If you can kill Archer in the remaining [-] seconds...

Shirou pulled out his sword from the ground, and several swords flew out from the ground, helping Shirou find the weak point on Archer.

And find the line that can kill archer.

Death is a concept. For a car, it is equivalent to being scrapped. For a person, it is death if the metabolism stops, or the brain stops thinking. For a follower, the death of the spiritual core is also death.

What Shirou has to do is to find a point that can make Archer unable to defend and kill with one blow.

Then stab out.

This is what Shirou accidentally learned when Wang Hassan was training him before. I don't know what kind of talent or what he does, but he learned it anyway.

Although it is just a little fur.

But it is not accurate to say that he has learned it. To be precise, it has improved Shirou's ability.

When fighting against Wang Hassan, Shirou could barely find a way to die together. This method is completely dependent on finding the dead line, and then trying his best to kill the opponent, but the most likely process is that he will also die. .

Of course, this is also because Wang Hassan is not considered to be fighting in the main body, but a servant who appears by relying on cards.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shiro, who was one with death, to find such a way to kill King Hassan.

Because he himself is a part of death, and death cannot die.

Next, Shirou just needs to observe, be patient, twenty seconds is enough for Shirou to find a gap.

No, up to five seconds.

Shirou confidently shortened the time required.

Shirou only spent this time when he found Wang Hassan's weakness.

The sword and the gun collided, and Shirou slashed forward fiercely, but during these five seconds, he didn't find a way to kill Archer?

What, how is it possible?

Shirou was taken aback, but instead gave Archer a chance.

Archer took the opportunity to distance himself, and he knew very well that Shirou's current magic power was not enough to fight him for a long time.

Shirou's heart sank.

There is no chance.

Remove the infinite sword system, so that some magic power can be left, but Shirou's expression is very dignified.

"It's all right now, I've been sucked to death by you." Shirou pulled out Mo Xie from both sides, and glanced at Rin and Luvia.

"Ahem..." Rin and Luvia coughed in embarrassment, but it also relieved their inner tension.

"Medea, give me the supply of magic power. You two, hurry up and find some helpers. Whether it's Illya or the others, come find me quickly!"

But Archer obviously didn't give Medea a chance, and immediately rushed to Shirou, giving him the greatest pressure.


ten minutes ago

Gilgamesh looked around, and her all-knowing and omnipotent star also told her that Seshoin Kiara would never appear here, and Seshoin was still confronting Shirou. This is also a good opportunity for her to do it now.

"Hey, Gilgamesh, what can you do, is it really useful if we escape like this?" Alaya asked.

"I trust Shirou."


"Tch, don't you know? Don't pretend you don't know. And the purpose of your coming here in the first place, I don't believe you are really aware of the danger."

Alaya scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ahem—you are right, I just came to reclaim Emiya."

Gilgamesh's eyes instantly turned cold.

"He was the guardian of the family! What's the matter? Why can't it work!" Alaya insisted.

"Oh? If Seshoin Kiara doesn't show up, what are you going to do?"

"This, this..."

"You probably plan to let him travel around a few singularities, and then let him sign a contract and sell himself when he encounters problems he can't solve?" Gilgamesh exposed Alaya without hesitation, "Your way I've heard Shirou say it."

"Pfft—what, when?" Alaya's hair stood on end like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "When did Emiya tell you?"

"Hmph, the absolute Warcraft front, he told me by chance when I summoned him with the Holy Grail in Uruk."

Alaya's face darkened: "Then, what do you want to do?"

"Don't let Shirou sign another contract with you."

"This—can you help me solve the five singularities?"

Gilgamesh's face told Alaya, of course not.

"Three times?" Alaya raised four fingers.

"Have you gone to the head office twice?" Alaya lowered his head as if giving up.

"Okay." Gilgamesh nodded, "But I also have conditions."

"You still have conditions?" Alaya's hair was about to stand up again.

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