"Is it possible for me to lose?" Kiara Saseiin smiled contemptuously.

"In Emiya Shiro's words, your flag is set too much. As he said, you are already a corpse."

"What do you mean?"

"I am a tool born to protect humanity, understand?"

"Tools mean that in order to achieve a purpose, something that can be used is a tool. Then, tools can be used to protect humanity, even death can be faced?"

The face of Killing Academy was already covered with cold sweat: "No, no, your body has been reshaped by me. As long as I think, you will be able to live. Your will is irrelevant. Isn't it because of this that you have been Are you bound by me?"

"That's because you think too much. I've been lying to you all this time. Maybe my words are also false." Archer said playfully, "I think death can die at any time, but it's just the complete death of the soul. It’s just disappearing from the seat, don’t think I can’t do such a small thing.”

"That's exactly what I was doing in the first place."

"You—" The eyes of Killing Academy changed, and they became frightened.

"Let me show you, I will burn the spirit base to destroy all attacks. Finally, at this moment, I recalled something."


"Steelismybody, and fireismyblood"

"Iha (Harmony) vecreated over a thousand blades"

"Unknown to Death, no known to life"

"Ha (Harmony)vewithstoodpaintocreatemanyweapons"

"Yet, those hands will never hold anything"

"Soas Ipray—"

Chapter 98 Unlimited Blade Works!

"Unlimited Bladeworks!"

Seshoin's eyes widened: "Have you been lying to me all this time? You've been scheming until now?"

"Although there is no such calculation as Emiya Shirou said, and it is impossible to be as thorough as he said. I am not the so-called Laplace's demon, and I cannot be omniscient. Such a sophisticated plan only needs to If there are some deviations, it will be out of my control. But I did make final preparations to guard against you."

"I can't control others, but at least I can control myself."

"Together, here, let's end!"

A crimson light shone on Archer's muzzle.

"Take it, Saseiin, this is my last—"

"Unlimited lost works!"

The Demon God Pillar tried its best to block the gap, intending to block Archer's attack, but Archer, who fired the bullet, was already too close to the owner of the Demon God Column, Shashengyuan.

Killing Academy used the Demon God Pillar to pull Archer too close to him, but it was Archer's chance.

After the Demon God Pillar worked hard to neutralize part of the bullet's force, there was no room left for the Demon God Pillar to function as a shield.

"I won!"

The bullet penetrated another Demon God Pillar and hit the killing courtyard.

The bullet stopped flying and remained in her body.

Immediately, countless swords pierced out from Seshoin's body, and Archer gave Seshoin the final fatal blow!

"Ah—!" Shashengyuan couldn't help shouting, his face suddenly turned red, his clothes were pierced by the sword, revealing his body, "I didn't expect that it was you who gave me the greatest joy in the end, emiya!"

"What a joy, what a joy!"

Archer spat: "What a crazy woman, she can suddenly get excited anytime and anywhere."

"With me, merge into one body, stay together forever, haha, hahaha——but, what a pity, it's just a little bit closer, just a little bit closer!"

The Demon God Pillar began to bend weakly, and began to shatter, countless eye-like balls fell down and turned into a disgusting sticky substance like jelly.

The pink space also began to fall apart, and cracks began to appear.

Shiro has also seen these cracks, and it was the same when the infinite sword system was hit by EA, and it would also fall apart.

Shirou witnessed all this and understood the fact that Seshoin would be wiped out by Archer, but what he knew more importantly was that Archer would also die with him!

"Hercules, will you shoot me like an arrow?"

"Hafnium?" Hercules didn't react for a moment, but then he understood Shirou's meaning, "Are you going to save Archer? Are you sure? It's very dangerous for you to do this."

"Anjelica, open the door—Hercules, you are right, there is not much time left for us, so I have to make a decision immediately! I don't want that guy Archer and that crazy woman Let's die together. She doesn't deserve it. And the only way to save Archer now, all I can think of is what I just said."

"Shirou..." Artoria looked at him and nodded, "Go."

"Thank you, Artoria. Then, Hercules, shoot me like an arrow!"

Hercules took out an arrow and tied it to Shirou: "Okay, I know, I will try my best to aim at the archer's position, because I have you as a counterweight, I can't guarantee the accuracy Sex. You can judge for yourself when you get close to the archer."

Following the arrow shot by Hercules, Shirou also suddenly felt the pain of being overweight. Against the fierce wind, Shirou opened his eyes and aimed at Archer.

it's time--


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