Shinji on the screen was trembling in the corner.

It is normal for ordinary people to tremble in the face of this situation, he just stays there, don't be reckless.

But to Shirou's surprise, Shinji rushed over and stood in front of Sakura alone.

Saseiin's words got stuck, and Shen Er's performance completely slapped her in the face.

"Huh? Let's see—a very timid person, in the face of this situation, stood up without hesitation. It's not just sympathy, but recklessness. So, what do you want to say? "Shirou sneered, "Are you trying to hit me? Are you trying to deny me? You did all this? But the result is the opposite. What I saw completely confirmed my opinion. People will work hard to help others, Not even thinking about myself."

The face of the killing courtyard is a little hazy, very distorted,

"Shouldn't you stop trampling on the will of others?"


Seeing her unconscious appearance, Shirou shook his head: "Forget it, I can't chat with you, so I slipped away."

Anjelica's voice came from next to my ear: "Master Shirou, I have already located you and Ms. Sakura, and now I can go there through the displacement magic."

Facing the direction of Sesseiin, Shirou waved his hand: "Then, goodbye!"

In an instant, the scene in front of Shirou's eyes changed, and he saw Archer's knife raised again.

With a sudden kick on Archer, Shirou shielded the others behind him.

"Leave quickly, and I will deal with him."

Chapter 90 Rin's Ancestral Gem

"Shinji, can you still stand up?"

"Yes, yes." Shen Er was a little dazed, why did this world become unscientific all of a sudden?

Forget about Teacher Ge Mu and the dark African, why is my friend also a man with two brushes?

So, he doesn't have any strange abilities?

"Can you help me bring Teacher Ge Mu and that woman back? There should be salvation."

Throwing out the sword casually, Shirou deflected the bullet fired by Archer.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Shen Er was a little flustered when he heard this, he finally escaped from the dead, and now he has to go in again...

impossible!Absolutely impossible!

Shirou sighed, as expected, Shenji was too embarrassing.

"Take Sakura away quickly and stay away. I'll save them."

Shirou suddenly jumped and blocked Archer's body. His two knives jammed Archer's guns, and the two sides immediately stalemate.

Sparks flew between the two, and Archer was suppressed by Shirou instead.

Archer, whose muscle strength is only C, is naturally inferior to Shirou who uses projection loading in this respect.Especially the go-getter Mo Xie he holds now is also considered to be carefully crafted by Shirou, which is somewhat different from the usual projection, and the effect of projection loading is naturally better than usual.

Archer decisively pushed his knee on Shirou's body, Shirou was caught off guard and had to back away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Archer held the gun and fired countless bullets.


The seven petals unfolded in an instant. Facing this kind of long-range attack, the blazing seven-fold ring with conceptual defense is undoubtedly the best defensive treasure!

But Archer laughed, and quickly sang:

"I am the bone of my sword, soas Ipray, unlimited lost works!"

Shirou suddenly sensed the danger, and abruptly withdrew the Blazing Heaven Covering Seven Layers Ring, stepped back a few steps and fell on the ground.

The bullet flew past Shirou's head, hit the guardrail, and countless swords burst out.

If he hadn't removed the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring just now, the bullet would have exploded on the shield, and his hand would probably have been useless, right?Shirou broke out in a cold sweat, but fortunately, his intuition just now saved his life.

"Tch—" Archer looked at Shirou regretfully, "Why didn't I beat you to death?"

"Traceon! (Symbol start)" Shirou put away Mo Xie, analyzing the attack just now.

Noble Phantasm, Unlimited Sword Control?

Shrinks an infinite sword-made barrier into a bullet, tearing apart enemies from within upon impact.

"Do you want to kill me that much?" Shirou sighed, trying to stall for time to give himself time to think about how to safely transfer Medea and Ge Mu behind him.

However, if the delay is longer, it will be very disadvantageous. Their vital signs are constantly losing, and death is getting closer and closer to them.

"Of course, I feel extremely disgusted by my past. What kind of righteous partners are really naive."

"Hehe, I also feel disgusted by the 'I' who became the guardian, and it turned out like this. Aren't you going to protect Renri? Why did you become the helper of the Killing Academy instead?" Shirou said on his lips , but I was planning the path in my heart, how to protect Rin and Luvia who are still present, and at the same time take away the people behind.

"I've said it all, save Humanity in the fastest way and at the least cost, isn't that all right?" After finishing speaking, Archer raised his gun and pointed the dark muzzle at Shirou, "Don't think I don't Knowing what you're thinking, do you think I can't see where your eyes are looking?"

"Oh? Then can you guess my next move?" Shirou showed a rare smile, looking for his own opportunity.

Now if you want to save Ge Mu and Medea behind you, and protect Rin and Luvia, you can only start the infinite sword system now.But the chanting time of the infinite sword system is too long, even if it is compressed again, it must use three sentences.

"Then can you guess mine?" Archer sneered, "Don't be ridiculous. If you guess wrong, you will die."

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