"Give me Angelica's data."


"These work for me. I have a plan."

Chapter 92 I'm Actually Angelica!

In this forest, Killing Academy is searching for his target.

The forest was somewhat of a hindrance to her, but it was not a big problem, especially since she had seized the opponent's trump card.

found it.

Targets - Gilgamesh and Alaya.

"It seems that you have lost this game." The killing courtyard suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Gilgamesh and Alaya.

Gilgamesh and Alaya were not surprised when they saw the killing yard, as if they had expected the arrival of the killing yard.

"Losing? This king has never experienced it before." Gilgamesh said proudly, blocking Alaya behind him.

Alaya looked nervously at the killing courtyard, and then shrank behind Gilgamesh.

"What should I do? Gilgamesh?" Alaya shivered and finally understood how frightened he was before leaving a note summoning someone to come out.

Alaya guessed Gilgamesh's plan. She disappeared for about three minutes just now. What did she do in these three minutes?

"My king is here, so there is no need to worry." Gilgamesh held his head high, "Miscellaneous cultivators are just miscellaneous cultivators."

Killing Academy chuckled: "Really?"

The pink breath spread from her body, covering Gilgamesh and Alaya like a fog.

"Even if you are the King of Heroes, your rationality is nothing more than a thin layer of paper before your desires." Saseiin laughed, "I'm looking forward to your excited appearance."

Alaya hugged Gilgamesh's waist tightly, as if he was enduring some torture.

Gilgamesh's face changed slightly, but then returned to its original state.

"Miscellaneous repair, your so-called rational erosion is just that in front of this king." Gilgamesh shook his head expressionlessly, "Don't think that this king will hit you with the same move twice."

Seshoin clutched his chest, panting heavily, as if he had encountered something gratifying: "Ah—I didn't expect you to hold on, it's really not easy, haha, hahaha..."

"But I don't just use the same moves."

A man was thrown out—


Alaya's eyes were straightened, and he was so surprised that the desire was suppressed just now: "Anjelica?"

Although she didn't pay much attention to Anjelica, Gilgamesh just told her that the victory or defeat this time had an extremely important connection with Anjelica.

Especially after Gilgamesh explained Angelica's role to her.

Replacement magic, moreover it is magic that can replace spaces with each other. Although it is basic magic, it is already extremely terrifying.

Shirou's projection magic can project all kinds of Noble Phantasms to the limit, but it can't play a strategic role in this battle, it's just a tactical role.

The so-called war is the art of fighting more with less.

Angelica's replacement magic can even connect Shirou to the hole of heaven from the outer space.

As long as Shirou has Angelica's assistance on his side, Seseiin's original plan will fail, and the idea of ​​​​separating their breakthroughs will not be realized.

However, this card is now abolished by Sesseiin Kiara, and the most important point is that Gilgamesh thought of a way to deal with Sesseiin Kiara and has not told Shirou yet.

Gilgamesh was quite sure that as long as this message was not conveyed, they could hardly achieve victory.

But Gilgamesh said coldly at this time: "Miscellaneous repair, is there any point in throwing out a fake?"

"Just a faker."

"This kind of fake doll should be scrapped as soon as possible."

"Ahaha——" Killing Academy looked at Gilgamesh with a sneer, and looked at Angelica on the ground with pity, blocking her magic, "It's so pitiful, your companions don't want you anymore."

"Who said she was the king's companion. This king just wanted to give this doll a little time to commit suicide for Shirouda's sake. It's a pity that she didn't know it."

"Gilgamesh!" Alaya shook Gilgamesh's arm, "You don't look like this! No matter how she is, she is also..."

"It's nothing bad." Gilgamesh shook his head, but his scarlet eyes aimed at Angelica who was lying on the ground.

Angelica blinked, and Gilgamesh continued: "So——do you, a miscellaneous cultivator, think that you can threaten me by doing this?"

Angelica also responded with a faint, almost unwavering voice: "This is the fate of dolls, Lord Gilgamesh is right."

Kiara Sesseiin wanted to laugh at first, but something wrong with her instinct told her that things were not simple.

"Huh? Did you find it?"

The source of the voice was Angelica at the foot of the Seseiin, no, it was Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh removed his disguise and revealed his lineup, but he tried his best to hold back his laughter, and the way he finally laughed out loud made Saseiin extremely embarrassed.

Gilgamesh, who was staying beside Alaya, changed back into Angelica.

Alaya suddenly realized that Gilgamesh asked her for all kinds of data about Angelika.

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