Archer's guns glowed scarlet, like a poisonous snake sticking out its tongue.

"Your next sentence is - Unlimited lostworks."

Shirou projected several go-getters, Mo Xie, and threw them at Archer.

"Huh?" Archer was stunned, and tried his best to block the flying swords. Although the crudely made swords projected by Shirou were soon shattered, this gave Shirou enough time!

"My body is made by the sword—so I pray, there is no limit to the sword!"

The sky is high, the clouds are wide, and the breeze is blowing. This world immediately erodes the roof, and the scenery in Shirou's mind is exchanged with the school.

"Damn it, unlimited lost works!"

The bullet flew out immediately, attacking Rin, but——

"too late."

The flying sword immediately knocked down the bullet, and the trajectory suddenly deflected. This is the enchantment that Shirou crazily overloaded his own magic circuit and could barely unfold so quickly. If this is still taken advantage of by the archer, then Shirou will not have to play this battle up.

But that doesn't mean it's good for Shirou.

Shirou's magic power has always been supplied by Illya, so there is almost no situation where the magic power is broken, and there is no need to worry about running out of magic power, let alone his own physical problems.

As long as he has magic power, he can project it even if it is a divine creation - although it doesn't take a few days to basically project a shell.

But after he entered the Heaven's Hole (Hea Harmony ven'sHole), Shirou found that the supply of magic power was blocked.

Kiara is the only one who can block the supply of Shirou's magic power, and she is the only one who has the idea to do it.

That also means that Shirou's infinite sword system that could last indefinitely can only last for three or four minutes. What's worse, he forcibly released the infinite sword system after only chanting a few words, which caused his magic power to be consumed all at once. Empty.

Hold for a minute at most.

Archer must be killed and Medea and Gemu must be taken away!

However, there is no doubt that in the case of unlimited sword riding, can't beat Archer to death in a minute?What joke?In terms of Shirou's current state, and in the infinite sword system, even the follower version of Shining wins, okay?

Grabbing one in each hand, Shirou hugged Medea and Kuzuki.

Archer was surrounded by the sword of infinity, unable to move, barely holding on without being defeated.

Rin and Luvia woke up slowly, barely supporting their bodies.

"Both of you, do you know some healing magic? Hurry up and save people." Shirou said anxiously.

"Ah, ah?" Luvia quickly checked the situation of Ge Mu and Medea, "Well, our gem magic is not very effective for this. Especially when the injury is so serious."

Rin gritted her teeth and tore off the necklace hanging around her neck.

"This gem may be useful."

"Then please."

Chapter 91 Gilgamesh's Plan

"are you awake?"

Medea heard the voice, but her senses were still in a blur.

Shouldn't he be dying?

How can I still hear the sound?

When I died, I didn't feel anything at all, and then it just disappeared.She has clearly experienced it.


Medea finally woke up, a little dazed, and then heard Rin say: "If you don't wake up, Teacher Ge Mu won't be able to save you."

"Is Soichiro still saved? Where is this place?" Medea quickly turned around and used healing magic on Gemu. The power of the magician from the Age of Gods made Gemu's injury begin to heal at an incredible speed.

"This is Emiya's infinite sword system, his inherent barrier."

After finishing speaking, the crisp sound of the metal collision between the sword and the sword came over.

"In terms of feeling, the crisis has probably been relieved a lot, right?" Rin breathed a sigh of relief, "Even an archer, in the face of the infinite sword system, is it difficult to resist?"

Luvia nodded in admiration: "I think so too. I think we can now gracefully think about the next step."

Medea frowned when she heard this, and lowered her head to look at Ge Mu's sleeping face.

Although Ge Mu has been cured, it does not mean that he can wake up immediately. Of course, the most important thing is that Medea wants him to sleep a little longer, at least to have a peaceful sleep.

"I don't think so."

Shirou didn't think so either.

Especially Rin Tohsaka and Luvia were crazy about breastfeeding themselves, Shirou felt that his situation was over.

Archer's defensive skills are much stronger than he imagined, especially the sword that can hit key parts, he can always pass by.

Originally, if I had enough magic power, it would be okay, but at worst, the sword would fly over and explode.

Even if you can dodge it, you can't dodge the explosion.

But Shirou's magic power is not very enough. On the contrary, Archer's magic power seems to be inexhaustible, and he can throw a treasure to Shirou suddenly.

After careful calculation, in less than thirty seconds, Archer threw thirteen shots of the infinite sword system.

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