"Ghost, the ghost is haunted..." The warrior lost his voice as he spoke, his face turned pale, and then he turned around and ran behind, yelling in fright.

Shirou turned around and saw a wandering evil spirit chasing a girl with a child on her back, and was about to catch up soon.

"It's really troublesome, why did that guy run away?"

That's what he said, but Shirou still drew his sword and split the evil spirit in half with one blow.


Shirou even wondered if he was torn directly by hand-to-hand combat, and this evil spirit died more readily.

This may also be possible, remember first, next time you will tear the devil with your hands.

Facing the man who killed the wild ghost with a single knife, the girl was so frightened that she became a little silly.

After all, he was only nine years old. Facing a man who killed a ghost with a knife and had an expressionless face, he must have felt——

This man is scarier than a ghost!

"Wu, Lord Samurai, please, don't kill my brother, I can be your cow or horse."


What is it?

At any rate, Shirou is also a three-good young man who emphasizes civilization, morality and etiquette, and advocates sickle and hammer doctrine. He has never done anything to exploit others or enslave others.

The most common thing is to do good deeds without leaving a name, and then shout: I, Emiya Shirou, do good deeds without leaving a name-that's all!

"Little friend, what you said is not right." Shirou squatted down, and seduced the little girl carefully, "I don't want you to be a cow or a horse, let alone do some messy things."

The girl's face turned black when she heard it, and she sat down on the ground in fright, and the three or four-year-old boy was frightened and cried.

Do nothing to her, in other words——

"Are you going to do something to Asuke? Please don't!"

Shirou projected a mirror, a little suspicious of life.

How can I say that I am a handsome guy recognized in the [-]st century anyway?I also have a full eight pack of abdominal muscles, no chest hair, and well-developed chest muscles.

How can I say that the whole person is full of charming aura, to borrow the words of a certain yellow-haired person——ah, I am so beautiful!

What exactly did the little girl go through to regard such a handsome guy as a bad guy?

"Tell your story."

The girl froze for a moment, and cried even harder.

Shirou is a little confused—maybe it should be done differently?

"Ahem..." Shirou cleared his throat.

"Where is the little girl from?"

Chapter 2 A single spark can start a prairie fire

With a series of inducements and food comfort, the siblings finally opened their hearts to Shirou.

All in all, Shirou finally confirmed what year and where it was.

It was Shirou's previous questioning that made the little girl named Axio feel that Shirou was very strange.

In her eyes, Shirou's image has changed from a scary person to a strange man in the Taohuayuan who knows no Han, no matter Wei and Jin.

Is there anyone who doesn't even know anything about this era?

Shirou is also very aware of this, and then pretends nothing happened.

There was no way to do that, that fellow Alaya threw Shirou a spiritual foundation very excessively, without saying anything, and then threw him here.

He didn't give any explanation, so Shirou didn't even know what the mission was.

By the way, that guy Alaya seemed to say at the time: "You ask me, I don't know. I just know that the system test said that there is a problem here, but the problem is not serious, so I sent you there, And it can give you a little time to think about how to make a knife, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Beautiful, beautiful - a ball.

What Shirou hates the most is that he doesn't know anything, and although he said he came to make knives, it doesn't mean that he doesn't come here to solve problems!

All battles must have enough information to decide when to fight, when not to fight, where to fight and where not to fight.

Only in this way can we be invincible as Sun Tzu said in the Art of War.

However, there are not so many satisfactory things in the world, so Shirou had no choice but to accept the status quo silently.

At least this spirit base feels quite strong, and fights don't need to be as uncomfortable as before.

And it seems to be able to make a lot of swords, at least the swords I have seen are much stronger than the ones Shirou has seen before.What kind of artifact is basically a lot.

In this way, Shirou felt relieved. It was really impossible to make a Kusanagi sword and slash it to end the battle.

"Seam, why did you come out with your younger brother? It's so dangerous outside." Shirou patted Xie's head, but Xie didn't seem very willing.

"I can't help it. I don't have anything to eat at home, so I have to go to the mountain to pick some wild fruits to eat." Axie lowered his head, feeling very depressed.

"Eh? What about your parents?" Shirou frowned. Isn't the parents too irresponsible?

"Dead." A Xie said softly.

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