What should the object be like?Are you using Sakura as a template, or what?

Anyway, at least not a primary school student.


Shirou grabbed his hair, what was his mother thinking!This kind of usual talking and laughing is all right!How did it become a real thought!

Shaking his head, Shirou continued his thoughts.

First of all, the chest should be bigger, and then the expression can be different, and the legs must be awesome, the kind that can be played for a year.

The clothes may be a bit strange, with things like horns on the head, and Buddha sand on the forehead, which belong to the color (harmony) system in the ascetic system, looking at her pink stockings and high heels with a charming face...

This way the image comes to life.

Is there something wrong?

Shirou blinked, and looked at the person in front of him, which was exactly the same as the one he had imagined just now.

In other words, the brain supplement I just made was not brain supplement, but the person in front of me.

Shirou fell into deep thought for 1s, then lifted his pants, but was stopped by the woman in front of him.

"Can you let me take your essence?" After finishing speaking, the woman licked her tongue.

"No, get out!"

Chapter 78 Shit, You, Saseiin!

Looking at the woman in front of him, Shirou felt that it was not good not to say a word, after all, he was so enthusiastic, right?

But what is stopping him from wearing pants!

It's a good thing he didn't take off his underwear, otherwise, wouldn't the little brother be caught by her?

"Ahem, this lady..."


"Gu, girl. Cough cough, girl, give my dick a break." Shirou said with a smile, tightening his pants, but the woman in front of him didn't let go.

This made Shirou very embarrassed.

"It can't be done. There is no holiday today, and you can't have a holiday anywhere." Kiara Kiara showed a charming smile, "Everything about you is mine."

"Everything..." Shirou thought for a while, ready to bargain, "Is it okay to have less?"

"No, not at all." Sesseiin rejected Shirou's proposal.

"Then half it?" Shirou suggested again.

"Of course it won't work." Kiara Shaseiin smiled lightly and shook his head, sliding his hand upwards.

"Hey..." Shirou sighed, "If that's the case, then I can't help it."

"It seems that you are going to dedicate everything to me?" Kiara's eyes flashed a scorn, he did not expect to succumb to his desire so soon.

It's disappointing that a man with the same surname Emiya showed completely different qualities.

At this moment, she found that when she loosened her hand, the weight was gone.

Only one pair of pants left?

Shirou clutched his crotch and ran quickly, turning his head while running to see if the strange woman had caught up.

Damn dick!How come people these days are more perverted than one.

I ran over and told you everything about you is mine.

Although Shirou admits that he is a bit of a scumbag, he occasionally dreams of opening a harem. When holding Sakura, the younger sisters on the left and right are fighting for him, and Saber is eating, and then Rin is still laughing with gems on the side. Shirou still thought about the scene where Luvia took the child and Angelica was cooking like a child.

But suddenly a person rushed out and grabbed you, little brother, and said that everything about you is mine now.

Damn, you're insane!

If it wasn't for his good looks and feeling that he couldn't beat him, Shirou would have passed with a single blow.They wouldn't just turn around and leave their pants to the other party like they are doing now.

God knows if this kind of guy who doesn't know if he is sick or not will sniff his pants with a (harmonious) look on his face, and then do something!

While Shirou was running, he suddenly realized that the woman appeared again.

Right in front of you!

I saw Shirou projecting a pair of pants calmly, and then put them on.

"Ah, why are you putting it on? Wouldn't it be better to just take it off?" Kiara covered his mouth with a chuckle, "Or do you want me to take it off for you?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Seshoin suddenly became interested, and made a move that was completely beyond his expectations. Is it really that Emiya?

"Ahem, this lesbian, please don't speak such rogue language, I am the successor of socialism, and I will not be confused by you." Shirou said righteously.

"Ah? But this is not the country on the other side. How can you be the successor of socialism?" Sesseiin looked at Shirou with interest.

Shirou thought for a while: "That's not easy? If Japan becomes a socialist country first, wouldn't I also be a successor to socialism?"

"Then let me build socialism with Japanese characteristics with you?" Seshoin stepped forward, his eyes not concealing his desire at all.

Shirou gritted his teeth, why is this person so difficult!

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