"What, what?" Shirou didn't hear clearly, dead?

"Dead. Daddy was beaten to death by a samurai because he couldn't pay the land tax. After that, Mama went to pick fruit for us and met ghosts. She blocked the ghosts and let me run away with Asuke. Later, I haven’t heard from Grandma.” As Xiong spoke, he began to sob.

Touching Axie's head again, Shirou then hugged her again: "What a poor child, don't cry or cry. Let me be your grandfather from now on..."

Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Why is it grandpa! ! ! ! ! ! !

He is so young, so chic, and so suave, how did he become a grandfather all of a sudden! ! !

Qianzi Muramasa, I'll go to your uncle!You are the grandpa, and your whole family are grandpas!

This broken spirit base, why can't he get over his mouth addiction!

"Yeah, grandpa!" Ah Xie was stunned for a moment, and finally couldn't help it, sobbing loudly, throwing himself into Shirou's arms.

"Well, Xie." Shirou said softly, Xie finally stopped the sobbing just now.

Even Asuke started shouting excitedly: "Grandpa, grandpa!"

Looking at the innocent appearance of the two, what else can Shirou say?

Grandpa, just grandpa.

Of course it is a choice, to be a grandfather.

After walking for a while, Shirou encountered a few more monsters and ghosts. Of course, they were not that strong, so Shirou also slashed at them to end the battle.

Shirou resisted the urge to tear up these ghosts, it was too bloody and violent, and it felt pitiful to be torn apart.

"Grandpa is amazing!" A Xie said cheerfully, "Much better than those warriors!"

"Huh? Really?" Shirou said casually.This kind of thing is quite normal. Ordinary samurai are of course not very powerful, just like ordinary soldiers basically don't have much strength. Unless they are of the level of solemn knights, Shirou is not much different from ordinary people. The difference maybe with or without weapons?

"Most of those warriors ran away in fright when they saw the ghost, and then after the ghost left, they looked like they were very powerful." A Xie said angrily, "It's useless, and even killed my father. It's just because Dad drank some millet porridge when Ah Zhu was sick, and the rice handed over was a little less!"

Touching Axie's head, Shirou couldn't say anything. Human life is really worthless in this day and age, because such a small amount of taxation costs human life.

"Hey, Xie, how much tax do you charge here?"

"It is said that it is about six public and four people, but in fact, when it is time to collect taxes, generally speaking, you have to pay at least [-]% more."

Six publics and four peoples?

Shirou carefully analyzed the meaning of this sentence. The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large.

In other words, [-]% of the tax is paid to the public grain, and only [-]% is for oneself?

Then there is an extra [-]% for corruption, and the remaining [-]% is actually yours?

No, no, Axie's statement may not be credible. Assuming that the real tax rate is [-]% in name, the actual tax rate can definitely reach [-]%.

This is all a, what a broken age?

Is this little food enough?

"Is there no rebellion or uprising?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

"Well, I heard from others that there seems to be someone who rebelled, and it has something to do with some religion outside the sea." Xiong thought for a while and answered Shirou vaguely.

However, Shirou didn't ask too much. After all, children are children, and unlike the later era, everyone knows a lot. Even children can say the name of the president of another country.

In this era, it has nothing to do with one's own life or death, who cares so much.

But combining the words of the next era and religion, Shirou will understand what is going on.

Shimabara Rebellion.

Even Shiro, who is blind to history, has heard of the event, and the leader is Teishiro Amakusa.Shirou felt quite sympathetic when he knew it at the time. After all, it was a peasant uprising.

Now that there is such an event, what does it mean?It means that in this era, the social contradictions in Japan have reached an extremely serious level. It has already reached the point where Shirou only needs to add a handful of firewood and a little fire to burn and boil.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

This is definitely a good place for revolution!

Author's message:

Today's field practice is so tiring == there is no time for code words at all. I can only take out the computer after returning to the accommodation. The saddest thing is that I have to continue the practice tomorrow.

In addition, maybe Chapter 2 will be available before ten o'clock, right?

Chapter 3 Shirou's New Residence

After thinking about it carefully, Shirou still gave up his plan to engage in revolution in this era.

The main reason is that a certain restraint will definitely come out to stop him, and more importantly, he is not here to make troubles at all, but to kill the people who make troubles.

Besides, he has to forge the knife that can cut off all connections.

There is not so much extra time for him to do this kind of thing that is completely inconsistent with the historical process.

He didn't come to create singularities, let alone give people hearts!Besides, making a revolution is a big project, and it won't be accomplished in a few decades.

"Then why don't you live with the old man?" Shirou suggested, "The old man will provide the accommodation as well."

"Yeah, yeah." Axie nodded, and Ah Zhu, who was only three or four years old on his back, was very happy to hear that, waving his small fist, which was not the size of a steamed bun.

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