The rope connecting Shirou and the arrow was cut by (harmony) Ganjiang Moxie, and Shirou finally caught the target.

"Shirou Emiya?" Archer looked at the person who grabbed him in surprise, "Let go!"

"I'm going to take you away with me, understand?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand, let go, listen. I must die with her, and as long as I live, she can continue to resurrect, she is bound to me! My death alone can buy everyone The peace and tranquility is definitely worth it. Do you hear me, let go!" Archer roared.

"Fuck you. If you die, we will lose a lot in this battle." Shirou looked at Archer and said firmly, "The partners of justice don't even have the dream of rescuing everyone, what a fart! Be a salted fish Bar!"

"Listen well, Archer. I'm not the kind of person who acts blindly. After hearing what you said, I finally understand something. Let me ask you, Archer, you called Wang Hassan here, right?"

Space has become more fragmented, the ground has begun to disappear, and gravity keeps them falling freely.

"King Hassan? Assassin?"

"Yes, he asked me to build a sword that can cut everything. I never figured out why that is, so it is like this. Teacher is really a good person." Shirou couldn't help but think of the one with the skull mask, He is really a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"Listen up, Archer! Listen to me obediently, follow me out, and meet happyend!"

"Give up, Emiya Shirou, it's impossible." Archer shook his head feebly.

"Don't indulge in self-sacrifice and self-satisfaction! Think about it, how many people will be sad about your death. Think about Saber, Rin, Sakura, and others! Get out alive and tell Che Si, you have finally become a partner of justice!"

"Don't be like this again. It's because of this that you felt guilty before, and you sacrificed yourself like this for Sakura, right?"

Archer's expression became subtle, and then he chuckled: "I didn't expect to be educated by you, I am indeed very self-satisfied. As a result, I did a lot of wrong things, and some people who should be accompanied were not accompanied. Well, you convinced me."

With the opening of a door, the space is instantly displaced.

Shirou was lying powerlessly on the ground. I don't know which ghost place it is, probably a church?

"He came back alive."

Limp, Shirou slowly got up and sat on the chair. Archer fell to the ground and didn't get up.

The others were there, cheering at their return.

"Shirou, archer!?"

"that is really good!"

Kiritsugu walked up to Archer, tears seemed to come out of his eyes: "Great, really, really great!"

Archer seemed to have seen the sea of ​​flames at that time, the hell in Fuyuki. At that time, that man also had the same expression, hugging himself like this.

With a rare smile from the bottom of his heart, Archer said softly: "Kiritsugu, have you seen it? I did it. I became a partner of justice, and I didn't let anyone die..."


Kiritsugu hugged Archer tightly, and shed tears: "You did it, no one died, we all survived! We all survived! We have become partners of justice!"

What kind of adult does Kelly want to be when he grows up?

I want to be a messenger of justice.

In an instant, Kiritsugu regretted himself, for the sake of meaningless justice, he sacrificed countless times, even in that parallel world, before he died, he cursed Archer's life, what did he do!

Shirou closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

Speaking of which, justice is really

It's heavy.

Chapter 99 A New Journey

The breeze was blowing gently, and the setting sun shone on the church.

Shirou faces the sunset, with his back to Sakura.

Seeing Shirou's back, Sakura stepped forward.

"Senior, are you feeling sad?" Sakura hugged Shirou from behind, "Just tell me when you're sad, don't hold it in your heart."

Shirou didn't answer Sakura's question directly, but asked lightly, "Justice, why is it so heavy?"

Archer sacrificed everything in order to pursue his own justice, and now even almost his body and soul cannot be preserved.

"Probably, everyone is yearning for it?"

Shirou closed his eyes, feeling the rhythm of the wind.

"Then why do you yearn for it?"

Shirou already had the answer in his heart.

Fairness and justice, human life, and everything are pursuers of justice. Countless idealists have gone through untold hardships and trekked mountains and rivers to reach their current level.

"Why, everyone is kind to the wicked, but harsh to the righteous?" Shirou clenched his fists, "Why don't those who pursue justice fail to achieve the ideal justice?"

Sakura leaned quietly behind Shirou, Shirou didn't need her answer, so she didn't answer.

When Shirou asks this kind of question, he must already have the answer in his heart.

When a soldier falls, all they see is a stain.

Many people who defended the warriors thought the stain was unimportant, but Shirou didn't think so.

Stains are one of the reasons they fail.

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