The sound cannot be gorgeous, because the essence of the sound is the collision of steel.What is gorgeous is only the beautiful face of the female knight in front of her eyes and the beautiful voice like a silver bell.

I ask you, are you my master?

That posture, even if you fall into hell, you can still remember it, right?


He was already in deep hell, but the woman in front of him, Archer still recognized it at the first sight.Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with his feeling at the time.

"Go to hell!" Archer growled.

Archer fell to the ground and was chopped down by Artoria without hesitation.

Body shattered.

How great would it be if he could die like this?

The body heals again.

Chapter 95 I have something to say, please listen

The parts of Archer who had been chopped into several pieces quickly flew back to the original place, and the wound burned with flames, but the flames did not hurt Archer, on the contrary, Archer's wound was quickly sutured.

Immediately, the black mist enveloped Archer again, and it was difficult to see his face clearly.

"This is—" Arturia was dumbfounded, her face full of disbelief.

Arturia was able to chop off Archer without hesitation, entirely because she saw Archer's remnant body from the very beginning, and that soul was simply a walking dead.

Only death is the best destination for Archer, and it is best not to be resurrected, a real eternal sleep, so that he can rest in peace.

But Archer's performance just now showed that he might not die so easily.

"Are you, Kiara Sesseiin?" Artoria keenly found the key person, and here is the only person who can make Archer look like this.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh")" Shoushengyuan laughed lightly, covering his mouth.

"What did you do to him?" Artoria asked angrily, "Why did he become like this?"

"Well, what do you mean? What did you turn into? Do you mean turning into this black look? Well, it has something to do with me. He suffered a lot when he was carrying out justice, so I taught him , let him obey his heart.

So he obeyed his own will and desire, and became unscrupulous for justice.But if you mean that he can be resurrected continuously, I just added some of my own creations on the basis of Alaya's transformation, and the main credit is Alaya's. "

Killing Academy looked at the white-haired loli who was hiding beside Angelica.

Alaya looked at the expressions of the people around him with some trepidation, especially Shirou's, but when Shirou's eyes met hers, Alaya turned his head away.

"What did you do? How can we make him die?" Shirou frowned. He had no choice but to quarrel with Alaya now. It is meaningless to quarrel now, especially when the enemy is fighting among themselves. This is courting death.

Find what you need to do and do it, it's that simple.

"I, I—" Alaya hesitated, without saying anything.

Seeing Alaya's appearance, Ilya said angrily:

"Tell me quickly, what did you do!"

Miyu also frowned, but didn't immediately join in the criticism of Alaya.

"Enough." Shirou said calmly, seeing that Seshoin was going to use words to sow discord at this time, "Seshoin, how long are you going to play this trick of manipulating people's hearts?"

"Ah? Emiya, what are you talking about?" Sesseiin didn't care about being exposed at all, but cleverly continued to attack Alaya and provoke their relationship.

"Alaya, if you dare to do it, don't you dare to say it?"

Although everyone tried their best to keep calm under Shirou's words, there is no one here who has a deep relationship with Archer, that is, Hercules.

What happened to Archer, they naturally couldn't calm down.

At this moment, Alaya was surrounded by everyone, bit his lip, and finally spoke: "I, put an iron heart on him."

"That's right, it's just a tool that won't make me feel pain in my heart, it's not a big deal." Alaya explained, his voice became quieter.

"How dare you say it." Kiara couldn't hold back Seshoin, and laughed out loud, "Even my former enemy feels sad for him, Alaya."

"As a cleaner with restraining power, Emiya has done her best, right? The result is to protect human principles and justice, and finally degenerated into this appearance. Look up and take a good look, it has become this appearance."

Alaya tried hard to look at each other, but he didn't look up after all.

"Don't even dare to look at each other?" Artoria's tone was very flat, but the anger revealed inside was endless.

After listening to Alaya, he lowered his head.

"So what exactly is Iron Heart? Seshoin?" Seeing that Alaya couldn't give an answer, Shirou tried to find the answer.

"Huh? Who knows?" Killing Academy narrowed his eyes with a very happy expression.

What she has to do is to provoke them instead of giving them key information, and mixing the iron heart of irony with the reason for Archer's constant resurrection can even bring them confusion.

That's enough.

"Did you see it? Emiya, the people you protect, the justice you intend to protect, are about to betray you at this moment. They don't care about your justice, they only care about you. How do you feel?" Shashengyuan felt provoked The double joy of alienating and destroying Archer's will made strange noises, and his body movements became strange.

"So, what exactly is it?" Shirou clenched his fists and stared at Archer.

If it's Archer, maybe tell him?

"Don't ask, and you don't need to ask!" Archer growled in a hoarse voice, "This question is meaningless, and my constant resurrection has nothing to do with Iron Heart—"

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