All accusations are a concentrated expression of people's hearts.

Those who strive to achieve justice cannot rely solely on their blood, and cannot rely solely on great ideals.

Because of this, they are endowed with the greatest hope. Only if they are truly pure in character and correct in means can they seek benefits for those who support them.

But if anything goes wrong with them, they will step back from the altar and pour endless sewage.

Archer was like this, and was finally hanged on the gallows.

This is especially true for the dragon slayers, whose blood-stained companions turned into evil dragons, and the dragon slayers tried hard to stop them before they became evil dragons, but it was too late.

So the dragon slayer was rendered as a suspected dragon by his companions who turned into dragons, and put himself in gorgeous clothes.

And everyone pretended not to see it, pretending that they were not evil dragons.

Until one day, when the evil dragons finally eat too fat, and the gorgeous clothes can't stop their scales, a new dragon slayer will be born.


Footsteps came from behind, it was Alaya.

"Alaya, are you here?" Shirou didn't turn his head when he heard the footsteps.

"Well, Emiya, here I come."

"As for Archer, there should be salvation, right?" Shirou asked.

"It was probably hopeless, but according to what you said, there might still be some chances." Alaya said slowly, "But the time is running out."

"Because I don't have enough time to build such a sword?" Shirou asked.

"Not only that, but a Holy Grail is needed. It has to be a large Holy Grail but not a small Holy Grail." Alaya knew that Shirou must not understand the reason, and explained, "It is not necessary to revive a Heroic Spirit who has reduced his spirit base, body, and soul. It's not an easy task. If you don't stop him, then we will all slowly forget his existence."

"That is to say, no one will remember him. No, maybe some people will. But I must have forgotten."

"Then, let's talk about it, your idea." Shirou pushed away Sakura's hands, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Alaya.

The wind was a little noisy, and it blew on Alaya's face, making her hairstyle a little messy.

"Sign a contract to become a guardian. In that case, I can delay it for you no matter how long it takes."

Shirou laughed when he heard this: "After draining the hero's blood, you still need to use his skin to extract the value of others?"

"Don't you want to save Emiya?"

"Don't you want to save him?"

Alaya was silent, she couldn't make a straightforward choice between recovering the guardian and saving Emiya.

"Lord Alaya, Lord Gilgamesh told me about this situation." Angelica walked from the church door, "You promised that Lord Shirou will only perform two missions. Do nothing more than that."

"Okay, okay." Alaya was discouraged, "She will tell you so much."

"After all, Lord Gilgamesh promised me that as long as I do this this time, you will forgive me for being a 'fake' and doll." Anjelica respectfully bowed to Shirou and became a nobleman. present.

"Weimiya, I will arrange the next mission for you, and I will not be aimless. You only need to use the spirit foundation you used before to perform the mission. Performing missions in the singularity has nothing to do with the flow of time here. Yes. That spirit foundation may help you create a sword like that, and as for the Great Holy Grail, I will also arrange it."

Shirou thought for a while and thought it was okay: "Okay, that's it. But wait, the spirit base I used before?"

"That's right, you were a guardian before, otherwise I wouldn't have traveled all the way here, but I was disturbed by Gilgamesh, forget it."

Shirou curled his lips, pretending that Alaya was fooling him.

"Anjelica, thank you for what happened just now."

Angelica shook her head: "The responsibility lies."

"Have you dealt with the previous school affairs?" Shirou felt a headache when he thought of this matter, it was a disaster for those students.

"It's been dealt with. Fortunately, there is a school doctor in the school who is from the Church of the Holy Church. He has rich experience in handling such things."

"That's good." Shirou paused and asked, "What about the card you mentioned earlier?"

"You still remember, Beatrice?"

Shirou nodded.

"The card she used was Thor, the God of Thunder."

Shirou nodded again, this was something he had confirmed.

"But at the beginning, we didn't plan to make that card. We planned to make a card of Hercules' berserker class at the beginning, but then changed our mind and wanted to make a card of Manny. But in the production During the card period, the abnormality of Miyu-sama gave us the power to create more powerful cards, so we, Ainsworth, were able to create cards that can summon gods, that is, Thor."

"Is it like this?" Shirou scratched his head, "The troubles are all piled up together."

"Sorry, did it bother you?" Angelica said apologetically.

"No, things have to be resolved anyway. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Shirou recalled the scene when he summoned King Hassan when he used the assassin card.

In other words, from the very beginning, maybe his arrival was not that simple?

"I'm sorry, Sakura, I wanted to live a peaceful and comfortable life with you in this world. Please wait for me for a while. I have to deal with some things."

"Yeah." Sakura nodded, "I'll wait for Senior."

④The country under the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood

Chapter 1 Where did the little girl come from?

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