's also very good, but the reason that woman asked me to come is you. You just happen to be very suitable for practice with a gun. That's all." Wu Ming picked up the gun casually, but the speed suddenly increased.

The gun pointed at Emiya Kiritsugu.

The battle begins.

Kiritsugu also raised his gun, but aimed not at the enemy, but at himself.

Time bomb!

In Wuming's eyes, Emiya Kiritsugu only left an afterimage, and the rest disappeared.This surprised him - unable to see the enemy's position?

Kiritsugu, who was hiding, felt that time was passing by.

Although the bullet of time can accelerate him, the time elapsed during the acceleration process is not only his own fast time, but also more time to be converted into magic power, so that he can maintain this accelerated state.

But this state cannot be maintained for too long, as long as the time you enter is longer, your own time will be consumed faster.It must be done quickly!

Armor-piercing rounds, load them!

Wu Ming didn't expect the direction of the attack to be so weird, and twisted his body forcibly.

He didn't release the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring that he was very familiar with.His intuition told him that even this Noble Phantasm could hardly withstand Emiya Kiritsugu's bullet.

Cut, miss.

Kiritsugu immediately retracted the bullet, hesitated a little, and took out a bullet from his bosom that was similar in appearance to the other bullets, but completely different in essence.

Origin bomb.

It's not just cutting off and reconnecting the magus's magic circuit, but it's also effective against enemies as good as a Servant.

This is also the guarantee that he dares to face up to the followers, at least he can retreat unscathed.

Blossoming is a move that compresses the enemy's time and improves one's own time.But if there is no hit, it will consume a lot of your time.At the same time, the magic circuit will be greatly overloaded.

In other words, absorb a lot of time from others, and completely stop the hit person for a full five seconds.

In five seconds, no matter how strong the defense is, Emiya Kiritsugu can guarantee to kill the enemy with the bullet of time.

The enemy's time suddenly flew and flowed to Kiritsugu, which meant that the origin bullet hit the enemy.

It took effect.

All that's left is - kill the enemy!

The bullet was loaded quickly, but Kiritsugu hesitated inexplicably.

really good?Kill him?

The momentary thought was immediately dispelled by him, and after only [-] seconds passed, Kiritsugu fired his own bullet.

But, miss?

In just a second, the other party broke free?


A death-like voice sounded from behind Kiritsugu, and he tried his best to avoid it, but in exchange for a large scratch on his back.

Yes, hesitated.

After hesitating for a moment, he broke free.

He should have thought that this kind of enemy could not be trapped for five seconds, one second would be fine.

The loading speed can also be faster, and most importantly, there should be no hesitation at that time.

The warmth of his family has really worn him down. Even if life is not comfortable, he has regressed too much.

But he doesn't regret it, and it's not time to admit defeat, the battle has just begun!

Author's message:

I added some settings myself, so I can barely regard it as the version of Kiritsugu who is the father of rampage.In addition, this version of Kiritsugu's experience in the Fourth World War, if I have time, I will write a side story.

Well, there is another question, do you want to watch FA, or Xia Zongguo?

Chapter 74 What should I do if my father catches me in bed?

"By the way, Saber, you don't look good, do you? Is our posture not right?" Shirou said coyly.

"Huh? What's the matter? I don't think it's anything wrong? And Shirou, you have to change the name you call me. I used to call me Saber to hide my real name because of the Holy Grail War. You should change the name now, right?" Artoria said without looking sideways, as if nothing happened.

But Shirou felt that this posture was not OK.

Not OK at all!

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