The light shone, and the tentacles disappeared one after another, but one tentacle fell down, and thousands of tentacles stood up.

"Miyu, I have to trouble you to wake them up." Kiritsugu took out his gun, patted his trench coat, and made a crisp sound of metal clashing.

From the sound of collision, Kiritsugu counted——

There are twenty-three rounds of origin bombs, and seventy rounds of ordinary time bombs.

Barely enough.

Arturia cut off a few incoming tentacles, jumped back to extend the distance, and wanted to release her treasure again, but the tentacles didn't give her this chance, but followed immediately, entangled Artoria Ya hold on.

The pink breath came from the tentacles, as if telling her to let her enjoy the desire to the fullest.

Arturia ignored it, and used Avalon to cut off the breath.But what worried her was Kiritsugu's side.Artoria would never underestimate this kind of pink mist, it devoured rational things that even Gilgamesh was afraid of.

Emiya Kiritsugu is only a human being, facing that kind of thing——

Kiritsugu shook his head and continued to shoot, the fog didn't seem to have any effect on him?

Miyu shook Xiao Hei and Illya vigorously, but the will of the two of them was obviously not that strong, and it was very difficult to break free from the nightmare.

After thinking about it, Miyu ran to Hercules, grabbed the sapphire, and attacked Hercules with a magic cannon.

"Ahem, little girl, you are really irritable." Hercules scratched his head, opened his eyes, and found that the situation was very bad, "Is this so?"

Raising the bow, Hercules immediately shot down the tentacles that might threaten the two people in front.

What caught his attention was that these tentacles had round pink eyes that looked like eyes.

"what is that?"

Seeing that Hercules had woken up and was able to help, Kiritsugu replied: "A thing called a demon pillar, although I don't know if it is the same thing as Solomon's seventy-two demon pillars in the legend, But the magic is powerful."

More and more tentacles surged up, Kiritsugu retreated again and again.

Seeing this, Hercules draws his bow and shoots a hundred heads!

"As expected of the great hero of Greece, Hercules." Artoria praised without hesitation. Of course, the reason for the praise was probably that the tentacles in front of her were emptied, allowing her to have the space to release the Noble Phantasm.

"Ex - Calibur!"

After clearing a lot of tentacles, they finally calmed down a little.

Ilya and the others were also awakened by the huge movement.

"what's the situation?"

Miyu, who was protecting Illya and the three of them, shook her head, after all, she was also ignorant of the current weird situation.

Immediately, two doors were opened, to be precise, it was a displacement magic!

Anjelica and Alaya came out of one of the doors, and there was nothing at the other door?

Miyu opened her eyes wide, only to realize that there was nothing there, but a person wearing a gray tattered cloak and holding a huge sword.

But for some reason, she always subconsciously ignores that person.

A faint blue fire burned on the skull on the man's head.

"Master Shirou-sama, may I ask if this is the case?" Angelica asked.

Wang Hassan looked at Miyu and nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, very good, very suitable."

Chapter 94 Even if you fall into hell

Sword to sword, there was a clanging sound.

"Is it over, what are you planning?" Shirou exhausted his magic power, almost unable to hold on, but he still used words to disturb Archer.

His unique skill, chat stream, has finally reappeared in the world.

This is also something that can't be helped, it has been a long time since he has encountered such a time when he needs to be shady.

"What am I planning? Didn't I tell you from the beginning? I'm just doing the work of protecting humanity."

"Including fighting me?"

"Including fighting you."

Shirou resisted Archer's sword attacking from the right side. Melee attack is one of the few ways Shirou can maintain the balance of the battle. If he opened up some distance, Archer would probably be able to beat him out of sight with a gun north?

"How sure are you?"

"As long as you're here, I'm sure." Archer said meaningfully, "You've been attacking me for almost twenty minutes, right?"

As long as Shirou is here, Archer is sure—and also emphasized the concept of time?

Suddenly, Archer used even more strength, and the sword between the two sparked.


When Shirou seemed to understand something, the golden cracks on Archer's body began to extend continuously.

The extension of the golden crack, Shirou is very clear about what is going on, it is a phenomenon that will appear when the power of the archer increases and the spiritual foundation increases.

And the more the cracks extend and become more obvious, the stronger the Archer's power will be, but the weaker his own feelings and consciousness will be.

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