Shinji quickly finished reading Shirou's content, and felt that the basic framework had already come out, and the story with Saber was also inexplicably touching, very domineering.

It's just that the amount of text is slightly less, basically omitting the daily content and so on.

This is more like the logic of the novel than the logic of the galgame.

Although the daily routine is a bit boring, it is a very important process in the development of the story. But since Emiya has finished writing the general direction, the most important contradiction has been written very well. aside!

The time for one class has just passed. When it's time for lunch break, do you want to have a meal on the rooftop?

This must be excellent.

After opening the bento, Shen Er hid in an unknown corner alone, anyway, he didn't have any friends, so he usually ate here with Emiya, just feeling a little lonely for no reason.

After eating the bento, Shinji looked at the sky, doing nothing, thinking of the character called Archer.

The life of being treated as a scavenger?

Suddenly, the sky turned pink, the school seemed to be swallowed by smoke and dust, and the high-rise buildings in the distance disappeared completely, leaving only this isolated island.

Fear suddenly rushed into Shen Er's heart, but at the same time, some kind of desire also filled his heart.

what's the situation?

Before the desire could fill his heart, the gunshot immediately made Shen Er hide in the corner in horror, watching a few people suddenly appear on the rooftop, it turned out to be Sakura, Tohsaka, Luvia, and a black Pretty Africans.

Ruvia Tohsaka was quickly knocked down.

The only one left is Sakura.

Want to save?

Shen Er swallowed, his legs were trembling.

Can't save it?It must not be saved, right?Tohsaka and Luvia used strange things, obviously much better than themselves, but they were still kicked away by the African.

And that man has a gun!

But, if she doesn't stand up, Sakura will die!

After hesitating for a while, Teacher Ge Mu rushed out suddenly, but was knocked down very quickly. From that look, he must be dead, right?

Tohsaka was kicked away again, Shinji gritted his teeth.

Why are you hesitating, if you don't come out, Sakura will really die, that guy will really kill people!

Seeing that Sakura was about to be hacked to death by the African man, Shinji ran out and pushed Sakura out.

"How can you run away alone."

"No matter what, I have to let you go first."

"As a brother, you must protect your sister, don't you?"

As Shen Er said, he couldn't help laughing at himself, what a handsome play.

I am like this, my legs are still shaking, I am really not ashamed to say such things.

Archer looked at Shen Er coldly, and the knife touched Shen Er's cheek, drawing a trace of blood: "Oh? Your sister? Do you think I really dare not do it?"

Shinji was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, looked at Archer in horror, and moved several positions back, but suddenly, he stopped, and there was Sakura behind him, if he ran away, if he ran away...

Shinji stood up.

"Then you do it, at least I want Sakura to run away. Sakura, hurry up, run away!"

"You have a handsome face, it's a pity to get hurt like this." Archer put the knife on Shen Er's face again as if he was having fun.

Blood splattered on the ground along the knife, and Shinji's legs trembled even more.

"get out!"

"No, I refuse!" Shen Er closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Oh, is that so?" Archer retracted the knife slightly, and then made a sudden slash, making a big cut in front of Shen Er's body, which was shocking.


Shen Er took two steps back, his whole body trembling violently.

"Brother, hurry up!"

"I've said it all, Sakura, you have to go first." Shen Er turned his head and showed a forced smile, "And my brother has to protect my sister. I always feel as if I did something wrong to you before. , so let’s pay it back like this.”

The pants are all wet, and it's a bit embarrassing to say such a thing, isn't it?Shen Er turned to face Archer and thought, what a shame, right?


"Is this your appetizer?" Shirou asked blankly.

"Oh? Are you satisfied?" The smile of Killing Academy gradually became abnormal.

The archer on the screen has hardly killed anyone so far, countless opportunities, and countless problems that can be solved by shooting only have been delayed again and again.

It is completely intolerable to trample on the will of others like this.

But I still have to bear it a little longer, just for a while, let Gilgamesh run away a little further, and make Anjelica more fully prepared.

"Look, they look like they sympathize with others but do nothing. That man named Matou Shinji is your friend, right? Take a look—"

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