This is a place that clearly inspires other people's desires, and gradually begins to be transformed into magic power, pure magic power.

This is obviously her body, the pure land of bliss, as long as you fall into it, as long as you are a living thing, you will be completely lost, but the person in front of you is not only holding on to yourself, but is encroaching on her treasure.

As a beast rank, BEAST3's special treasure was taken by a mere human, not a crown servant.He also has no other very special human beings eliminated?

Of course, this is special to BEAST, she didn't see that Shirou has such a special thing.

"You still don't seem to understand what the real mystery of the world is. Of course, there is no doubt that you completely follow your own desires, and those roots are not worth mentioning in front of this. What is your wish? What about it?" The killing courtyard still did not give up the temptation.

Although this is not her own skill, but before she became a beast, she had already become a "sage", a demon bodhisattva, and she fully believed that her talent was enough to lure the other party into her captive.

Shirou thought about it for a while.

The answer is simple.

"Fight for the truth. Realize communism." Shirou touched his chin. "This is my wish. It's a simple but difficult wish."

Killing Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Then do you know what to do?"

"I don't know, I know I'm still here with you as a BB?" Shirou rolled her eyes, "But, I believe that human beings can do it, maybe when the time is right, I will participate, and when I am not, I will just quietly Watching quietly and living, this is my dream like a salted fish."

"You don't want oil and salt." Killing Yuan frowned, she didn't expect to meet a real saint at this moment.

A noble person, a pure person, a person who has escaped vulgar interests, a person who is not self-serving and only benefits others.This is similar to what she looks like, but the inside is the opposite.

She doesn't believe in any human beings, or she does believe in human beings.

The human being she believes is only her, and the rest are just beasts in human appearance.

But Shirou is different. He truly believes in human beings, not individuals but groups, and believes that abstract human beings can completely liberate themselves.

At this moment, Shashengyuan finally felt the crisis, the real crisis, a crisis even more terrifying than facing the Enlightened One.

She had never been so scared because she met someone who was the opposite of herself.She panicked.

"Haven't you thought about yourself?"

"Think about yourself?" Shirou raised the corners of his mouth, recalling that look in his eyes, the look in which the rescuer is happier than the rescued, "I've always been thinking about myself."

"Do you know? I am a very selfish person. Not materially, but spiritually. You are the same, right? I do it for self-satisfaction, because I find that helping others is a very happy thing. The country on the other side, There is a man named Lei Feng, and what he likes to do is to do good deeds without leaving a name. Do you think he is stupid? No, he is very happy, happier than the people he helps."

Seshoin was silent, and finally understood: "Emiya, sure enough, you have been my worst enemy from the very beginning. I admit that I underestimated you, and I should have killed you from the beginning."

Shirou wiped his sweat and looked at Seseiin like a fool: "Here, I just said it casually, do you really believe it?"

"Could it be fake?" Seshoin looked into Shirou's eyes playfully, "I think your words are fake, right?"

"Ahem, in fact, my real wish is to open a big harem." Shirou scratched his cheek, "Then fight casually like salted fish, eat delicious food, play games, and live a happy and happy life."

"Oh? Are you interested in letting me join in?"

"If you join, it will all become your harem group! Look at you, I'm afraid you want to treat the entire human race as a harem. Do you think I'm stupid? How could I give up the entire forest for a single leaf... "

Well, Shirou still gave up—he gave up the so-called saving the world in order to save Miyu.He couldn't bear to destroy his true love leaves in order to save the forest.

But it doesn't matter, because he doesn't like this person in front of him. It can even be said that Shirou likes anyone in this world, but he definitely won't like this person!

Even if he likes Kirei, he won't like Seshoin!

"Okay, it seems that I understand..." Shoushengyuan frowned and sighed, "Then we have no choice but to fight each other."

Shirou swallowed his saliva, now he still has to fight, how can he win?

Shirou watched Seseiin carefully, but at this moment, he actually had a feeling that he could win. It wasn't the reckless provocation just now, but he found a chance to die with the other party?



Shirou woke up suddenly, found himself in the classroom, barely opened his eyes, and then heaved a sigh of relief.Did you come back?

Ge Mu in class glanced at it, and pushed his glasses: "Well, Jian Tong, you can figure it out."

Shinji immediately put his coat on Shirou.

"Matou, what are you doing?"

"In early spring, it's still a bit cold."

The whole class couldn't help laughing.

Shirou looked around and found that he had really returned to the classroom.

Obviously just won!

But was thrown back?

Hey, so angry!Killing Academy, don't run away!

Chapter 80 Holy Relic Soft Girl Coin?

"It's so soft..." Gilgamesh lay on Angelica's chest, "Suddenly I found that people from the Royal Sister family are gradually liking it a little bit. Although it's a fake, it feels good——decided Already! Angelica, you will be someone's pillow from now on!"

"Huh? Hmm." Angelica didn't have any objections, but her eyes were full of curiosity.

Alaya has been searching for something in Gilgamesh's king's treasury, and then throws out some precious magic materials, including but not limited to wise beetle statues, magic lamps, elf roots, barbarian gods The heart, the crystallization of inheritance, and all kinds of powerful materials that she couldn't name.

"Speaking of which, Alaya-chan, what on earth are you going to do? Why do you have to go through all the things of this king, I don't want to use so many things in it! These materials of yours will soon bring me back to Uru Ke summoned a sage, a character like Feathered Serpent to help me fight monsters!" Gilgamesh rubbed against Angelica's chest, drank the soda he got from somewhere, and continued playing PS4.

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