In order to achieve the goal, the means are unscrupulous, and human nature is annihilated for the sake of justice.

The crack did not stop extending, but grew more and more.

Shirou made a decisive decision and shouted to Medea behind him: "Medea, hurry up! Connect me with magic power!"

"Okay, okay!"

Finally escaped from the battle with the archer, Shirou obtained an amazing supply of magic power after a long absence, completely perpetual motion-like magic power, which gave Shirou confidence.

At least the confidence to be able to fight against Archer.

But the change in Archer made Shirou's expression change——

Milk an egg!This is all right, the battle can't be fought.

Archer's strength increased again, and his whole body was shrouded in black mist. Shirou clearly felt from his aura that even if Arturia appeared on the stage in person at this time, it would be difficult to deal with Archer.

If you add Hercules, maybe you can still hit a dozen, maybe it's half a catty?

The bullet flew out, and the target pointed at Shirou, Shirou did not hesitate, and quickly flashed: "Medea, you run, I will deal with this guy!"

Medea didn't say anything like waiting for you to go with her, but simply ran away.

If you don't run now, you can only hold Shirou back later.

It's true that she is a magician from the Age of Gods, but magic level and combat level are not the same thing. In terms of combat level, even if she is summoned with the complete third method, she can't beat Shirou.

Not to mention Archer, who Shirou is not easy to deal with.

In particular, the cracks on Archer's body have extended to all parts of the body. This situation is even worse than the sludge that resisted the Black Cup at that time.

That archer Shirou no longer knew how to fight.

That being the case, Shirou had no choice but to—

A second is a second!

It is best to use words to disturb him and stop him.

"What's wrong with you? Archer!"

Archer didn't speak, and rushed to Shirou's body suddenly, and slashed down with his knife, but Shirou raised the go-getter with his left hand, and blocked Mo Xie with Archer's right hand.

Shirou is left-handed. Although he can use his right hand now, he subconsciously prefers to use his left hand.

But the right hand of the general Shirou on the other side couldn't stop him, he jumped back quickly, and even Mo Xie stayed where he was.

However, Archer soon caught up, even faster than Shirou.

Even if Shirou has been strengthened by Medea's magic, Shirou can't be faster than Archer.


Shirou turned over, lay on the ground, and kicked Archer violently.

Archer blocked Shirou's attack, grabbed Shirou's neck, lifted it up, and finally said, "Emiya Shirou, you can't stop me now."

"Stop, what?" Shirou was a little out of breath, unable to speak, but he still asked reluctantly, looking for the opportunity to reverse.

"Prevent me from destroying Kiritsugu, Eli, Illya, and others." Archer murmured, "Ah——Saseiin, you said that, right? As long as you complete the task like this, you will destroy yourself. "

"That's right, I said it." Shashengyuan appeared from the shadows and chuckled, "I will follow."

"What?" Shirou's consciousness began to be a little trance, and his brain began to lack oxygen. Really, I couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"He is not within the range of people who need to be hunted, is he? Killing Academy?"

After Archer finished speaking, Shirou was thrown to the ground and coughed.

"Just kill it."

"Just to my liking."

"Ah? So you want to kill him? Interesting, interesting." Killing Academy was amazed, but didn't stop Archer.

Shirou was picked up by the collar again, Shirou tried his best to regain his consciousness, projected a knife, and cut his collar to pieces.

"Are you still struggling?"

Archer walked towards Shirou and fired countless bullets.

Shirou tried his best to dodge, but did not release the Blazing Heaven Covering Seven Layers Ring, because he could tell that these were all archer's treasures.

This kind of defense is meaningless for Archer's Noble Phantasm.

He tried his best to avoid all the bullets, but it hit Archer's arms, and even projected a spear that pierced the death thorn, aiming at Shirou's heart.

Are you finished?

The red lightning was about to penetrate Shirou's heart, but the lightning was bounced away.

Nothing else, just a sword, a golden sword, appeared without reservation or concealment at all.

The blow that saved Shirou, even the sound of metal clashing became more beautiful, and even the knight's armor became gorgeous.

"Shirou, I'm late."

"No, Arturia, you came just in time." Shirou heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

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