He would rather go back and update [-] words a day, no, [-] words will do!He would rather be like this, and he would not be entangled here by this person!

Shinji!Can't I not delay the update?

Wake up from this dream!My dick is on vacation!

"I also promote stable and sustained economic growth..." Shirou sighed. It seems that the battle is inevitable?

"It doesn't seem to be affected by me at all?" Saiseiin Kiara sighed, "As expected, it's very interesting."

"You brought me here without saying a word, and you didn't even tell me your name. It's too rude, and you're still talking to yourself." Shirou used words to delay time, but his eyes There is absolutely no way to defeat the enemy.

Absolutely not.

Even if it is Wang Hassan, Shirou can still find a chance, but that kind of chance is not only slim, but also the way to let the teacher and himself die together, Shirou was beaten like that by him.

But this person has no flaws.

No, you can't say that, but standing there, although it looks like it's full of flaws, Shirou just can't kill her.

"Ah? That's really rude." Kiara Kiara chuckled and stepped forward, but Shirou stepped back calmly.

After repeating this two or three times, Seshoin covered his face with a hurt look on his face: "Ah——Emiya, are you going to break my heart like this? Don't you want to get close to me? Ah——really, it's so pleasing !"

Shirou was a little confused.

This person, shaking M?

This is another tax evader!

"Well, it seems that if I don't tell you my name, you won't allow me to approach you..."

Shirou interrupted: "Even if you tell me your name, I won't let you approach me."

"Ah!" The face of Killing Academy suddenly turned red, as if something was about to happen.

After panting for a while, Seshoin finally revealed his true identity: "Kiara, Sesshoin, you probably haven't heard of it, right? As for this—"

Sensing Shirou's eyes, Seshoin laughed: "It's our love nest! The hole of heaven! (Hea, ven's Hole)"

Shirou blinked.

"Who is with your love nest, guna!"

"Ah——Emiya is really, that's too much."

Scratching his head, Shirou thought for a while, and was too embarrassed to say that the other party was a good person, and then refused.

The other party doesn't seem to be a good person either.

Or hack it to death?

Shirou always had a feeling that this guy had something to do with that black archer, or that it was the culprit that caused him to become like this.

That would be even more hacked to death!

It just doesn't look like it can beat it.

Is it better to be cowardly?Anyway, the opposite side is also quite beautiful.

After thinking about it again, Shirou gave up this good wish.

Even if she admits to being cowardly, this woman will definitely try her best to squeeze him dry, and then turn him into a bamboo pole.

Shirou wants to speak but stops, Shirou stops talking and then wants, Shirou wants to talk again.

Seeing Seshoin Kiara's inexplicably anxious expression, Shirou suddenly gained some confidence, could he win this round?Can he fight back?

He recalled that he was still an envoy of justice, for the sake of justice, he could even use unscrupulous means occasionally.

"Hey shit you, Killing Academy!"

Chapter 79 Killing Academy, Don't Run!

Shirou has a great advantage, Shirou A went up, Shirou played GG!

Oops, Shirou feels like he can't go on explaining this game!

Call you cheap!Call you cheap!

It's all right now, he was chased and beaten by the killing institute.

"I don't have emergency syrup, why are you chasing me to sprinkle it!" Shirou yelled, stopped in his tracks, and turned around.

"However, you have aroused my desire to conquer. I have almost never had this kind of thing. I am a person who follows my heart very much." After finishing speaking, Saseiin narrowed his eyes.

"Besides, you actually faced me and didn't fully follow your own desires. This is unforgivable, really unforgivable! I can't guide you, free you from the sea of ​​suffering, and swim in the ocean of desire. What a failure! Come on, Emiya, and I will lead you into the true mystery of this world."

"Cut, I don't believe it." Shirou squinted his eyes, "And why do I have to follow my own desires? Human reason is to suppress desires. Besides, the real mystery of this world? You give me the root cause, so that Don’t I know what the mysteries of the world are?”

Kiara Saseiin became even more sexually aroused.

She is very clear that the person in front of her is not the kind of enlightened person, not a person who is completely unaffected after enlightenment, but maintains reason and desire, but is not disturbed by her ability Rationality Devourer EX at all. and impact.

Instead, this world—Heaven's Hole (Hea, von's Hole) was influenced by Shirou, even—eliminated.

Yes, it is to eliminate.

Although Shirou can't feel it, she can feel that her treasure is indeed being eroded by Shirou in turn.

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